DOES YOUR SYSTEM THROUGH UP AND REJECT PERFECTLY GOOD FOOD FROM GOD AND THE BIBLE …… I’M GLAD I EAT GOOD FOOD, FIX GOOD FOOD AND HAVE BEEN FED BY GOOD SPIRITUAL CHEFS…………………BUT…really IT’S your, my, our CHOICE…………somebody FIX you, I, we PERFECTLY good food, and we THROW IT all up in the toilet, on the drive way, RIGHT in front of they FACE at the KITCHEN table………………….. …………I ATE A GOOD SPIRITUAL MEAL TODAY. - “YOU’RE THE ONE FOR GOD TO USE IN GENERATION J.” – I THROW UP MY MEXICAN FRIENDS FOOD one day………………………this is GOOD FOOD, GOD TELLS US ABOUT HIS CHURCH…….but some aren’t USED to it. THEY THROW it up and think CHURCH is a BAD things…………..And they think THIS CAN’T happen NOW days……………..Acts 2: 42-47 ……….41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls…..42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers……43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles……44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;….45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need……46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,……47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved…. ………….Their SPIRIT says, I DON’T need NOBODY to teach me. I’M my OWN apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist….and THREE THOUSAND souls AINT gonna be saved at once at our church. (MY pastor is too boring they say. WHILE you wonder WHY they are there SUPPORTING him or her) And they say, DON’T nobody FEAR our church. ………and there are NO SIGNS, WONDERS…..and we CERTAINLY don’t have ALL things in common. Me and Brother so and so or Sister what’s her face DON’T get along at all. And DO you ever think I’d sell one of my THREE cars and give the MONEY to the CHURCH. LOL! YOU’RE an IDIOT. ……And I certainly AINT breaking bread in my house with NONE of MY CHURCH members…..and THAT ONE ACCORD stuff AINT happening. TOO many churches for that to happen. And WE PRAISE GOD, but we don’t have favor with the COMMUNITY. It’s fifty people at my church, and it will always be FIFTY…Don’t nobody WANT GOD no more. So it’s not our FAULT…GOD has changed. HE’S not as GOOD as HE used to be in Acts, and this is 2014……Give me a BREAK. The whole community is WICKED…and THE LORD aint added NOBODY, and I don’t even invite, and when I invite, NOBODY comes, and when they come, NOBODY really makes them feel welcome. The pastor don’t PREACH GOOD that day, and somebody talks about the way the SINNER DRESSES coming to church…………………….so what is happening………………IS ALL THIS GOOD BIBLE FOOD……..Someone’s SYSTEM is REJECTING. They feel it won’t HAPPEN……….AND THEY THROW it all up, RIGHT AFTER they are FED it……………………………………….They are USED TO NASTY FOOD…………AND THAT’S what they like………….NOT ME, AND NOT YOU……….WE BELIEVE INCREDIBLE BIBLE STORY FOOD for THEN, and NOW………………………………. ……………I GO TO A GREAT CHURCH, and have a GOOD SENIOR PASTOR, and other PASTORS in our CHURCH……….Church doesn’t save me, and being a prophet and pastor myself, I CAN feed myself, but MANY times I NEED someone else to feed me. ESPECIALLY someone FEEDING me, with A WHOLE ARMY, CALLED DREAM CENTER (MY CHURCH) ……..It’s a big OUT REACH church…..IT doesn’t really do BROAD CASTS. That’s fine. Every church can’t do everything. Someone like ME and YOU should be an EXTENSION of our GOD and CHURCHES, and what they don’t feel led to do, THAT IS WHERE GOD CALLS US. That’s why EXPLOSIVE DREAM CITY CHURCH will be a little different. EVERYTHING SHOULD KEEP EXPANDING. (out reach MINISTRY is GREAT)……….I ALWAYS FEEL BROAD CASTS is what some CHURCHES should do too. NOT my CHURCH I am a member of……but church GOD has me pasturing. So when members in the congregation want to write books, be on television, radio, internet broad casts, GOD will have taken me there first. I LIKE TO FEED HUGE AMBITION IN CHRIST KINGDOM to people………………………I KNOW ALL can’t do these things, BUT what YOU, I, WE, feed, EVENTUALLY someone likes it…………… ……………………….I DO FEEL GOD IS CALLING SOME TO PASTOR, MANY………..Maybe not, but the WAY HE has me thinking, IN ORDER to MINISTER THAT, I don’t know who and who isn’t…………..SO THEREFORE I figured EVERYONE is, that way if it’s just ONE…so be it. I DON’T KNOW WHO THE ‘ONE’ IS……so WE preach to the MILLION, and the ‘ONE’ will know who they are. A CALL TO THE WILD, is SO IT WILL GET A SPIRITUAL RESPONSE, and the HOLY SPIRIT will say to YOU………That preacher, JESUS TRUMPET, is talking to YOU……………………SOMEBODY HAS TO DO IT….. ……………Okay. THINGS HAPPEN in life YEARS and YEARS, and YOU remember them, and then SUDDENLY ONE DAY, GOD tells you HOW that applies to your LIFE, calling, SOMETHING for the future…………I WAS IN Nebraska. I had this guy friend. He was married with a good wife and like four kids. He couldn’t speak English, but we worked together for about six months. We