DON’T COMPARE, COMPLEMENT! In the effective pursuit of - TopicsExpress


DON’T COMPARE, COMPLEMENT! In the effective pursuit of purpose, you are not competing with anyone; you are basically competing with yourself. Hence there is no basis for unhealthy comparison. Many people today have been paralyzed in the matter of their destiny because of comparison; they fail to understand that God is a God of variety. He is the one that created the short and the tall and the slim and the chubby. Don’t try to be like me, be yourself, you have certain things I don’t have and I have certain things that you don’t have, hence the need to complement each other. You don’t have to envy what God told me to do and I don’t have to envy what God told you to do, we are just to individually and corporately obey God and do exactly what He told us to do, that is the way to real greatness. Your calling is not to be inferior or superior to another person’s, it is to be yourself in the shaping hands of a loving God. Listen to Apostle Paul in 2 Cor 10:12 (AMP) – “…….However, when they measure themselves with themselves and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely.” This is a pointer to the fact that comparison leads to lack of understanding and wisdom. I wrote an article sometimes ago titled “The God complex”, where I explained that God doesn’t want us to put up with inferiority or superiority complex but with God complex. God complex says this is who I am in Christ Jesus, I can be better but I am not going to compare myself with nobody. This is the attitude God wants us to have so that we will just be effectively pursuing His purpose and at the end of the day, He will be the one to reward us and not any other person. You are different from everybody in the whole world and that is why you should make a difference, don’t be like him, I know you like him but it is suicidal to become another person instead of being yourself. Your gifts and endowments are unique to you, you can sharpen them and make them better in the effective pursuit of that assignment but never drop it to pick another person’s. In the kingdom of God there is no comparison, there is only complement ability (ability to work with others in an atmosphere of love). There must be a Paul but there must also be a Peter and there must be a John. Imagine if the whole world is just filled with people like you! How will the world look like? Don’t be under duress to impress anybody, keep impressing God who enrolled you in this journey. He (God) is the rewarder of they that diligently seek him and He is our judge. Have a purpose driven week. Shalom. Samuel writes.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 07:10:39 +0000

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