DONBASS-INFORMATION : 20.01.2015 : Donezk-Airport - TopicsExpress


DONBASS-INFORMATION : 20.01.2015 : Donezk-Airport :https://youtube/watch?v=mdABmuJLils … Even more video evidence, please watch GIVI : https://youtube/watch?v=Hy24ud415-I … #NAF front line positions near #Shastye, North of #Lugask. Tank and a mortar crew. #ATO youtube/watch?v=xtmGuOoK6oU … yesterday NAF already destroyed half of the $350 million that US congress allocated to support Kiev war on Donbass pic.twitter/vVd8s6cSeO #Volnovakha bus attack could have been organized by Security Service of #Ukraine - CyberBerkut South Western tip of #Donetsk: #Ukrainians tried to break through #NAF checkpoint last night with ~20 tanks, lost 5 tanks & retreated. #NAF Statement on #Peski: - NAF control 2/3 - 5 NAF tanks down (3 gone) & 6 APCs - ~20 #Ukraine AFVs destroyed colonelcassad.livejournal/1995677.html SIT REP Ukrainian losses, caused by the 5 failed ops. to take the airport, amount to 500 KIA and 47 armoured vehicles destroyed! #Donetsk #NAF reports radio intercepts from #Peski battle: #Ukrainians have 27 KIA & 60 WIA, retreating from their positions. SIT REP Liberation of #Mariupol doesnt seem so far now! We could have a Breaking News anytime! Новое - Жизнь в Донецк (#26) Народ Купаться - https://youtube/watch?v=TrSAwmMQCDs … #Донецк #Донбасс #Новороссия DPR def dep today 200 Ukrainian soldiers killed, 300 injured in last day,18 dead on DPR side, 62 injured. #Donetsk Acts of sabotage against #Ukrainian targets became very common in #Odessa & #Kharkov, where the pro-#NAF sentiment happens to be strongest. The new mobilization in Ukraine has begun. Well, fools always learn by their own mistakes. #Ukraine #politics #news #украина REPORTS around the #Donetsk airport the NAF have gone on the offensive taking most of Piski and now in #Avdiyivka CONFIRMED: Major assault underway eastern #Mariupol suburbs. Heavy NAF artillery and large number of #Ukraine desertions Kiev’s new offensive in Donbass may lead to irreversible consequences – Moscow — RT News rt/news/224119-eastern-ukraine-arms-pullout/#.VL046xmvI8I.twitter … 7 Right Sector activists got wounded in #Kharkiv explosion on exit fr court hearing for an activist #NAF tank crews having a meal after fighting with #Ukrainians outside of #Donetsk. #ATO youtube/watch?v=qrmvdZ_Ny-8 … #Gorlovka is being shelled again by #Ukrainians, who arent bothered by the fact that they kill dozens of civilians on a daily basis #Mariupol has very solid defenses on Eastern side and a lot of Ukr artillery. It would be borderline criminal for #NAF to storm it head on. #Peski: battle is at the Western tip of town, #NAF controls the rest. #Avdeevka: skirmishes outside of town only, UA still in control. #Ukrainian force recon units are operating in #Donetsk, to correct artillery strikes. 4 out of 6 already terminated by #NAF operatives. #NAF began storming #Ukrainian anti aircraft base A-1428, which is located between #Opytnoe and #Avdeevka. During last 24 hours, #NAF destroyed 27 #Ukrainian tanks and 20 APCs, 1 tank captured, hundreds of KIA and WIA. #NAF losses: 15 KIA, 62 WIA. Reports are that #Lvov hospitals received a request for additional placement of 1200 WIA #Ukrainians. Are they hiding real casualties? Artillery duels between #Ukrainians and #NAF near #Mariupol and #Granitnoe. Пески. (Peski) pic.twitter/d3PK7Yq58x #Ukies still control radar station at #Donetsk airport. #NAF have to clear rats nest there and at nearby village of #Opytne #Ukies tried to breakthrough into south-west #Donetsk #Petrovka district with 20 tanks. Attack repulsed with 5 tanks severely damaged #NAF destroy #Ukie trench positions outside east #Mariupol - will soon be in the suburb On the #Mariupol front #NAF occupy the village of #Lebedinskoye #Donetsk Station № 4 of emergency services/Civil Defence hit this morning—boiler man killed. Also a kindergarten #Donbass Intelligence warns there will be continued shelling of #GORLOVKA today. TAKE COVER! via @strelkov_info #POROSHENKO (hall packed with his claque) in #Zurich, heckled by Englishwoman as a child-killer #Poroshenko confronted in #Zurich university. #Ukraine #Donbass … #Donbass 2/3 of #Peski in #NAF hands NAF advancing in #Mariupol #Ukronazis lost 20-22 machines NAF lost 3-5 etc.… colonelcassad.livejournal/1995677.html #Novorossiya Q&A with Igor #Strelkov—“The way to end the conflict is clear : the #Kiev junta must be crushed” … … ➤shilov-a-n.livejournal/177024.html #Peski almost taken by #NAF . Meanwhile, the advance towards #Mariupol continues at pace. #Kiev No.1 Troll admits defeat at #Donetsk AP Cassad is not an official NAF source but he has many contacts within the militia. The level self delusion on show from the Ukies is breathtaking to say the least #Donetsk airport is controlled by #NAF More video evidence https://youtube/watch?v=VbGCL0cfBdU … #Donetsk ZAKHARCHENKO : https://youtube/watch?v=M2efhObY0mE … The level self delusion on show from the Ukies is breathtaking to say the least #Donetsk airport is controlled by #NAF The driver of the bus in #Volnovakha testifies that it was hit from Ukrainian-controled Volnovakha: A shell killed Artem (age 4) in Donetsk yesterday. It also injured his grandmother, mother, and brother (7). pic.twitter/0EFgr3FT6a #Poroshenkopeaceplan #US army officers expected to visit #Ukraine #Donetsk All schools are closed untill shelling stops Ukro-news claim that Ukr-partisans captured two & killed one of the French volunteers from the #NAF pic.twitter/MTSpD8aqoI Bus stop in #Donetsk shelled by #ukraine forces 1 hour 27 min ago one civilian dead and more injured. Video to follow #NAF #DNR #EU Ukra-Source : #Ukraine partisans in #Donetsk claim they have killed Russian General Peter G. Pavlov & two guards. pic.twitter/FqLxiIM1mt Ukra-Source : #Ukraine Pres Advisr acc to morgues,etc #Donetsk 380 #Russia(n) killed 500 wounded last 3 days Ukra-Source : #Putin newest #Russia invasion convoy into #Ukraine https://youtube/watch?v=XAvkqgd_Bqo … go towards #Donetsk #Pisky #Airport **Breaking video** Donetsk now - scary!! https://youtube/watch?v=VtozHiO8J5k …
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:34:55 +0000

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