DONT TAKE OVER ! A mans choice of wife can either be his making - TopicsExpress


DONT TAKE OVER ! A mans choice of wife can either be his making or his breaking. She is either a delight or a disaster. She becomes a disaster when she tries to take over the mans positiin in the home, thus becoming lousy and bossy, and consequently overthrowing the man into a corner of the home. When this happens, she becomes rotteness in his bones instead of being a crown on his head. (Prov 12:4). God created the woman to be a companion and helpmeet for the man to support him in the work God had assigned for him and help him succeed at it.( Gen 2:18-22). She is equally to seek to fulfil her own godly potential in a unique way and be a vessel of honour through which God will fulfil His purpose in the lives of every member of her household. The womans role in the life of a man, therefore is not that of a controller or competitor, but that of a supporter and encourager, whatever abilities, talents, gifts, resources and privileges she has must be used for the benefit if her husband and her home. She may be richer and more educated than her husband but she must still be submissive and not assertive in order to enjoy her marriage.if we consider the command for wives to submit to their husbands like unto christ in Eph 5:22, it will become obvious that God wants the wife to regard her husband as a small lord (1pet 3:5,6). Usually lords are to be respected, honoured and obeyed. When a wife treats her husband as lord and king, the husband in response will also treat her as a wonderful queen and she will end up enjoying more!. Moreover Eph 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. This means no virtuous wife will be seen as arrogant or domineering. She will not be seen as being in charge in the home. She will be acting under the permssion and authority of her husband. Eph 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. It goes without saying rhen that an ideal wife who will make the marriage happy must be tender,obedient,loving,hardworking, understanding,enduring and full if wisdom. She must knw when to be keep quiet and when it is time for active purposeful talking or listening thereby contributing truly to mutually satisfying conversation. She is expected to make time for her husband, promoting love, warmth and affection, share humor and relaxation. She must be thoughtful of her husbands feelings, empathise with love, express appreciation and demonstrate affection all the time. As she empathizes with him she makes herself more loving and lovable to him. Even if the husband has his shortcomings, her duty is not to sit in Judgement over him but to counsel, advise and to pray for him. She is to lift him up to God in prayer without ceasing to perfect his work of grace on his life and keep him on his feet. Essentially, she must be on her knees so that he can be on his feet. Martin Luthers wife prayed and fasted and the discouraged heart of her husband was set on fire to continue in the work of God. Catherine Booth also supported the ministry if her husband who was the founder if the renowed Salvation Army. We must never forget as godly women that the care and honour of our husbands is part of our God. We must be careful to avoid the principles and practices of worldly women because the system of the world is anti- purpose, plan and will of God. The grace and authority to direct the home is given to man and not to the woman. So, dear sister, dont take over; play your own role well and the God of heaven will bless and reward you.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 05:26:51 +0000

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