DON’T LIKE IT. READ IT. OPEN THE INTRODUCTION: NASA CONFIRM THE EXISTENCE OF PORTALS 9 cases of spirals in the sky documented and NASA confirmed the existence of portals.........…. #UFODISCLOSURE #VISITORSENLIGHTENMENT #SD_ECBS. https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376/827853780582876/?type=1 youtube/watch?v=Ap9ytbnc3-Q& https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=711211545580434&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1&theater check the info-server on the UFO/ALIEN/SPACEGODS-AGENDA....900 Links.... READ THIS WHOLE POST UNDER https://facebook/notes/sd_ecbs/planet-x-disclosure-home-of-our-creators-the-nibiru-solarsystem/724889147546007 THE SD_ECBS UFO-Research on facebook https://facebook/groups/TheDisclosureProject/permalink/391275897604414/ More data is available under Case 1 2009 in CHINA youtube/watch?v=FhVv8eqrRfI Case 2 5th of June 2010 AUSTRALIA youtube/watch?v=9pgaw6qFbdk Case 3 9th december 2010 Norway incident! youtube/watch?v=qKL0Z5TDZ0o myspace/video/vid/107983137 Case 4 29th of march 2011 NEW ZEALAND youtube/watch?v=KPldeAtu9Fk youtube/watch?v=G-YVByaKw2k Case 5 29 of June 2011 MONGOLIA youtube/watch?v=skw_D6MsFVg Case 6 18th of November 2011 UCRAINE youtube/watch?v=rrjn55FPIU8&feature=youtube_gdata_player Case 7 7th of June 2012 PERSIA https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Vlrlk1NEwgM Case 8 17th of June 2013 SYRIA ISRAEL youtube/watch?v=TVE_wwgvf38 youtube/watch?v=lTy4CTJJMrs& Case 9 March 2014 MEXICO youtube/watch?v=rrjn55FPIU8&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://youtube/watch?v=9mdiwwbhlZk Group messages are reduced from 67.000 to 10000 letters. I thought facebook was invented for Universities and Research?? The more friends we have on facebook, the less do we use our facebook for knowledge-profit. We only handle data …. After the 2007 Obama-support we (me & my friends) looked for new tasks and after we found out that you shit bricks on the frontline at the infowars we grounded the SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization. Now here it is. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the really important information into the world of the information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about!! LOL All the data Ive found during our research we put in the comment-feeds on facebook so everybody can use it and post it if they want. So why is this interesting answer to the question of questions blocked by some organized complex, ehem since thousands of years and oh on one hand we need to love the bible but on the other hand there are no creators? So lets go into it….They are open source and for non-facebook-user available! NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. grounded in 1983 or have you even seen a monkey with sliteyes? DISCLOSURE PROJECT SUPPORT OPEN THE LINK-COLLECTION FOR FULL INFORMATION SERVICE after 1 week you are as informed as we are. The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project started by Greer in 1992 that alleges the existence of a US government cover-up of information relating to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The Disclosure Project has been well-received by UFO enthusiasts, with speeches from Greer and various other witnesses being presented at various UFO-themed conferences. Greer has held press conferences and embarked on a continuing series of lectures and television appearances trying to raise popular support. Mainstream media coverage of the group mostly centered around a 2001 conference at the National Press Club which was described by an attending BBC reporter as the strangest he had ever seen. Greer convened the conference with more than 100 other contactees offering testimony. Among the contactees were ...about 20 former government workers, many of them military and security officials, who stepped forward...and called for congressional hearings about such sightings. Such arguments were met with by derision by skeptics and spokespeople for the U. S. Air Force who maintain that there is no convincing evidence for the speculation that UFOs are alien spacecraft. https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s https://youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=522280584488218&set=a.490550780994532.1073741829.487391284643815&type=1&theater https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1&theater https://facebook/pages/The-Citizen-Hearing-on-Disclosure/153897638102152 Another Adam of the Y chromosome discovered: People mated with as yet unknown species In the standard analysis of the genome of a US-American from a family tree tracing Institute geneticists have encountered a Y chromosome that is older than the species Homo sapiens itself Someday, the researchers explain the discovery, a female modern man has to say with a have as yet unknown way successfully blended. Also from cross scientific or crypto-zoological point of view could be the discovery of interest. While men always inherit from their fathers their Y