DON’T BE BITTER The greatest defeat a child of God can - TopicsExpress


DON’T BE BITTER The greatest defeat a child of God can experience from the mistreatment of people is to harbor bitterness in his heart. As a child of God, when you allow bitterness in your heart because of the wrongdoing or misbehavior of people, it will poison your spiritual life, hampers your free relationship with the people, and it hinders unsaved people who offend you from coming to God; because bitterness will hinder you from praying for them and from loving them. Bitterness is poisonous and pernicious, because it is within, right in the Spirit, and it may not be easily noticed outside. Acts 8:23, “For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.” Bitterness is as a result of people wrong talking or treatment of people, which actually goes beyond the flesh and blood. Bitterness is a satanic weapon against the children of God, and many within and outside the church are trapped, even against one another among the brethren. Even when you do not revenge, fight back, talk back or retaliate against people who mistreat, offend or speak against you, if care is not taken, you may be bitter in your heart against them by grudge, and in such case, Satan has won the battle. Bitterness is a little sin, but so large to hinder a child of God from making heaven. As it is common among unbelievers, so it is among believers and mostly among mature Christians. It is subtle but destructive. If it is not settled at once, It leads to anger, evil speaking, slander and malice. It hinders ones prayer, free fellowship with one another and it hinders one from making heaven. The only remedy and means to block bitterness from gaining access into our hearts is to overlook offenses and forgive freely. Don’t mind, don’t enumerate what people do against you, just forgive and escape bitterness. We must also pray daily for cleansing and grace to overcome such subtle sins. Ephesians 4:31, 32 &Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. This message from Revelation of Truth Evangelical Ministries RTEM and Posted by Spirit, Life & Truth Ministries SLTM. If you would like to Surrender or rededicate your life to Jesus Christ, to experience genuine salvation that gives power over sin. It is free for you, to help better, please click on this link to read how to experience genuine salvation: https://m.facebook/notes/our-bible-studies-preaching-the-gospel-preparing-a-nation/how-to-be-saved-and-start-a-new-life-in-jesus/1498652943703221 You can also contact us on email for prayer, counsel or if you need biblical enlightenment on personal issues: Our Facebook page, you can like our page for daily article on your wall, please click on this link and like, then click on the liked and add to interest list https://m.facebook/profile.php?id=693576867371158&v=feed&_rdr This message is from Spirit, Life & Truth Ministries, SLTM affiliated with RTEM Revelation of Truth Evangelical Ministries Abuja Nigeria. Our Email: DivineJesus1@gmail If you want to read other Christian articles on several other topics from this ministry, you can please click on this link. https://facebook/groups/1498314403737075?view=files You can join to receive new topics. THANK YOU FOR READING. Please like our page and please also share this post with friends, family members to help them.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 13:59:52 +0000

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