DOING IT WITH OUR BOOTS ON: REFLECTIONS ON A WEIRD WEEK Like zydeco, effective community activism is a blend of genre and styles. I must admit this week has been overshadowed by defeats and setbacks. The events surrounding the proposed high rise in Butchertown and challenges on many other community fronts left me feeling very down. The many methods of public manipulation, the rampant crony economics, the mythology that buy local has become, our addiction to window-dressing in lieu of actual deeds and real leadership discourage me. But events within the last 48 hours have reminded me of the many smart, impassioned people who continue to do what they can to take this community to a new level. I frequently forget they are there. I assume they have lost steam. Like the fellow in this video, I often retreat and just practice my own jig with my headphones on. This week, when I removed them and looked around, I was reminded how many continue to work in their own way. And though we dont always agree, our ultimate aims are very much the same--to live in a community where we all can thrive. They are informed and not coasting on bull and fluff. They are relentless. This is my salute to the many smart people who are doing the homework and working not to look important, but to make a real difference in big ways and small. You are awesome and I am humbled (and energized) to be in your company. Alone or in concert, we are doing it with their boots on. Lookin good.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:13:50 +0000

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