chromosome and thus this lineage can be traced back to the ancestor of all men, the so-called Adam of the Y chromosome, who lived 60000-140000 years ago, the analysis of the submitted DNA sample, whose male lineage had separated from that of all other men around 338,000 years ago. The newly discovered chromosomal also be similarities between the analyzed Y chromosome and those of eleven men from a village in Cameroon, reports the New Scientist, referring to the in the journal American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) published articles, and thereby refers possibly to the origin of the corresponding male ancestors. GREETZ FROM CAROL ROSIN.... (Open all links) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=615120028602483&set=a.601608683286951.1073741827.601604116620741&type=1&theater https://facebook/pages/Carol-Rosin-Next-Step/601604116620741 peaceinspace/carol-rosin https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=522280584488218&set=a.490550780994532.1073741829.487391284643815&type=1 https://youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1 youtube/watch?v=NWWRf02CgN4 youtube/watch?v=2TUlpnBbZs4 youtube/watch?v=j9DlV_kBSJ8 youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact youtube/watch?v=EnQVsap7vZA youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q youtube/watch?v=s8Nc-gG7vIY https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=522280584488218&set=a.490550780994532.1073741829.487391284643815&type=1&theater https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=383769564991302&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=136&Itemid=30#p1161 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30#p3235 youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q spacetreaty/space_for_progress_forum_2004 triple7center/777_PEACE.html https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s DR.GREER DISCLOSURE PROJECT (open all links) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=751891544845767&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s https://youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30#p3235 youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q BOB DEAN DISCLOSURE PROJECT (open all links) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=743400732361515&set=a.360053300696262.91864.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc youtube/watch?v=Lu2E6i3dQ1E#at=153 youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30#p3235 https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s ORION CONSTALLATION PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT EVEN FOUND ON MARS (open all links) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=179774345438045&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=1&theater click on the pic of all SD_ECBS postings for full information in the facebook-comment-feed. facebook/photo.php?fbid=450657138302544&set=a.450657131635878.109119.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.450657131635878.109119.237775506257376&type=3 https://youtube/watch?v=y5zkQJKZN8M youtube/user/wayhersc?feature=watch THIS WHOLE POST YOU CAN STUDY UNDER https://facebook/notes/visitorsenlightenment-open-all-comments-for-full-information-service/compressed-data-ufo-research-presented-by-the-sd_ecbs/627032784017878 The SD_ECBS ancient ancestors research https://facebook/notes/occupy-1anunnaki/nasa-proof-of-portals/600777440004398 https://facebook/groups/TheDisclosureProject/permalink/391275897604414/ Visit our SD_ECBS newsfeed on facebook concerning the ALIEN/UFO-Research... facebook/groups/181913338529827 Study the SD_ECBS information server Read the whole data out of 7 years under https://facebook/notes/visitorsenlightenment-open-all-comments-for-full-information-service/flower-of-life-nassim-haramein-and-the-alien-ancestors-proof/624848987569591 The SD_ECBS support for HISTORY CHANNEL 2 ANCIENT ALIENS supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=198&p=4&Itemid=30#p1085 NOONE NEED TO UPLOAD ANYTHING ON YOUTUBE AGAIN! THE H2 COLLECTION FOR FREE AVAILABLE.....There are ancient descriptions of extraterrestrial battles that caused wide-scale destruction, and even reports of UFOs lurking in the shadows of recent natural disasters. Watch this Ancient Aliens episode to discover other suspicious links between alleged extraterrestrial activity and historic catastrophes on Earth. history/shows/ancient-aliens history/ paradigmsymposium/ https://facebook/ancientaliens?fref=ts facebook/More2History https://facebook/notes/sd_ecbs/erich-von-d%C3%A4niken-all-support-to-the-great-mother-of-the-spacegods-hypothesis/805019272866327 BEHIND THE SCENES Latest from the ANCIENT ALIENS-WORK on H2.... https://youtube/watch?v=Lagy_VAgHBg youtube/watch?v=krDDOim2sYg youtube/watch?v=B-sbr-PA8wA youtube/watch?v=tz_xBLGq9Jg https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s SET ALL ALIEN VISITORS/MANKINDS CREATORS FREE AND DONT LET THEM ROTTEN IN SECRET BUNKERS AND JAILS ......