DONT BE FOOLED BY THE MASK I WEAR... The Authour is UNKNOWN - TopicsExpress


DONT BE FOOLED BY THE MASK I WEAR... The Authour is UNKNOWN i have had this in my collections of writings as a good read and funny what a PERFECT !! timing i ran while i was ridding things just now !! to see, NOW !! as i began to READ me today !! and so i chose add more from what i see as today form yesterdays and makes sense to me again much more than how i read it once before !! .. may no one gets offended... if they see self in this READ , but make a self NOTE to SEEK GOD again and NVER CHOOSE to hurt people we pretend to say we care about them !! not for the reason of TRUE FRIENDSHIP !!EINDSHIP !!pdacaoepple ////ig eweh gagisnse ica un tnmd fppngs to me, but the words could EASILY have been WRITTEN by some INNER VOICE that HIDES in each of us, whispering of our FRAGILE SENSITIVITY and VULNERABILITY to our IMAGINED fears of REJECTION !! DONT be FOOLED be me, DONT be FOOLED by the FACE I WEAR .....a THOUSAND masks-masks that i am afraid to TAKE off : and one of them are !! PRETENDING an ART !! that a second nature to all humans way o f live .. here on earth without GOD .. we say we LOVE HIM but much we PRETEND on how we care to show in our actions , much lessons we learn about self .. when we run to such conclusions !!or PRETENSE????.. DO NOT be a fool to fool such INFECTION !! in heart which LOVE for REAL !! Sadly we give the IMPRESSION that we are SECURE??? that all is well ??? and UNRUFFLED within self ( forgetting KINGDOM withing is REAL and RICH , TRUE and HOLY ) !! but instead false confidence and coolness with mind games , that water is calm and we are in command??? that we need NO ONE ??? PLEASE ??? such Surface may seem SMOOTH , but is the mask ever varying and ever CONCEALING mask it ...MYSTERY ....of mind game covering just HIDDEN PAIN ??? Benath les no smugness , no complacence. Beneath dwells the REAL person with WAVERED SPEECH of CONFUSION , in FEAR , in aloneness but HIDES that i dont want ANYBODY to KNOW it . i PANIC at the THOUGHT of this WEAKNESS and FEAR being ..EXPOSED !! that is why such FRANTIC creates a MASK to HIDE beind a NONCHALANT , SOPHISTICATED FACADE help PRETED , to SHIELD from the GLACE that KNOWS . and then the when EXPOSE the other part who is not use to such behaviou acts oout its REFELCETION and then ..there are TOLD not NORMAL is their responds to such PRETENSE ??? WHAT is NORMAL by the way ... is your NORMAL someone ELSE NORMAL?? o i am just me is me not each of us live with , me myself and i ??? why do we think we are LOOKING for PERFECTION we are that INSECURE to be such a DARING FACADE ???? REMEMBER this is not FAULT FINDING offense ... not a negative message for this year end !!! OBSERVATION and a NOTE to self ....!! such glance is precisely is NOT SALVATION of SAVING self and hide behind GODs word but APPLYING HIS WORD and get REAL with self to KNOW we need a SAVIOUR , and BOASTING how many times we study to read to post is not REAL ANSWER but get REAL with GOD and self to say BOY i really NEED a SAVIOUR who can save me from such WRETCHEDNESS of self this STENCH i cover with PERFUME to hide my mess to be self righteous and boast how much i know it all to show often my posed self !!! TRUE SLAVATION of GOD is FOLLOWED by ACCEPTANCE by HIS LOVE this FLOWING love we all takk about first needs to FLOW from real self then we know it is FLOWING LOVE not just in PRETENSE and just the models that matches our inner wants for our profiles and poses of ones pretense ??? TRUE LOVE and ACCEPTANCE of GOD, KNOWING HE IS ALL in ALL , and ENOUGH ... is the ONLY THING can LIBERATE self from SELF , from owning the REALITY of such PRETENSE AFFLICTED pain in self !!! may we each focus just a moment to TRULY find the TRUE IDENTITY and know it just me is an EXCUSE and telling others they are NOT NORMAN is NOT right thing to do for none of will ever be NORMAL ... ROBOTS acts the same !!! TRYING to be like someone else is not waht GOD made the word SELF IMAGE .. ??? trying t make someone feel less then self is not what GODs WORD has to SAY ,, being SUPERIOR is ONLY GOD and HIMSELF all us are but ordinary ...individual learning life in JESUS and learning about self with KISS of death with such ENCOUNTERS which KILLS you spirit TRYING to find out which person is behind the mask to be another mask to pretend to please the MASKED man hiding his pain and even such woman all in PRETENSE being normal ???REALLY !! such place in life of HIDDEN AGENDAS ..built PRISON WILL , from BARRIERS , so so soooooo PAINSTAKINGLY ERECT !! it is the ONLY thing that will ASSURE such person of what they CANNOT ASSURE SELF ... that one is really SOMETHING !! huh !!! Who is such person we may WONDER ?? , someone we each you know very well ..this person lives in each of us but we never CHOOSE to EXPOSE .. we are so afraid to be LOVE is when we hurt the ones who choose to love us ,, so we cause dramas frictions chaos and make the other party feel they are not NORMAL while the MASK person is AFFLICTED with HIDDEN PAIN !! Father TOUCH each readers life today and let us realize how we really behind closed doors with some of the people we say we care and also in public we hid ourselves with EMPTY SPEECH and FORGETTING this is one time around life .. each afflicted person is being used by the enemy of FLESH to come against one another who believes in LOVE for REAL and this is a satans playground to live in life of PRETENSE !!! May we each SURRENDER our lives to know we are all we have to self and we NEED SO MUCH of our SAVIOUR HELP and may we come to REALITY of TAKING off my MASK and get REAL to be a HEALED BODY of CHRIST so we do not STUMBLE one another but be TRUE SERVICE for the KINGDOM of GOD ... we are not here to save anyone GOD is THE SAVIOUR !! but we are each others KEEPER and ACCOUNTABILITY is LACKING much ... in each shortcoming there is an answer but being MASKED is NOT !!! Pilate .. had a TITLE ...JESUS is the TESTIMONY .. according to Pilate JESUS was not ...NORMAL ??? Herod had a TITLE ..but John the Baptist ..had the TESTIMONY and yeas john the BAPTIST was not NORMAL !! NERO had the TITLE .but Paul had the TESTIMONY !!! every one who SERVES GOD is a Child of GOD and none needs to be SUPERIOR to the other but GOD and in HIM we have the TESTIMONY and never may be play games with anyones hearts and hide behind our TITLES ????? even if they may not be real !!! FACEBOOK is a good PLACE to learn much !! Blessed be our NEW BEGINNINGS with life of INTEGRITY in JESUS Happy NEW year is on earth while we are still here !!! may we care for REAL without the MASK ...
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:31:46 +0000

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