DON’T LOOSE STEAM CAUSE EVERYONE DOESN’T SEE YOUR DREAM! Are you insistent, consistent, and persistent no matter what others think of you or your calling? Are you determined no matter how much others undermine you. We are called to righteousness and to fulfill our destiny in Christ and bringing light into the darkness and exposing it; is part and parcel of that destiny. What the Word says in regards to the Wise. (23) These also are for the wise: To have respect of persons in judgment is not good. (24) He who says to the wicked, You are righteous; the people shall curse him and nations shall abhor him. (25) But to those who rebuke him, it shall be a delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them. Proverbs 24:23-25 It is righteous not to respect one person over another in judgment, it is unrighteous to call a wicked person righteous in the eyes of God. But to the contrary it is a righteous action to openly, honestly, from the love of God; rebuke the wicked, especially if steps have been taken to attempt a private resolution. God will bless the person who has a balanced assessment , whom respects no person’s position when it comes to their wicked deed, and who is bold enough to rebuke them and to declare what is right. One false assumption in the body of Christ today is using judgment in the course of our spiritual experience, fruit inspection is always relevant and prevalent concerning practicing the principles of God. Credibility and popularity do not always run in the same vein of the mindset of the populace, one only has to look to the dichotomy of the mentality concerning partiality in the populace to know that just because someone is deemed popular does not necessarily mean they’re credible. But there do exist people who are both popular and credible. However when it comes to ourselves as Christians; we will always have those whom we are popular with and unpopular with and credible and unaccredited. Hence there are always two sides to a coin, for instance Jesus was popular with the common people, but unpopular with those in authority both religious and political. His popularity scared them, because it threatened their own authority and in their thoughts would make them less relevant and have less power over those with which they ruled over. Notice Jesus always vehemently rebuked hypocrites, without apology or fear no matter the position they held. Putting this into perspective; there will always be those whom try to undermine our credibility when we are being credible, and undermine our popularity when we are popular. Jealousy, Fear, and Insecurity are often the reasons behind most people’s agenda whom undermine those whom are both credible and popular. It is one thing to truly assess a person’s credibility by their actions which can be seen then come to a conclusion, and another thing to undermine their popularity just because they are likable to others. However those who trust in the Lord shall renew their strength, those who stand upon his Word shall be established in the Kingdom, and shall have the love and admiration of the Lord. It is better to be credible with the Lord than to be popular with people. When we have the favor of God, there will exist a fear in some that will provoke them to undermine us, when we have favor with God there will exist a jealousy in some that will provoke them to alienate us, when we have favor with God there will exist in some an insecurity that will provoke them to marginalize us. Only those whom have achieved maturity will be able to join into the joy and jubilation of those God truly favors because of the spirit to spirit discernment that is developed which births that maturity. Popularity with God’s people is the result of God’s favor and an inroad to be a positive spiritual influence within the confines of that particular calling. The Character of God is evident in those He favors and furthers for his own agenda and glory, but not without repercussions of the fiery darts of the enemy who many times uses carnal minded Christians and carnal minded people of the world to undermine God anointing and authority which he has endowed us with. Always remember that Satan always retaliates when we hurt him through exposing unrighteousness! Brethren keep the faith today, by setting the trump of God to your mouths and blow the sound of alarm, of spiritual warfare, and of righteousness, not respecting any person no matter what their position or station in life is. Speak the truth in love, but with the firmness that the Spirit of the Living God has given us to declare it. Curry the favor of God and his Righteousness above all things and the blessings of God will follow in due season. Selah! Shalom & Agape!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 04:19:26 +0000

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