strained to understand each other. I only knew a few Spanish words. He only knew a few English. Yet he’d give me a ride home, sold me a car, and we got along so well. …………………..SOME HOW we were CLOSE anyway……..He invited me to his house a few times. We’d drink Tequila and Mexican liquor. (ESPECIALLY him) So his daughter graduated from high school. BEING A CLOSE FAMILY, HE celebrated and threw her a BIG CELEBRATION and invited me and many others. HIS WIFE COOKED A BIG MEXICAN MEAL….real AUTHENTIC. Not the stuff you get ini Mexican Restaurants. (YOUR STOMACH IS USED TO THAT) His wife cooked a REAL MEXICAN MEAL, like HOME MADE. And they had music in his garage, set up tables, and SUCH a nice family celebration. But he started me to drinking. LOL! He was like that. “YOU’D EITHER DRINK WITH HIM, or HE’D be offended. So I drank a couple of drinks. And then they bought the food. It did look good, smell good. And it actually TASTED good, but my stomach wasn’t used to it……… …………..I WAS eating it REAL fast, and HE was watching to see if I enjoyed it, and SO PROUD of his wife’s cooking and wanting ME to enjoy FOOD from his country, AUTHENTIC food…………………………………..I was sitting in the garage and his whole family there, and SUDDENLY………..I had to THROW up. THE FOOD WASN’T nasty, BUT when YOU are NOT USED TO EATING REAL AUTHENTIC FOOD from somewhere, (and you mixing liquor) YOU may throw it up. YOUR STOMACH isn’t used to it. IT’S GOOD FOOD, but YOUR stomach is used to what it’s USED to………….SO I RUSHED out of the GARAGE. (I didn’t want to throw up in his and his family face.) And I made it out to their DRIVE WAY, and it ALL….ALL OF IT CAME UP, on their DRIVE WAY……….I was SO EMBARASSED, and FELT so BAD, and I COULDN’T even speak Spanish GOOD enough to REALLY EXPLAIN. I tried and tried. I KEPT SAYING AND MAKING motions to let him know, “THE FOOD WAS GOOD. VERY GOOD. YOUR WIFE’S COOKING IS GOOD. YOUR COUNTRY FOOD IS GOOD. NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. I shouldn’t have DRANK before eating it, and my stomach just ate it TOO FAST…SORRY.”…….HE was so NICE ABOUT IT, and seemed to UNDERSTAND. They even JOKED in Spanish about me. LOL! (that probably said, THIS BLACK GUY FROM THE HOOD AINT USED TO NO REAL SPANISH FOOD. HE’S BEEN EATING ALL THAT SOUL FOOD. HE’S SUCH AN IDIOT…..LOL!)……………..YOU SAY what’s my point. Also when my ex wife and I were married, her mom made FOOD for THANKS GIVING one HOLIDAY as we LIVED in Atlanta. My wife and her mom was from Barbados. THEY DIDN’T FIX NO TURKEY, DRESSING, CRAN BERRY SAUCE, MACARONI…… …………………NOTHING I was used to. BARBADOS Thanksgiving food………………………………….NOW I DID HATE that FOOD. I was so mad. MY STOMACH WAS READY FOR FOOD I was used to. I WAS POLITE…..but I said, NEVER AGAIN……..I LIKE THANKSGIVING FOOD I’M used to…………….WHAT IS MY POINT……………….I UNDERSTAND……………(This is why I really WOULDN’T care sometimes to speak to other people’s flock. THEY USED TO eating what they been eating from their pastors.)………………………..MY PASTOR’S FOOD IS GOOD…AND FOOD I GREW UP WITH, GOOD……AND FOOD I FEED MYSELF FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT NOW….is GOOD. My STOMACH is used to it. BUT IF YOU, ANYONE been growing up HEARING A CERTAIN type of MESSAGE………………..AND I COME WITH ALL THISE JESUS LOVING, JESUS POWERFUL, KINGDOM AMBITION, YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST, HE WANTS YOU TO BE FRUITFUL, MULTIPLY, AND BE AN EXPLOSIVE DREAM CITY FANATIC……………………………………………………………..IT WILL BE GOOD FOOD. (Better than what YOU EVER ATE, in my HUMBLE opinion)………………BUT MOST aren’t USED TO IT. ……………….Lol! YOU USED to…………… …………………………………………….LET GOD do EVERYTHING and I HAVE no control over nothing, and TO WANT TO PREACH to the WORLD is DUMB, ARROGANT, and LET SOMEONE ELSE ALREADY BIG do it……………………………………………..THAT IS THE MESSAGE many are USED to…………………………SO SOMETIMES a MAN of GOD don’t even want to preach, teach a FLOCK somebody else been feeding. LIKE TRYING TO MAKE LOVE TO SOME BODY’S WIFE, or RAISE THEIR KIDS, or TEACH A GROWN STUBBORN MAN…………………………………………..THE ONE WHO THEY USED TO, BAD, OR GOOD………….is who they like………………………………………………………… when YOU BEEN listening to the devil and weak faith people, and all you heard taught was Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and somebody come along and teach you OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT…………………you may THROW IT ALL UP….RIGHT ON THEIR DRIVE WAY………..but AFTER A WHILE………GOD will let YOU STARVE, and little by little, YOU WILL GET USED TO IT, CAUSE there won’t be MUCH else to EAT……and AFTER A WHILE, YOU WILL WANT SPIRITUAL OLYMPIICS FOOD to win the GOLD FOR GOD……………………………………………….
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 19:41:29 +0000

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