DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT GIVING UP! “I am a two-year breast - TopicsExpress


DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT GIVING UP! “I am a two-year breast cancer survivor (hooray!) While awaiting post-mastectomy treatment choices for my best chance of living a healthy and long life, I was OVERWHELMED with decision making and WORRY. After meeting with my oncologist, I sat AT THE KITCHEN TABLE trying to settle my mind and review my options. I couldn’t think straight, so, decided a simple cup of tea would make me feel better. I poured the tea and went to the refrigerator for the milk: NO MILK. I WASNT HAPPY. Since I had been CRYING for a good part of the day, I LOOKED LIKE A ‘MESS’. I can’t go a supermarket like this, I thought! So, instead, I decided to go to a DRIVE-THROUGH DAIRY. During the drive, I thought about how it was ME the doctor was talking about, ME and MY LIFE. While waiting for my turn in line at the dairy window my mind was drifting. My eyes settled on the white car in front of me and there was my godwink: the license plate read ‘DONT QUIT’. That divine message was JUST WHAT I NEEDED to do absolutely everything in my power to complete the recommended treatment! I always wondered whatever happened to that car … where did the driver live? If it was from my neighborhood, why had I never seen it before that evening? A few weeks ago, I went to visit a friend. I stopped at a little store that I dont frequent that much, and, TO MY AMAZEMENT, there it was AGAIN; the white car with the DONT QUIT license plate! I waited for the owner, told him my story, and PERSONALLY THANKED HIM for having everything to do with saving my life! I feel so blessed to have closure and my health!” Sue •••• As YOU think about an issue you may be wrestling with today, please take a clue from Sue. Put yourself in motion; STEP OUT IN FAITH and DO SOMETHING about the issue that is bothering you. Make a call. Go on the internet. Go to the library. Find out more information. Ask a friend for advice. By stepping out in faith—believing that GOD IS GOING TO DIVINELY ALIGN YOU with the very people and information you need—you will also receive godwinks of comfort and confirmation. Sue’s story appears in our Godwink Stories: A Devotional. [chap 16] Wishes and Winks SQ
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 20:50:00 +0000

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