DONBASS-INFORMATION : 25.01.2015 : #Mariupol residential area - TopicsExpress


DONBASS-INFORMATION : 25.01.2015 : #Mariupol residential area devastated (VIDEO) Meanwhile in #Debaltsevo the cauldron is closing. pic.twitter/76jWwF0AR1 #NAF shelling #Ukie positions between #Spartak & #Opitnoe north of #Donetsk airport. #NAF also clearing #Tonenkoe in the north-west In #Debaltsevo cauldron fighting continue in #KrasnyPakhare after #Ukies bring in reserves. #NAF well entrenched in #Dolomitnoe & #Travneva #NAF advance on both sides of #Debaltsevo cauldron with the aim of cutting the main highway at #Svetlodarsk pic.twitter/Gq1ZeBZPQe Breaking! NAF offensive from #Vodyane towards #Tonenko! Heavy fightings have erupted in this town west of #Donetsk! #DNR SIT REP Ukie shellings on #Donetsk Petrovskyi, Kuibyshevskyi and Kirovskyi Districts! Sporadic fightings N-W of #Peski! #DNR As I was saying yesterday theres almost no way out from the #Debaltsevo cauldron! Route near to be closed by NAF! It will be a slaughter! #NAF held city of #Stakhanov has come under cluster bomb shelling by #Ukraine pic.twitter/hwwHh39vkU SIT REP #Troitske 100% under NAF control! NAF are advancing towards #Svitlodarsk both from east and west! Fightings in #KrasnyiPakhar! ½ 5 civilians killed, 10 wounded due to Ukrainian shellings of #Gorlovka! itar-tass/en/world/773192 Is #EU going to release a statement? #Mariupol will be liberated soon. We just want a life free from #fascism. #NAF are not invaders. #Kievs tools are. https://youtube/watch?v=Hh8NErZCVHQ … Stunning Turnaround! Donetsk Announces Mariupol and Debaltsevo Offensives, Refuses Poroshenko’s Fake Truce https://futuristrendcast.wordpress/…/stunning-turnarou…/ … In the last 8 days #Ukies lose 61 tanks, 52 IFVs & 781 KIA. 49 surrendered. #Ukies start to bring up 3rd line of reserves #ukrainian Generals will not retreat. Their troops will surrendet. Same as nazi s in #stalingrad. #ukraine Generals have no clue how to command. About to loose 8,000 troops in #Debalsiva. Good news for us, but wonder how they got rank. Volunteer:In #Donetsk gunfire can only be heard in the distance now. #NAF continues to push frontline further away https://vk/strelkov_info… … NAF is storming #Novoluganskoe, near water reservoirs North of #Debaltsevo. Street fighting is reported. The pocket is closing fast. 8,000 to 12,000 Ukie troops inside #Debaltsevo area Being encircled & pounded by #NAF pic.twitter/8Qm3AOzaXm #Azov NG scumbags report that #Ukrainians brought in additional artillery pieces to shell #Gorlovka and they work tirelessly. While looking at some #Mariupol videos from yesterday, I found another #NATO volunteer, he has #Azov arm patch. #ATO youtube/watch?v=sdt9T481o3E … #MARIUPOL - Even OSCE talks about east - north-east. #NAF strike makes no sense in this case, given potential for miscalculation. #Poroshenko ignores peace talks when #DPR #LPR suggest them, kills civilians, blames #NAF then offers peace-talks #Ukraine army stands to lose upwards of 10,000 men in the #Debaltseve pocket and the area north of it. Major disaster for them liberation of Mariupol and encirclement of Ukro-army at #Debaltsevo will essentially be the 2nd catastrophic collapse of #Ukraines army BREAKING: NAF state #Ukraine army has lost 61 tanks, 52 APCs, 781 killed in action during the last 8 days. The bastards have gone, local man shouts at me, as Ukrainians are defeated at Krasniy Partizan in Donbass. #Donetsk pic.twitter/FsDSaJESRM SIT REP: The door is almost closed on the #Debaltseve pocket at the choke point of #Svetlodarsk . #Ukraine army in real danger. 