DOES GOD REALLY NEED OR EVEN LIKE OUR PRAISE? So my wife and I went out of town this past weekend for my nieces birthday. While in town my sister-in-law invited us to her church. Ive been to this church once before. I know they like to do a lot of themed services which tends to make for lengthy events. We also have two young children who of course arent going to be patient but for so long. I dont mind attending church but Im not a big church goer. So in advance I asked my wife if she knew how long the service would be. She didnt but for her she feels like she would stay regardless of if its 3 or 4 hours. Needless to say her religious beliefs are a little more traditional than mine and she was raised going to church. As Ive stated before, I try not to go back and forth with people about their beliefs (not even my wife) but the conversation did venture into a discussion on worship and praise. Im a yogi and have studied all major religions for 30 years now. I have no problem with praise, worship or glorifying God. However, I tend to spend most of my time in quiet meditation and sadhana. I do feel a sense of gratitude is great but Im not so sure of the value of praise. My personal feelings are that 30 minutes of meditation will help your spiritual growth much more than 4 hours of singing, dancing and praising. I feel most churches focus too much on entertainment to keep members coming to service because people dont like being bored. I also feel that we tend to impose our egoes on to God thinking that if we like praise that He therefore likes it as well. All of this led me to wonder. I think Bill Gates has is so wealthy and has been for so long that it probably doesnt make him feel any better for someone to remind him of how rich he is. Likewise, I feel like if God has created the universe and everything in it does it really glorify Him to remind Him of how great He is? What do you think? How far does praise & worship go with God?
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:24:00 +0000

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