DONT BLAME GOD...ITS YOUR FAULT! As I prepare to write a paper - TopicsExpress


DONT BLAME GOD...ITS YOUR FAULT! As I prepare to write a paper on Apologetics, I am astounded at the arguments regarding the contention that since evil and suffering exist, a loving God cannot. People use this as an excuse not to believe in God. That is exactly what it is...a lame, unfounded excuse. First, if your view of God is solely one of love, then you only have a portion of God. You are missing the full picture of Gods nature and character. You will never be able to answer this question, because you have no plausible response. You are trapped inside the cage of this conundrum. You are missing the counterparts to Gods love: His justice and His holiness. As a result, you are missing a large portion of Scripture necessary to give a defense. Most importantly, nearly all the arguments put all the responsibility upon God for the existence of evil and suffering, disregarding the true source of evil and suffering...the sinfulness of man. Mankind loves to blame-shift, and not take responsibility for their own actions. It is so much easier to blame it all on God. Thus, many refuse to believe in God because, they erroneously believe, it is all His fault. The truth, according to Scripture, is that man is responsible for the condition of the world. It is mans sinfulness and wickedness that is to blame, not God. Man is notorious for not accepting the blame for their own actions. Even Adam and Eve failed to shoulder the responsibility for their actions. (Gen. 3) This truth is evident and continuous from the very beginning. Again in Genesis 4-6, we see that mankind was evil and wicked, to the point that God repented that He had even made man. Again in Genesis 8. And weve only just begun. Throughout the entire Bible, this theme is carried out. Man is solely responsible for the existence of sin, evil and suffering in the world. (Rom. 5) Can God do something about evil? Absolutely. However, you may want to think twice about this...if you want God to take immediate action to do something about evil and wickedness in the world, be prepared to die. Since mankind is responsible for the existence of evil and sin, God would have to kill everyone one of us instantly the very moment that the thought of sin enters our minds, for the heart of man is wicked continually. (Gen. 6:5; Prov. 6:14). Even those who are saved, and call themselves Christian. We are all sinful, and daily struggle with sin. This is why we must live a life of repentance, continually coming before Him for mercy. Though Christ died for our sins, sin is not magically eradicated from our lives forever. For that to happen, the moment we accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, He would have to immediately transport us into Heaven. Because our sin offends His holiness, He would be perfectly just and righteous to take us out. (Ps. 59:5) But God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. (Ezek. 18:23) It is the love and longsuffering of God that keeps you and I alive each day. For this, I am forever thankful. Why does God allow evil to continue? The book of Romans says that because man has turned their backs on God, He has given them over to suffer the consequences of their actions. (Rom. 1:17-32) God has lifted His hand of protection and allowed our sinfulness to run its course, in hopes that we will see our wicked ways and our need of a Savior, and come to repentance unto salvation through Christ. (Deut. 32:37-38; 2 Pt. 3:9) It is because of His great love that Christ died to pay that penalty for us, but we must first come to the Cross and turn from our wicked ways. That is Gods solution for evil and suffering. He made a way through Jesus. But its effectiveness depends upon man coming to Him in repentance. (Jn. 6:37) Then, and only then, will He forgive our sins, and heal our land. (2 Chron. 7:14) I will say it again... Man is solely responsible for the existence of sin, evil and suffering in the world. Sin, evil and suffering entered the world by man. (Rom. 5) God did all He is going to do by sending Jesus as a propitiation for our sins. (Rom. 3:25; 1 Jn. 2:2; 4:10) Whether sin, evil and suffering continue to exist is dependent upon us. We are responsible for its presence, and we are responsible to come to God in repentance. Once man does his part to repent and turn away from that which brought these things into the world, then God will finish the job by bringing healing to the earth. We need to quit blaming God for everything that happens. Yes, there are certain things that God does admittedly take responsibility for, but as a judgment upon mans disobedience and wickedness. (Neh. 9:3; Ezek. 14:22; Dan. 9:14) But it is the wickedness of man that brings Gods justice upon us. We are ultimately to blame. Like it or not. This is the truth of the entirety of Scripture and Gods plan for man in a brief, concise nutshell. Therefore, I call upon everyone of us to examine our hearts to see if there be any wicked thing within us, and cry out to God in repentance, turning forever away from our wickedness. (Ps. 139:24) Then, the Lord will hear our cries, forgive our sins and heal our land.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:58:57 +0000

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