DONT YOU THINK YOU SHOULD CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY? ITS SO EASY TO FORGET, especially at this time of year, but there is no excuse. Americans by and large are, house payments, kids and even church, but there is no excuse. DO YOU REMEMBER the 200+ girls in Nigeria that were kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haran? How about the near 300 people killed in a jet shot down over Ukraine? And then there were the public beheadings of the Americans by ISIL.....and the 1000s that werent highlighted by the media. Still, there are MILLIONS of women being raped, murdered or sold into slavery, the massacres by the mentally ill at schools. The list could take pages and pages....and more pages. So much pain in this world...but we have no excuse if we forget so quickly. This Christmas, as many sit in comfort in front of their large TVs, stuffed full of food, watching the kids run around playing with their newest toys and trinkets, take one of those precious minutes and try to wrap your mind around the fact that all around the world people are starving, others are sleeping on the streets, domestic violence is too common, illnesses are ending lives too early, and so on, and so on. If this minuscule list makes you sad, or perhaps even depressed, take another moment, and get real with your Christianity. The ONLY hope for this depraved world is Jesus. Ill say it again...THE ONLY HOPE FOR ANYBODY IS JESUS. If its not too radical of an idea, let me first wish you the traditional Merry Christmas, and then propose that you consider, in your minds and then in your actions, that EVERY DAY IS CHRISTMAS, and Easter too. If you forget that, there is no excuse. Grace, peace, joy and love to all, along with Gods will in all of your lives. Give all you meet Jesus on a daily basis and throughout the year. There is no excuse not to.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:26:05 +0000

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