DONT SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL PART 2 Some one selling him/her - TopicsExpress


DONT SELL YOUR SOUL TO THE DEVIL PART 2 Some one selling him/her soul TO THE DEVIL in our today world is easier than ever before.Because we dont know how God value us.We feel like that and behave like that. Do you sometimes feel worthless? Or, at times, have you been slighted or treated as though you were of little value? Should we value some people more/less than others? And how should we set a value upon each other? My heart cry is that many will know this secret: How much God cares for us? And how much He value us? In Matt.10:29-31 Jesus said Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows God cares for his creation so much! In fact not even one sparrow dies and falls on the ground without God noticing it. But to us sparrows seem so small and worthless, in fact in the Bible times two sparrows were sold for nothing less then one cent ! If God values the sparrows so much, how much does He care for, and value us? Are we not of more value than many sparrows? Yes! In fact, God knows so much about us that even every hair on our head is numbered! But how much are you and I truly worth? And what value should we place upon each other? BY WHAT THEY DO ? Often well look at the work someone is doing, and if theyre doing a poor job, perhaps always making mistakes, then we view that person as of little value. But is this the correct way of seeing value in someone? In a friendship, if one person is not showing kindness, sympathy or love to the other, is it because they dont really value or appreciate that person as they should? Think about it, if we truly see the value of people as God does, would we still treat each other the way we do? What value does God place upon us? Remember the verse we read earlier. Our Father loved the world so much to give Jesus His only begotten Son to die on the Cross for me and you. when He had done nothing to deserved that. ROMANS 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus also loved us so much that He gave His life for us,and rose the third day, that we can have eternal life. I am nothing without Jesus. Now I belong to Him, I am a conquer , I am ambassador, I am His own ,I am who God predestined me to be, I am the child of the Most High God, I am an heir of Abraham, I am a Warrior, I am a believer who has faith in God, I am a born-again Christian, who has been washed in the blood of the Lamb, I have been Redeemed, I know God is my Shepherd, my Salvation, my Father, my Rock, my Deliver my Shield, Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End, First and Last, Hes everything that I am and more to my life. I love Jesus and Hes all that I need. Thank You Jesus for saving me, I cant thank Him enough, also thank You for bringing me out of darkness into the light, that I can help others see the light and come to You, . And this is the key to seeing and understanding the value of who we are this is how to see our values in light of what Jesus did to save us! Isaiah 13:12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. God says that he will make a man, that is you and me, more precious than fine gold! (Ophir was a place famous for its gold). And truly, when we look at the greatness of the price paid to save us it is much, much more precious than gold! How much Jesus loves us! Think about how Jesus, the great powerful Creator, became a man and walked among us, and then was crucified in the hands of those He had created!! And He did it because he loved and valued us so much, that He wanted to save us from our sins! So are we not of far greater value than anything in this world? The worth of a human soul can be estimated only by the light reflected from the cross of Calvary. ... It was the joy set before Christ in accomplishing so great salvation, that led him to submit to shame, agony, and death. How do all the treasures and the glories of earth sink into insignificance when compared with the value of a human soul! Lets remember how much we are of value in Gods eyes! And remember to be kind and loving to all the people in this world because of what Jesus has done for us, and the great worth He has place on us all. please watch this for more insight of what and how we should become now https://youtube/watch?v=aPsMXYJx-BM&
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:19:04 +0000

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