DOES YOUR COMPANY HAVE A MENTAL HEALTH PLAN? When people have emotional or psychological problems, their work performance may suffer. They may not be able to concentrate well. They may have to be frequently absent or late. Their negative mood and attitudes may infect others around them, and they may get into conflicts with their co-workers. Your best people may even resign out of depression or stress. While many people are able to get support from family, friends and co-workers for their personal problems, there are situations when counseling by an outside party will be more helpful. PowerVision’s counselors and affiliated financial and legal consultants can help your employees deal with issues like: - stress, anxiety and fears - marriage, family, love life and other interpersonal conflicts or relationship problems - anger, depression, suicidal thoughts - low self-esteem, insecurities, shyness or social anxiety - work-life balance - life and career direction - personality problems - financial burdens, getting out of debt - legal problems - trauma, grief and abuse Your employees can consult our pool of counselors through face-to-face meetings, phone, webcam chat or email. We provide these services with the assurance that employees receive the confidentiality they need to trust us with their most private thoughts, while maintaining our accountability to company management. We abide by the Code of Ethics of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association ( With this “mental health” or wellness plan in place, you can expect to have happier employees, higher productivity and improved teamwork. And you will even gain a competitive edge in your recruitment and retention efforts, since you will be one of the few companies in the Philippines offering this service to your people! Concerned about your budget? You probably spend more on providing meals during meetings or giving tokens at special events, which are taken for granted and soon forgotten. The counseling or coaching your people will get from PowerVision EAP will endear them to your company and potentially make a lifetime impact on each person served. And of course, high employee morale translates to increased productivity and profitability for your company. Contact us today at 224-2073. We will be glad to discuss how we can tailor a program for you.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 15:22:34 +0000

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