1 Ukrainian officer from Debaltsevo. From the 5th of September, we shot 3000 Grad missiles. In the 3 past days, we shot 1000 Grad missiles #MARIUPOL - The very fact that MLRS salvo could be heard in #Vostochnyi indicates source of the strike was a lot closer than #NAF positions. #NAF took bunker and radar station north of the runway at #Donetsk airport. Pushed #Ukies back a further km UNCONFIRMED : The rats abandon the ship #Debaltsevo mayor trying to running away from it was arrested & a Kyiv Post journo left town #NAF takes #Travneve #Dolomitnoe & clearing #Lozove. Battles in #Popasnaya, #KrasnyPakhare, #Novoluganskom. Attacks #PolevavaSanzharovku heavy fighting to close #Debaltsevo cauldron, #KrasnyPakhare all but taken by #NAF. Fighting beginning in #Mironovsky & #Mironovka #Zaharchenko annunces offensive to take #Mariupol after #Ukies try to blame their Mariupol Grad strike from #Berdyansk on #NAF #NAF enter #Popasnaya and engage in street to street fighting. #NAF columns advancing on #Uglegorsk. #Ukies bring up reserves #NAF storm #Ukie position at #Uglegorsk reservoir. Ukie battery and 4 BMPs captured. Fighting now in the vicinity of #Svetlodarsk at #Lozove Azov Battalion commander says situation is dire, generals & politicians have lost the war with Russia & Ukrainians need to arm themselves No more negotiations. No more talking. #1 Only deal is all #donbass territory liberated. 2 recognition of #Novorossia. 3 #poroshenko resign Lots of attacks on one route in/out of #Debaltseve yesterday. Attack on #Mariupol classic diversion tactic? #Ukraine pic.twitter/7W8FMPLGIb First goal should be to clear the whole Donbass region, liberation of Slavyansk,Kramatorsk,Mariupol Porky ordered to go-ahead w/ peace talks in the Geneva format < #Mariupol on the brink… Minsk redux. This video shows definitively that the Grad rockets that killed #Mariupol civilians came from #Ukraine army position #Kharkiv is being strained by flood of refugees from the front near #Debaltsevo. Not enough food, blankets, pillows, pampers #Ukraine minister of defense announced that 6 of the 4 Grad units firing at #Mariupol had been destroyed by Ukr army. Do the math SIT REP - there is fighting in #Sartana suburb of #Mariupol and heavy shelling on the eastern side of the city. I like this photo #NAF #Novorossiya #Ukraine #Debaltseve #DNR #LNR pic.twitter/HPj5KqQrQu Auswärtiges Amt @AuswaertigesAmt • 15 Std. Vor 15 Stunden AM #Steinmeier: Lage rund um Mariupol hochgefährlich - jetzt alles tun, damit Situation in der #Ukraine nicht völlig außer Kontrolle gerät. This video seems to be classed as my most extreme yet. But, its just a scene of war, no more or less, what war is. dailymotion/…/x2fivr6_18-dead-ukrainian-sold… … Latest Map of #donbass. Making good progress. Especially north of #lugansk and near #mauriopol. pic.twitter/WF3dw3ZMaC IMAGES: Another destroyed #Ukraine Kraz APC. via @EgoRZemtsoV pic.twitter/Nw2juS8QsZ #LISTEN_TO_HIM ! Today,the offensive began on #Mariupol. In a few days we shall close the #Debaltseve #boiler. https://youtube/watch?v=mZCh-2CAbg8 … SIT REP #Svitlodarsk East Acc to Cassad NAF reached #Myronivskyi! West #Gladosovo, #Dolomitne, #Travnevo, #NovoLugansk are in NAF hands! Affecting report: The Bread For Pervomaysk [ENG SUBS] Киборги идут... #BreakingNews #Novorossiya-Full scale #NAF offensive / NAF à loffensive sur toute la ligne … #Poroshenko agreed to hold talks in the Geneva format with the participation of the United States, European Union, #Ukraine and #Russia
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:23:09 +0000

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