DOES THE GOD EXIST .... ?? Once we look at the Global scenario, - TopicsExpress


DOES THE GOD EXIST .... ?? Once we look at the Global scenario, only two religions are present 1. Religion of Prayer… Based on theory of believing in GOD. 2. Religion of Meditation…. Based of theory of going toward inside of your self without believing in GOD or it called theory of existence. Religion can be defined as faith in GOD to maintain a certain / ideal standard in so many social and personal transactional aspect in life of an individual. It has been feeded / thought to us for thousands of years by certain lobby of Pandits & Purohits ( off course, their employment interest might be involved ) to make us controlled on various negativitys like Greed, Jeolsy, sensations, temptation etc through out the course of life. Every thing, which is eventually eventing in Galaxy ( Movement of millions of planet in thousand of solar system with specific time & source of beginning and death ) or in one’s life that is predefined based on destiny on account of astrological reasons involved in that. Astrology has been proved to believe as a science as of now. Which demonstrate the existence and influence of different planet / satellite of our solar system on one’s individual life through their gravitational force / movements. These all planet like SUN, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Upper nodal ( Rahu ) / Lower nodal ( Ketu ) have been given noun / quoted as powerful influential or God as mentioned in Hindu mythology as described in all four Vedas. The factor of God is to be considered as strong source of Inspiration, fear or Consolation going into the fact of predefining aspect of Life’s flow as is also supported by other theory mentioned in Vedic Hindu mythology about Prarabdh, Sanchit and Kriyanmar “karma based life’s aspect”. Once Good thing happens to our life, we always pay thanks to GOD based on our belief and conviction. Once approaching to some auspicious / important event, on account of uncertainty / fear factor, we never forget to remember GOD. Some what it help us in increasing eternity, orientation and objectivity during the course of event. Once approaching to inauspicious / painful event in our life, we seek consolation by divine super power to have courage to overcome the challenges, which is again based on our belief system. No body have seen the GOD or paradise on this earth or in space, however the Theory of Prayer ( to whom, we consider more powerful, caring, influential and compensating ) is believed and applied through out the world based on their different mythology. All the actions in Human being life can be controlled by two things 1. His / Her energy system could be defined in terms of Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. 2. His / Her thoughts based on custom, education, awareness, feelings and experiences Application of these two factors in day to day life of an individual is needed and important and this shall actually decide the happening of future.... One can’t change the predefined, however it could be redefined as Gravity and intensity of any Good or Bad happening in one’s life can be controlled or redefining to some extant by the quality application of these energies and thoughts. Since the presence of these two ( Energy and thought ) factors are common in each one of us..... and greatly dominating all predefined and also redefining, could be considered as “Super Devine force” and with its availability with in us, I shall accept the availability of GOD with in all of us.. !!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:40:04 +0000

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