DON’T ACCEPT YOUR LIFE AS BEING BROKE AND UNHAPPY! CALL: DETROIT CLASS 313 TV @ 1-888-581-5508 ext.1 IF YOU OR ANYONE YOU KNOW IS, Unemployed! Underemployed and unable to make ends meet! In business but just can’t seem to make a profit! Have a desire to go into business but don’t have working capital or can’t get a loan! Let me connect them to Alfred Hamilton & Associates! They have helped many people achieve a high level of success! It doesn’t matter who they are or what they do! They have a plan that could help make them become more financially successful! And their plan won’t cost a penny to hear! Call: Detroit Class 313 TV @ 1-888-581-5508 ext.1 for Thomas Lowman and leave information how we can contact you. It just might be the best call YOU will ever make! NOTE: This Plan is not a pyramid or chain distribution scheme! A pyramid is a scheme, period! A pyramid scheme could get YOU, ME and anybody else into a lot of trouble with various state and federal laws! “A PYRAMID IS A SCHEME IN WHICH AN INDIVIDUAL PAYS (I REPEAT) PAYS FOR THE RIGHT TO RECRUIT ADDITIONAL PERSONS INTO THE SCHEME WHO, IN TURN, RECEIVE THE SAME RIGHT TO RECEIVE PROFITS FROM RECRUITING OTHERS!” There are 4 common elements of a pyramid scheme that have been identified as: 1. Requires a large initial investment or purchase of inventory. 2. A direct payment for recruiting additional persons into the scheme. 3. A heavy emphasis on recruiting additional persons. 4. Little or no emphasis on selling products to consumers. This Economic Empowerment Plan contains none of the above described elements. If it did, it would invite scrutiny under various state pyramid laws and be subject to disciplinary action, and constantly have to hide and change locations where we meet, which is a headache we don’t need! Al Hamilton lives in West Bloomfield, Michigan his headquarters is located in Southfield, Mi. He owns a large and rapidly growing international business. He is working on a project in Metro Detroit. Every business needs people to grow and be profitable! We want all who are associated with us to live a free, happy and successful for life! ECCLESIASTES 10:19 “A fest is made for laughter, wine maketh merry, but Money is the answer for everything”---GOD Peace, Love & Economic Empowerment
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:12:36 +0000

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