DON’T FORGET BOSNIA AGAIN COMMENTS FROM BOSNIAN PEOPLE regarding “Key findings of the 2013 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina” , Brussels, 16 October 2013 1) SEJDIC – FINCI ISSUE …The Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 16 October. The Commission concluded that ...Bosnia and Herzegovina has made very limited progress in addressing the political criteria. A shared vision by the political representatives on the overall direction and future of the country, or on how it should function, remains absent. Despite intensive facilitation efforts by the EU, the countrys political representatives could not agree on a solution to implement the European Court of Human Rights judgement in the Sejdić-Finci case regarding discrimination against citizens on grounds of ethnicity. Addressing this judgement remains key for the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and for a credible application for EU membership… 2) ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE COORDINATION MECHANISM ON EU-RELATED MATTERS …No progress has been achieved either on establishing an effective coordination mechanism on EU-related matters between various levels of government. Such a coordination mechanism is essential to enable the representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina to speak on behalf of their country and to commit when interacting with the EU... COMMENTS: It seems that Europe has forgot that they have implemented together with the U.S. a Peace Agreement for Bosnia in Dayton, 1995. This is the key for all problems in Bosnia since 1995. There is NO country all over the world which can fulfil such incorrect and especially inpracticable “Constitutional modell”. The U.S. needs to revise Dayton in the direction of greater centralization of Bosnia! Somehow U.S. “ didn’t finished business in the Balkans, especially not in Bosnia and Hercegovina”! This agreement is not fully satisfying anyone of the three warring nations. You can’t ask the “political parties” to finish this – they are not able to do this. There is NO way that , e.g. the Bosnian Serbs will move even one step away from the Dayton – but the EU Commission is asking to fulfil the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights regarding Sejdic-Finci implementation against discrimination on citizens?! How?? You have to change Dayton for this! The roots for the basic problem in Bosnia are till in Washington and are till since years. Bosnia needs a “Constitutional reform of Dayton” and this can be done only by the parties involved during Peace Agreement in Dayton. Since years they left to the EU “to solve the problems in Bosnia” – and in such a constellation Bosnia is struggeling and not moving onwards. For Bosnia and Hercegovina this is the most important time and U.S. should also serve there problems, get again in relationship with EU regarding Bosnia and push the matter for a better future also for Bosnian citizens! You can’t await that somebody to whom are “hands and legs bounded” to run as one who is free and healthy (like Croatia) without this hindering facts. It seems that EU as well as U.S. are “doing again a mistake” in Bosnia. Why they can’t finally agree and push the situation in Bosnia onwards in direction of EU Integration as Croatia has finished! Our message: Please treat Bosnia in a way as Bosnia deserves after all the blood what people in Bosnia have loosed during the war 1992-1995. Please give them more support as you are doing now. Please consider Dayton and all the difficulties related to this. Please give Bosnia finally a real chance! Please don’t forget Srebrenica! Don’t forget that there are people living like you and me! DON’T FORGET BOSNIA AGAIN! DON’T LET BOSNIA TO FALL DOWN AGAIN!! PLEAZE….
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:10:51 +0000

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