DOES HEXAGONAL SHAPED WATER INFLUENCE YOUR HEALTH? Does scientific evidence exist that structured water is hexagonal? And that most water has a lot of pentagonal shape in it yet water inside your body is far more structured than tap water; water can be very much more able to wet or it can be totally not really able to wet; nor be very absorbant; ok did you know that ordinary water has a surface tension of seventy two dynes( a dyne is a measurement of surface tension) and healthy blood is of a surface tension of an average of 48.369? Your blood is very solvent in relation to ordinary tap water; Did you know that a water molecule is switching backward and forward its Mickey Mouse ears from top to bottom at a rate of ten to the minus eleven times per second? Ok one side is switching to positive and the other negative and this switching is happening so rapidly; ok did you know that the bonding angle can be more relaxed and open so not as much distance is traveled by the hydrogen on the oxygen atom that is making up water such that is this more relax red bonding angle you can fit more water molecule closer together and you also create its more crystalline structure that it has when it is in a hexagonal pattern; it is also by its pattern very much a smaller unit; and it has all of a sudden far more surface area than it had; for whae. Water is at its finest memory it has a lot more hydrogen in it than oxygen; and its pattern being much smaller entrains water to its smallest possible pattern as a wave and this is what structured water is Structured water is hexagonal in shape; and did you know that you have various layers of water if you read about this in secrets of an alkaline body; you find that there is three layers of water; and only one of these waters fits into the enzyme of life and its a hexagonal shape that does this; so you have an x layer that is of the water that is of life you have a y layer that can connect to this as indicated here; and you have a z layer that can connect on the outside of this; it is y shaped water that only fits a dimension to facilitate enzymatic reaction; is this why the bees figured out that hexagonal honey comb is the best design to keep honey? Did you know that there is a portal between the moon and the earth that allows hydrogen in and out? The total volume of water the earth has has been growing that the earth has had to expand to accommodate all this new hydrogen that accumulates every day on the earth; for at the moment we have about one point four billion kilo metric meters to the third; some of this water is ice about only two point fifteen percent is ice ; and the rest of it continuously is supposed to go through a hydrological cycle to mature; what temperature water comes out of the earth can tell you many things including if the water is mature or not; You have about sixty percent of your body having water inside of itself; and you have the rest out side the cell extra cellular; and some smaller percent inside the cardiovascular system; ok What happens to water when it enters a vortex and magnetic field as it does inside your heart? Did you know that much element can be biologically transmutated by your lifecolloid into other element? That water is used to creat all the material necessary to have any other material like thread for clothing? Did you know that water acts as an environmental shock absorber? Water is the essence of life and directly connected to your vitality; did you know that water has its maximal loading point at exactly fourty two degrees F ? And that its freezing temperature can be still allowing some water to flow inside crystals that have hollow tubing? Did you know that snow flkes formed out side the flower shop have a pattern and also that which fell outside a butcher shop too? So Im not saying anything that you dont already know but water has memory that it has little hollow sphere inside it called clathrate that act as oscillating circuits that can be entrained to receive information and also transmit this as well; ok A maximum density is reached at four degrees Celsius or fourty two degrees farenheit; ok did you know that it has such anomalies that it wants to remain stable longer than other material in maintaining its temperature; and it has enourmous anomaly at what temperature it boils and freezes at also; and how structured the water is plays a large role; all life water is structured to be hexagonal in its shape and it should be of its smallest pattern as this is so your blood can absob nutrient and also carry waste away ok check out your as live and tell me if its wet slippery and thin or very sticky love David more about this later xxx
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 05:48:25 +0000

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