DONATIONS: On The Hunt! When BirD-elicious! re-started our - TopicsExpress


DONATIONS: On The Hunt! When BirD-elicious! re-started our business/sanctuary back up we said that we would be on the look out for a couple of reputable avian rescues/sanctuaries we could eventually donate in kind food and toys to. We did this when we were in business back in 2003-2008. We had about 7 rescues/sanctuaries that we donated BirD-elicious! foods and BEST Bird Toys! too. Best Friends Parrot Garden was one of the recipients and it was not uncommon for us to donate upwards to $700.00 worth of food and toys about every 6-8 weeks to their cause. We also donated to several smaller avian rescues. We also had a pilot program where the rescues/sanctuaries were allowed to sell our foods and toys to make a percentage off to help support their organization. We will not be offering that program this time around; it was an accounting nightmare! Well we are still on the hunt for a couple of very reputable rescues/sanctuaries that will be receiving our in kind donations this time around once we rebuild our business to the point we can donate again. Just like it takes time to rebuild our business, IT ALSO TAKES TIME TO ESTABLISH A RELATIONSHIP OF TRUST WITH AN ORGANIZATION THAT MAKES US WANT TO DONATE TO IT! We have been searching for such organizations since we have returned to the avian community and unfortunately we are not finding organizations that are 1) NOT intertwined with cliques or cabals. 2) Truly in this for the birds, but rather in this for the donations. 3) Do not care about feeding really, really well and feed junk to their birds. 4) Are not open to listening about the quality of toys they allow in their birds environments. Yes, we know it requires a lot of funds to feed really, really well. Yes, we know it requires a lot of funds to utilize only the best made toys. But IF you are really concerned about the overall health and benefit of the birds you care for you will make these items a priority for your birds AND you will educate the people that adopt your birds requiring them to sign an agreement that they, too will provide only the best for the bird(s) they adopt from you. This entire program of rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing should be about the proper husbandry of these magnificent birds, NOT about flipping birds for any kind of benefit to us humans. So...the HUNT for these kinds of rescues/sanctuaries is on. When, IF we find this kind of organizations this is who BirD-elicious! will be donating to. 1) No involvement in cliques and cabals. 2) Truly for the birds in every possible way. 3) Feeds really, really well. 4) Willing to change out poor quality toys to high grade toys that are the safest made. 5) BirD-elicious! will not donate through any other organization, clique or cabal; we will self-donate.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:19:15 +0000

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