DON MACKAY I find it ironic ( and quite disturbing) that we have - TopicsExpress


DON MACKAY I find it ironic ( and quite disturbing) that we have a living >PRISONER OF WAR< held captive in Afghanistan, for the past FIVE YEARS NOW, by a known Al-Qaida tied terrorist group, called, the "Haqqani network". this radical, Islamic, group of murderous, terrorist, have extended offers to release SSGT. Bowe Bergdhal to President Obama,in exchange for several of the useless crap piles we have been wasting untold millions "housing" at Guantamono. But Pres. Obama refuses even dialogue with this group, citing U.S. policy of non negotiation in respect to terrorist, leaving Bowe, and his family, to languish in uncertainty, fear, and confusion for almost five years now? meanwhile this same president, elected on a platform assembled on the promise of ending a war, and bringing our troops home, not only is failing in that regard, and miserably so, but, is actually arming and supplying Al-Qaida linked rebels in Syria!! yes!! the very enemy he has taking an oath to defend us from, and has promised to eradicate, and bring to an end, the hostilities we are currently still very much involved, this very same group, he has decided, after long deliberate sessions of polishing his Nobel peace prize. He has decided the arming and support of our enemies, the breach of his sworn oath,and personal promises to the American people, all these things are obviously fluid, and negotiable, however, the narrow minded, paint yourself in a corner , archaic policies of days gone past, of a world stage, set in a very different time, the policy of not acknowledging,not recognizing, not communicating, a policy of deliberate indifference to a single group of individuals, this testosterone treatise, this! this! we can not waver from nor can we show the least bit of flexibility??? this non-policy, of non-action, amounts to dereliction on not only our president , but all the Washington political, as well as, our military leaders. And even the American people themselves, all of us! responsible, for the pathetic and inexcusable inaction that has been the norm for too long. the majority of Americans have never even heard of BOWE BERGDHAL. why??? sitting idly by, on their hands and doing NOTHING as one of our brave soldiers endures God only knows what, for the past five years. I ask anyone reading this, of reasonable mind, explain the logic in this travesty ,please !! someone! anyone? as a veteran myself I am embarrassed by our military, and as an American I am ashamed of our government!!! and anyone wanting to wave the flag and question my patriotism, please save the energy and devote it to the release/rescue/return of SSGT.BOWE BERGDHAL U.S.ARMY SOLDIER, to Haley Idaho, and his worried, loving mother and father. thank anyone who took time to read this , God bless you, God bless BOWE , and God bless our president, that he receives guidance, and God bless the United States Of America.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 00:30:51 +0000

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