DONT forget JESUS !! Hello, again, world, I was at a church - TopicsExpress


DONT forget JESUS !! Hello, again, world, I was at a church function, recently, and there about one- hundred men in attendance. (men only)keep in mind these were Christian men.There was plenty of good food to eat and good conversation. There was all so a lot of hand shaking, laughing, you know , good old Christian stiff. There was all so a nice little homily by the gust speaker. Some were during that evening the host posted a question. what are you THANKFUL for? One man answered Im thankful for ?hunting season. Another said Im thankful for my deer stand . another said . Im thankful for my car . one or two mentioned their family .of course there was a lot of whooping, hollering with each one of these answers. There were about a half dozen more answer similar to the ones above. With all of the whooping , hollering, and cheering going on you would have thought somebody won the lottery. Now this was nearly one-hundred Christian . There was one man in the bunch who said that he is thankful for JESUS CHRIST. You could have heard a pin drop in the comparison. after all it was JESUS CHRIST,( and him a lone). that enabled them to have all those material things. Where were the preachers, elder, and the other deacons? Couldnt they speak up for JESUS ? Two nights later I was at my own church for a another social gathering . This time it was bible study. We have this function once a week , which I very much enjoy .( men and women).There were about thirty or so people in attendance. Again there were handshakes ,hugs, socializing, etc. soon the study began, and somewhere , during the proceeding , the subject of thankfulness was brought up , and just like two nights before people were thankful for all of their material possessions. Now there was one man in the group that was thankful for JESUS CHRIST . The same man as two nights before. Now Im quite sure he is thankful for his family, car, food, shelter, etc. but he has things in perspective, GOD, family ,and material things , in the that order. The LORD wants you to prosper and to have nice things. It gives him great pleasure to prosper his children, without him. H e controls your next breath. Enjoy what the LORD has given you, but , give him praise and glory for it Thank you , father GOD , once again for allowing me to spread your wonderful word. Perhaps someone will benefit from it and receive a blessing. THANKFUL FATHER in JESUS name. amen jo.mewa A voice the CYBERWILDERNESS
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 00:52:25 +0000

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