DONT CARE ANYONE. SPEAK ENGLISH CONFIDENTLY. . Hi friends, how are you? your friend Sri Dhar came for you. I want to tell you something. I know you are afraid of speaking English. You think you may lose your respect, if you make mistakes, while speaking. You think people laugh at you immediately, when you speak wrongly. You have self-respect and self-esteem. You don’t want to spoil them. You want to be in a safe zone. You want to be peaceful and happy. To protect yourself from insults, you are trying to avoid speaking English. . But friends, There is no disgrace or insult in making mistakes while learning. Believe in people. People have intelligence to understand you, even though you are a stranger to them. Even today, people have manners. If you make a mistake, people may notice your mistake. But they don’t have a bad impression on you. They think you are learning English. They think you are trying to speak English. Believe me, they don’t think you are a fool. while you are making mistakes in your speech, 99% of people will support you. . Learning is a process of knowing, applying, making mistakes and rectifying them later. If you don’t want to make mistakes, you will never learn anything. How did you learn to walk when you are a child? You fell down hundreds of times. Then only you could walk. How did you learn to ride a bicycle? Many times you fell down and injured yourself. Then only you could ride a bicycle. . Now you are learning English. So you make mistakes. Making mistakes indicates that you are learning and practising English. It does not indicate your foolishness. You don’t lose your respect by making mistakes. Moreover you will have respect, though you make mistakes. Because people understand that you are sincerely trying to speak English. They notice your sincere attempts to speak English. They notice your dedication and interest in English. You should be proud of yourself for speaking English without considering mistakes. . I want to tell you one more thing. If somebody tells you that you are wrong, understand that he is informing your mistake. He is not insulting you, but correcting you. Sincerely appreciate him, for helping you. . Very rarely, you may get an insulting remark from a person. Remember that a well-mannered person cannot insult the other one. His insulting nature shows his bad manners. When somebody laughs at or insults you, what should you do? Don’t be ashamed of yourself. You are not cheating anyone, to be ashamed of. Be proud of yourself for not having such bad manners. Be proud of yourself for having good manners. Don’t care his remarks. After some days, he himself will praise you. . Have interest in speaking English. Search the opportunities to speak. Speak English in your college, university, office, bus stand, railway station, banks, cafes etc. leave no chance. Leave no place. Your friends, classmates and colleagues are the main resources. Talk to them in English. Take their help. Utilize them. . When you are speaking, care no one. Forget yourself. Focus on “what you want to express”. Express it. Whenever you know you made a mistake, take a pen and note book, write the correct usage 20 times. The next day, intentionally apply the same usage. Now you cannot do that mistake again. . Within a few months, THE MAGIC BEGINS. You will get an excellent command over English. People will be surprised of your fluency. People including your parents, relatives, and friends will praise you a lot. Many people will talk with one another about your English. They admire you. Your interviewer will select you. In your entire life, you will do miracles with your fluency. After some time, you teach English to others.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:13:55 +0000

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