(Open all links) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.415877495113842.101808.237775506257376&type=3 https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30#p3235 youtube/watch?v=5OLnT4WkbgY TWO UFOS CRASHED AT ROSWELL in 1947 According to Lacerta (see link below) Greys in two saucer-shaped UFOs (see leaked photo below) exploring Earth’s atmosphere in July 1947 collided with each other due to surprising variations in Earth’s relatively UNSTABLE magnetic field with respect to the field alignment calibrations in their fusion engines - originally determined in a STABLE magnetic field on their own home planet. Oops! One craft crashed at Roswell. The other crashed about 135 miles to the east at Socorro, NM. There is controversy as to whether or not there was one survivor, a Grey said to be nicknamed Skinny Bob, who lived secretly at Area 51 until he died in 1952. Believe it or not, Lacerta is a Reptoid and was interviewed for two hours on this YouTube Video. Recommend viewing entire video for amazing narrated testimony about Reptoids living deep beneath the surface of the Earth. Section regarding Roswell Crash is at about 1:42 hours into video. https://youtube/watch?v=KeWg_qSddeE https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.415877495113842.101808.237775506257376/722707727764149/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.415877495113842.101808.237775506257376/722707657764156/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.415877495113842.101808.237775506257376/722707661097489/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.415877495113842.101808.237775506257376/722707694430819/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.415877495113842.101808.237775506257376/722707687764153/?type=3&theater youtube/watch?v=poOUxR_HW0U https://youtube/watch?v=N7ahst8TMww youtube/watch?v=TvwUtkM3huk The US-American military researcher Robert Bob Lazar is a member of the first generation disclosure-fighters like Carol Rosin, William Cooper or Phil Schneider all got killed under suspicious incidents. They all fought for the truth and were the insiders of NASA, CIA and the US-Military-Research. “The Greys say we are tubes and DNA-switched 65-times.” Oh thats why we are so complicated and unfinished and Tubes for what? For DNA or souls? Who let us in this unfinished status? .......Minute 36:30. Thanks for your LIKE ITS........ https://youtube/watch?v=IJolFbj8nc4 PLANET X NIBIRU HOME OF OUR ANCESTORS AS WRITTEN IN THE SUMERIAN TABLETS Enjoy the latest version...(Open all links) https://facebook/pages/OCCUPY-1Anunnaki/179697398779073 https://facebook/179697398779073/photos/a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073/598883776860431/?type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=3 https://youtube/watch?v=QjdOCLGgBcI https://facebook/pages/OCCUPY-1Anunnaki/179697398779073?id=179697398779073&sk=notes https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.179763148772498.45722.179697398779073&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.179761402106006.45720.179697398779073&type=3 https://facebook/179697398779073/photos/a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073/179773272104819/?type=3&theater https://facebook/179697398779073/photos/a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073/667545609994247/?type=3&theater https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s THE CSETI & DISCLOSURE PROJECT-DATABASE ON YOUTUBE youtube/user/csetiweb/videos?view=0&flow=grid https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s FIRST DOCUMENTED UFO-SIGHTING OF MANKIND THUTMOSIS III (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=149&Itemid=30#p1340 NATIVE INDIANS UFO-WHITNESSES (Open all links) Steal the land kill it’s people and destroy a thousand yeary old culture Unntil the 11 of august in 1978 the INDIANS IN THE USA WERE NOT PERMITTED TO MAKE ANY REGILIOUS CEREMONIES!!!! Imagine ! https://facebook/video.php?v=10152032630962096 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=230&Itemid=30#p1405 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND NEW DISCOVERIES AT CAHOKIA MOUNDS STAR MAP ILLINOIS IS ONE OF THE PRIMARY MOUNDS LIKE THE FACE ON MARS? In the new released story of the Cahokia mound star map correlation one has to ask since the mound that correlate with the primary sol star IS an important ancestor star origin possibility... is it using the same design in its construction as chosen in the lost civilisation of Mars star map correlation? A team of researcher friends Sarah and Jimmy are visiting the Cahokia site near St Louis tomorrow... join in if you nearby and are interested. Full story here with links and references: thehiddenrecords/cahokia-mounds-sioux-bird-man.php https://facebook/pages/Aboriginal-and-Tribal-Nation-News/327603401367?fref=photo President BARACK OBAMA was invited to address a major gathering of the American Indian Nation two weeks ago. At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented Obama with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name, Walking