DON’T CRY When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for - TopicsExpress


DON’T CRY When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for her and said to her, “Do not weep.” — Luke 7:13 Imagine a society with no means to support a widow. How can she go on living especially when her only child dies? Hopeless, alone and in pain, the widow is like a dead woman walking. In the Gospel, Jesus was with a crowd going along their way when He saw the widow and her dead son. He could’ve just stayed the course and ignored her. She did not ask for help, she did not ask for any miracle but Jesus felt her pain and took the initiative. She did not go to Him but He went to her. Not only that, He said, “Don’t cry.” This probably meant, “Hush, all will be well. I’ll take care of everything.” And though considered ritually impure, Jesus touched the bier and commanded the dead son to rise. The son was brought back to life! This is an awesome account of how our true God is. Like the widow, even before we ask for help, even before we make any move to go to Him and even if we’re not worthy, He takes the initiative to restore us. He comes to us! So the next time you’re in great pain, in silence, listen to the voice in your heart telling you, “Don’t cry. I’ll take care of everything.” Carlo Lorenzo (carloflorenzo@yahoo) Reflection: God meets us where we are. Whether we’re in pain, in anger, in sin, or away from Him. He finds ways to bring us back to His embrace. Father God, restore me every time I fall away from You. Help me see the real You — a loving Father who takes the first step to go and embrace His child By:kerygma family
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 00:48:58 +0000

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