DONT LIE TO TELL THE TRUTH. Rom3:5-6- But if our unrighteousness - TopicsExpress


DONT LIE TO TELL THE TRUTH. Rom3:5-6- But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance?(I speak as a man). God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world? Something is common on the social media nowadays to see posts telling you about someones experience and how he was delivered or even a revelation that someone saw, pictures relating to what is being said will be attached and readers would be told to type Amen. Looking at the nature of some of those stories, I see those posts as trying to use a lie to tell the gospel truth, Ive even seen comments claiming the story was a hoax because they have evidence where the picture was copied from. Another version of it is when you receive a message on your blackberry telling you that God said... and it ends with broadcast IF you love Jesus, whereas God didnt speak to the fellow but he/she thinks he can use the name of God to pass on his message,thats lying to tell the truth. We have seen some that will tell you that because someone broadcasted the message, he got a miracle money, thats lying to tell the truth. Paul made it clear that we cannot adopt the devils method to bring about the righteousness of God. Dont exaggerate your message, God doesnt need your lies to win souls, simply preach the word&dont get people emotional about it. PRAYER: I receive grace to preach the word in truth In Jesus Name. PRAYER OF SALVATION Father, forgive me of my sins, I accept&confess Christ as my Lord&personal saviour In Jesus Name.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 14:04:51 +0000

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