****** DONATIONS NEEDED URGENTLY ******* Tony was in a very - TopicsExpress


****** DONATIONS NEEDED URGENTLY ******* Tony was in a very dark depression last night , was on here till nearly 5 am with him because I was so worried about him and hes not doing much better tonight . He is very worried they will walk the streets and not wanting to go living the life they do . He kept begging me to tell him they were going to walk the streets so he could go and take some of his dads old tablets and end it all . Of course I wouldnt do that .. and do still believe that there are good people out there who DO care about them and who will help stop that happening . Over half of what his brother gets and half what has been donated so far has been used already and theres still another 3 weeks to get through . The hotel rates have come down during the week now and a little bit at the weekends .. so it would be a real shame if they had to leave just as the rates have gone down . The next couple of weeks are going to be even harder for Tony and his brother , the 22nd would of been his dads birthday . Before his death his father was in hospital for 3 months solid . During that time Tony found a hotel right next to the hospital and spent virtually all day every day at his dads bedside . Only leaving it to check that his brother and 2 little dogs were ok back in the hotel . He often tells me how much he misses his dad and says he was his hero who would hug him and tell him things were going to be OK when he was so terrified . He misses that and being able to talk to his dad and see his dad so much and has still not really been able to move on and see him and talk to him in his thoughts instead when he needs him . Just yesterday he told me he woke up and forgot his dad was dead and was shouting for him and trying to find him and his learning disabled brother brother had to remind him that their dad had died . He can feel the depression starting to creep in again and knows as the birthday gets closer it will only get worse . Please lets at least make sure they stay safe in their room and have a bed to sleep in and 4 walls and a roof for protection . He has tried reaching out to somewhere that helps the homeless but the person he needs to talk with is off sick .. so hes been told to try again today . please keep everything crossed and pray that maybe they might be able to get help from there and be to conquer their fears and get help . Its not easy for them to ask for help when so many let them down when they have trusted them and they are so scared that he might get his brother taken from him . Of course the depression creeping in doesnt help either , that just makes him feel theres no point in living such a miserable life any more and makes him lose all hope of getting out of this mess hes in . Hes just told me he called and spoke with someone but all they could give him was numbers for homeless shelters and that wont work for them because they cant stay during the day . He has also tried to contact their department of human services to talk to social services but the number is permanently engaged .. so he cant get through to anyone there either . In spite of all this though his brother and 2 little dogs keep him going . They mean the world to him and always come first . Just the other day he made sure he got more dog food from the dollar store and yesterday made sure his brother had a burger when theyd not eaten all day . They come first and are always provided for even if it means going without himself . This isnt good though especially as he is not sleeping , always very thirsty and keeps having dizzy headaches which make me worry that he may have something like diabetes or prostate problems which he really should get checked out . The problem is that when theres not enough money to cover a bed to sleep in or food to eat then theres no money for health insurance or hospital bills either so he just cant get checked out . His brother needed to go to urgent care for treatment because of an infected cut he had ... and even with insurance he was still landed with a bill for $200 that Tony is paying off at $20 a month . Someone posted about how much their hospital bill was and asked what happens when its someone that cant pay . There were lots of comments on the thread saying its us hard working tax payers who cover it .. but reality is they simply can have treatment because theres not money to pay for it . So many have health issues that should be checked out and treated but expensive tests and medicines are just not able to be paid for . Please give what you can to this family and keep them in your prayers ... remember Tony hasnt dumped his dogs at the shelter when things got tough . He wont hear of anyone else caring for them because he knows they and his brother are so important in his life and what keeps him alive a lot of the time . He couldnt bear the thought of anyone mistreating either his brother or his dogs and is determined no matter how hard things get they stay together . Yes I have been asking for help for this family now for a while . That is because they are in very desperate need and cant find help from anywhere else . Social services you cant get through to on the phone .. yes hes tried lots of times but its always engaged . Someone gave them another number to try and they have but all they could offer was numbers for homeless shelters which is no good to them . If anyone has any other numbers they can call let me have them . This family are very dear friends who I have been there for when no one else has so many times now . They are very precious to me and whilst they need my help I will be here doing all I can for them . True friendship has no time limit and you are there when needed no matter how long that is ... at least thats how I see it and thats why I will carry on doing these to try and help them .. If you want to give or help then do .. if you dont then just scroll past . Remember though its no one being prepared to give them a solution that means they are still in need .. not that they just want to sit back in a hotel room and live this way . I CAN ASSURE YOU THEY DONT Please try and understand and help me make sure they stay safe with a small donation and share the fund raiser wherever you can ... thank you xxx youcaring/help-a-neighbor/update-on-my-friend-please-support-them-/226662
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 20:49:55 +0000

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