DOGGY ICE-BLOCKS Keep your pups cool and relaxed during the hot - TopicsExpress


DOGGY ICE-BLOCKS Keep your pups cool and relaxed during the hot Australian summer and New Years Eve celebrations with our recipes for safe and healthy Doggy Ice-Blocks: 1. Mix your dogs favourite kibble, treats and dog-friendly vegetables/fruit with pure organic chicken stock and freeze the mixture in an ice cube tray or cups. Pop one out when they need a treat and help them cool down. 2. Alternatively, you can add a couple of these plain frozen chicken stock cubes to their food dish during mealtime. 3. Make big blocks of flavored ice in a milk jug or small bucket for an outdoor treat that will last all afternoon. 4. Mix some cooked and mashed fresh pumpkin — not pumpkin pie filling — or cooked mashed Sweet Potato and mix with some organic vegetable or chicken stock; freeze into ice cube trays for a different spin. You can also throw in some refrigerated baby carrots or frozen peas and green beans for cool, nutritious treats. You can also use fruit - chop up bits of apple, pear or put berries in stock and freeze in an ice-tray (see photo). Also ensure the stock doesnt contain any doggy no-no ingredients such as onions (you might even prefer to make your own homemade stock). 5. Pet-Friendly Ice Cream Mix together four tablespoons of plain low-fat Greek or goats milk yogurt, two ripe bananas and peanut butter. Freeze the mixture in a container with a lid and scoop it out like ice cream. If your dog is lactose intolerant, substitute the yoghurt with a rice milk or coconut milk/juice or a lactose-free yoghurt (just ensure the latter doesnt contain any soy). 6. Hollow Toy Filling Suggestions Fill and freeze a hollow toy overnight (we recommend Kong Treat Balls and Treat Bones) to make a cool treat that lasts all day. Fill it with: Non-fat plain yogurt Peanut butter Vegemite (for Aussies); Vegemite can also help with cats who are struggling to eat (this stuff is dynamite in the rescue world to help with animals who struggle to eat; even cats like it). Chicken broth with beef jerky Mashed bananas Cooked mashed pumpkin and/or sweet potato Dog-friendly berries and fruits (ensure no pips are accidentally mixed in, as some contain carcinogen) Low-fat cottage cheese 7. You might to also freeze large containers of plain clean water and put out throughout the day, to ensure your dog has cool water to drink all day long.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:48:05 +0000

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