DOES IT MATTER AFTER ALL?.......................2 As I walked - TopicsExpress


DOES IT MATTER AFTER ALL?.......................2 As I walked into the room of four people, the very first person I noticed was this gentleman with serious look on his face and his eyes roaming around as if trying to read each one around himself. I introduced myself to him “I am Shakti, you must be Aman”. He gave me a look back. I knew that look. It is one of those look that a boy receives from a girl in canteen. He approaches and asks her meekly “Can I know your name? I find you very beautiful.” and then he feels demeaned. Turning her back to the boy she would shrug off her shoulder and gesture to her friends sitting around the table. And soon all the girls would burst out laughing. I felt demeaned, but kept my calm and soon Aman came down from the cradle embarked in the heaven to reality of earth. “Yes I am, how did you know?”, “From Mr.Rajesh, he told me to show you all your respective work-desks and I am the immediate superior to whom you will report.” The next moment all people were standing facing me to address them. I smiled to them before saying “I am kidding, I am one among you but anyways thanks for your full attention.” I had always dreamed to apply this trick ever since the time I had learnt it in the first year of my college. Every eyes present in the room were scornful towards my smile of accomplishment. A little while later when everyone got seated I grew a little less proud of my action, but I tried to reason myself that it was a reflex action and it’s a trifle thing. And I hoped they were mature enough to understand pranks. If they didn’t then I tell myself ‘Does it matter after all? I hope not.’ I turned my attention towards Aman and enquired about his residence and. He was uninterested in finding an accommodation as he already had got one. He explains to me “I have some high goal before me, in life, and I would prefer, no disturbance from fellow roommate over unserious petty things. You know, those unnecessary typical young fella things.” I smiled “That’s exactly what I too am looking for. “ I asked him where he got the room: it was a little uncomfortable place as per I knew. He saw eye to eye with me the importance of finding a place that was a comfortable accommodation. And we moved in to a great apartment with separate rooms for both of us. After the initial shock I gave to the people in the room we joined each other introducing ourselves. “Hi, I am Gauri”, “ Hi, am Abhilasha”, “ And I am Suchismitta”. Before we could get into further details Mr.Rajesh interrupted to lead us to the seminar room for briefing. We joined the room filled of people which seemed an eye-full to me. The room was semi dark and we needed to make it to the empty group of chairs. It’s always a hectic job to look out for the passage in dark, unless you desire a tumbling fall right on your face, and at the same time you keep on seeking for the empty chairs right out of the corner of your eyes, unless you don’t want to arrive at the place which is already filled up but it wasn’t a little time before. I felt it arduous performing both. Gauri commented “Doesn’t it feel like we are soon going to watch a movie, and please wake me up when the show gets over.” It was already hard for me to concentrate on two jobs right in front of me when Gauri saddled me up to find the pun intended in her comment. Except me everybody laughed. Aman and the girls breezed into the ally without bothering the people already seated. I was clumsy and noticed the girls get seated and the empty seats beside them get filled up by persons coming from the other side of the ally. I turned my head to find another place but the room seemed quite filled up. I swore on god, and god thanked me back with a fall as I tumbled on the steps. In that short moment when I could feel myself going to crash on the floor on my face, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I knew very well that this will be the joke of the month for every time we go to lunch together. A horrible way to start a new chapter in life. If this happened a few days later when we could have been better friends and I would be getting a balmy expression of concern rather than chuckles right now, when they haven’t forgotten the punk I played on them a little while ago. I felt a hand squeezing my arms. I was already on my knees. My fall got halted half way. I felt another arm holding my hand by my palm as someone tried to get me up. The person was pressing ones palm trying to push me up, while the persons another hand squeezing my arms strained in the effort to hold me through. I was filled with relief but bothered with a feeling which was completely new. I tried analyzing, ’I was on a free fall so my heart beat must have picked up pace, I know the rhythm of my heart beat when I fall. Ever since my childhood I didn’t even remember how many times got punished by my parents for getting a fall because most of the time I was careless and got hurt and upon that I got a beating for falling down. Usually after the fall, the feeling of butterflies in my stomach would go on for a while, until now. This time I was feeling butterflies in my heart.’ I was worried about the palm that was trying to get me up. I was praying that I didn’t squeeze or plaster the palms too tightly while I tried to straighten myself up. “Are you ok Shakti?” I was asked concern fully. And my analysis got completed when I looked into the person and approved “I am fine.” “Let me show you the way, of course if you don’t want to fall again.” I held up to the hand till we got seated. I felt like a child again where I was just saved by a friend from getting a imaginary beating from audience, which of course would had been humiliating. I needed to show my gratitude, “Abhilasha, thanks for saving me.” While I was sitting there wondering over the feel of her palm. Hoped I didn’t hurt her, she had too soft a hand to hold mine. I was smiling at myself now, while I was doing two things in the dark room. I am reclining as far as I could in my seat, trying to look at her out of the corner of my eye. And all this while, I was chiding myself. Telling myself I wasn’t a baby who needed to be pulled by hands so why didn’t I let her hand go. I kept smiling at myself while some lady on the stage babbled about some company ideologies.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 07:52:18 +0000

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