DONBASS-INFORMATION : 01.01.2015 : HAPPY NOVOROSSIYAN NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! Have a great time tonight. My hope: Peace & Happiness for all in 2015! Mensaje de Año Nuevo del Teniente Coronel Givi. Subtítulos en inglés. #Gorlovka shelled incessantly during New Years Eve New year celebrations in #Donetsk,#Novorossiya. Footage via @GrahamWP_UK https://youtube/watch?v=LEe7iu8xR7Y … Dancing and a Drone,as several hundred had gathered by midnight to see in new year in Donetsk- https://youtube/watch?v=LEe7iu8xR7Y … #NewYear #Novorossiya Their school was heavily damaged by #Ukraine regime shelling, now its almost restored. Happy new year from #Grabskoye Happy new year from the army of #Novorossiya as well Meanwhile in #Ukraine, #Poroshenko calls #Russia an aggressive enemy in his new years speech Pravy Sektor feiert heute den Geburtstag von Stepan Bandera mit Aufmärschen in verschiedenen Städten, z.B. #Kherson … #Kharkow, 1.1.2015 - Das Publikum in Kharkow buhte Poroschenko während seiner Neujahrsrede aus... Reports from Gorlovka today - Ukrainian shelling killed 1 man, 1 woman injured, as they celebrated new year. More to come. #Novorossiya in few months #Novorossiya will be a far better place to live in than the #US colony called #Ukraine! 2014 Success of the Year Award: To the brave People of Novorossiya & her volunteer army for facing down a terrorist Ukraine & becoming free. Happy New Year to the brave soldiers from around the world who fight for a free #Novorossiya pic.twitter/x1RgecbjoA #Ukraine army uses #US made М82А3 «Light fifty» pic.twitter/y0o6Kwb1yY Donetsk celebra el nuevo año desafiando las bombas fascistas de la junta de Kiev. 2015, año de la victoria! https://youtube/watch?v=EczySQvIqh4 … Klitchko celebrated 2015 years of our planet @Mariupol87502: Кличко выдал очередной «перл» … #Ukraine National guard, reg army, air force.You are covered by Geneva Convention.American #blackwater, #acadami, Aydar, Dnipro1 not covered Any captured #blackwater mercenaries coming to train #poroshenkos troops are not covered by the geneva convention. Welcome to #donbass. Happy New Year to all the Volunteers protecting #donbass from the #ukraine facists. God Bless you and your Families #Novorossiya #Donetsk Live webcam restored facing airport area pending possible sobering-up of a few punishers Despite -22c temps, residents took time to celebrate in #Donetsk City Centre at start of 2015 #uk #eu https://youtube/watch?v=EczySQvIqh4 … SIT REP NAF took control of almost all the area south of the lakes near #StaryiAidar! #LPR #Novorossiya
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:23:40 +0000

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