Eagle. The proud President Obama accepted the plaque and then departed in his motorcade to a fundraiser, waving to the crowds. A news reporter later asked the group of chiefs how they came to select the new name they had given to the President. They explained that Walking Eagle is the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10150653719006368&set=a.330776471367.196302.3276034013%EF%BB%BF https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s US-PRESIDENTS UFO-WHITNESSES (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=231&Itemid=30#p1406 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s THE SUPER VIP UFO EYE-WHITNESSES (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=229&Itemid=30#p1326 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s THE ASTRONAUTS UFO-EYE-WHITNESSES (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=139&Itemid=30#p1322 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s PYRAMIDES machines of the gods supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=235&Itemid=30#p1396 THE SKYGODS WANTS US TO DISCOVER THE FREE ENERGY! (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=192&Itemid=30#p1328 FOR MORE: supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30 youtube/watch?v=ORDUXw3k8eY supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=255&Itemid=30#p3241 https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s THRIVE A SIGN BURNED IN STONE BY LASER IN ANCIENT EGYPT? (Open all links) https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376/277530112281915/?type=3&theater supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=227&Itemid=30#p1275 FOR MORE: supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30 youtube/watch?v=ORDUXw3k8eY supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=255&Itemid=30#p3241 https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s CROPCIRCLES SIGNES OF THE GODS??? (open and read all links) Enjoy and repost if you like! https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=122&Itemid=30#p1431 https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376/348669945167931/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376/395350733833185/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376/748588021842786/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376/348664361835156/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376/798913946810193/?type=3&theater https://facebook/237775506257376/photos/a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376/348664361835156/?type=3&theater Read the whole post under https://facebook/notes/visitorsenlightenment-open-all-comments-for-full-information-service/free-energy-cropcircle-of-2001-signs-of-the-gods/628158960571927 https://youtube/watch?v=6AW7sPWuApI OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND 2014 BAVARIAN 1999...https://youtube/watch?v=yRndo7F6vA0 with the ball of light one!!!!!!!!LOOKS SIMILAR....https://youtube/watch?v=SJrYo1Qy7So https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s LEVITATION Sounds of the gods (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=180&Itemid=30#p1247 youtube/watch?v=9oSePXRbW9o&list=PL2vh8KPJpgxPgbltb5olXiwJGvs4WwhfB&index=46 THE MOST IMPORTANT PROOF FOR CREATION OF THE GODS..... https://youtube/watch?v=cUiSMPHRrhc OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s UFOS - IMAGINE THEY ARE EVEN BIOSPHERES...... (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=159&Itemid=30#p1335 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s SD_ECBS support the SPIRIALS IN THE SKY RESEARCH (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=138&Itemid=30#p1242 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s BEST FILM CAMPAIGNS (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=183&Itemid=30#p1330 FOR MORE: supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30 VATICAN DECLARES THE EXISTENCE OF SPACEGODS (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=187&Itemid=30#p1331 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s THE GREYS SAY WE ARE DNA-SWITCHED 65-TIMES? (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=125&Itemid=30#p1408 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s STARCHILD-SKULL-RESEARCH AND DISCLOSURE (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=137&Itemid=30#p1342 FOR MORE: supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10202529160658035&set=a.1228655844300.2032723.1466217088&type=1&theater https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s THE ASTRONAUTS UFO-EYE-WHITNESSES (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=139&Itemid=30#p1322 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND PLANET OF SOULS DISCLOSURE SD_ECBS supporters (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=130&Itemid=30#p1341 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s UFOS AT THE SUN (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=189&Itemid=30#p1332 youtube/watch?v=pNUu18zGPKw youtube/watch?v=uKHfQ3zqdEs OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND FOR MORE: supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30 https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s UFOS ON THE MOON (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=115&Itemid=30#p1429 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=296967933671466&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/watch?v=Uo81LMy6Ug8. youtube/watch?v=XlkV1ybBnHI 500 years all happenings on the moon listed by NASA..... OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s PHÖNIX-LIGHTS (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=179&Itemid=30#p1333 FOR MORE: supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30 https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s THE SECRET WAR AGAINST OTHERS SPECIES IS NO SCIENCE FICTION (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=135&Itemid=30#p1323 FOR MORE: supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30 https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s MIDDLEAGE AND ALL OTHER DEVILS ARE ALIENS? (Open all links) supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=228&Itemid=30#p1325 OPEN ALL STUDY ALL supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=256&Itemid=30 SOME MORE DATA...supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=profile&page=posts&user_id=2&Itemid=30&p=15 AND https://youtube/watch?v=SgKMgJKLB5s NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. FIRST UNDERSTAND THIS HOLY PLANET MOTHER EARTH AND HOW SHE PROTECTS US THE WONDER TO BE HERE! To stay in such a paradise protected by magnetism living on a big magnet in a habitable zone just so small like magic...with moon stabilizing us and without him we wouldnt have weather we wouldnt exists.....all made by the spacegods...... youtube/watch?v=ORDUXw3k8eY The famous sign on the Great Britains summer fields of 2001 including the Aricebo-signal-answer. Many cropcircle activities happened in 2001 around Europe but especially England and Italy! SD_ECBS support the CROPCIRCLE-DISCLOSURE and like to inform about the information from outerspace. The cropcircle-phenomena is not new. 1678 pamphlet on the Mowing-Devil Study the links under this photo in the comment –feed of it: 2 CROP-CIRCLE SIGNS REPLIED ON THE ARICEBO-SIGNALS SUMMER 2001 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348669945167931&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater Read the whole data out of 7 years under https://facebook/notes/visitorsenlightenment-open-all-comments-for-full-information-service/flower-of-life-nassim-haramein-and-the-alien-ancestors-proof/624848987569591 WELCOME TO OUR NEWSGROUPS. Enjoy our work and go back into the timeline. click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. NASA confirmed the existence of portals youtube/watch?v=Ap9ytbnc3-Q& youtube/watch?v=hM5RQLtLzB4 youtube/watch?v=lymI67Y90m8 TEMPLE OF SETI “Rose of life” Abydos, Egppt youtube/watch?v=lymI67Y90m8 The Flower of Life symbol drawn in red ochre Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, is the recognized source from Atlantis and was knew by other civilizations from somewhere else. THIS IS THE SIGN THE THRIVE CONCEPT IS BASED ON AS A SECRET SIGN FOR A FREE ENERGY CONCEPT. facebook/photo.php?fbid=456283251073266&set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3&theater “Flower of Life” by Nassim Haramein, Quantum Physicist. After awakening at 15 years old, Nassim spent his career proving sacred geometry as understood in metaphysic traditions to be accurate understandings regarding the oneness in universal spirituality and that these beautiful ancient artworks are actually codes to activate a sophisticated energy source known in modern math as the Abha Torus Vortex, which generates continual free energy from non-local consciousness. It’s the God particle that CERN is working on trying to simulate. BADGAT-BATTERY DISCLOSURE https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3 SD_ECBS support the 450mill. UTAH SHOEPRINT-DISCLOSURE https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426950177339907.103741.237775506257376&type=3 SD_ECBS support the ICA-STONES-RESEARCH https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426830210685237.103717.237775506257376&type=3 SD_ECBS support the 2,8 billion years old Klerksdorp Spheres research and publication https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.454493621252229.110414.237775506257376&type=3 youtube/watch?v=obGrWTju904 SD_ECBS support the BAGDAT-BATTERY-DISCLOSURE and all of the high culture of Egypt even a lot cam from the Sumerians. Study the photo-album installed on facebook Latest research found out that we have a network of pyramids all around the world calling the World pyramids grid.,r:6,s:0,i:100&tx=73&ty=42 EARTH NEED A CHANGE! So you start with a click on this pic for more information service this is the SD_ECBS FREE DATABASE presented on facebook for nonprofit earth-optimizing reasons. STUDY THE COMMENT-FEEDS OF OUR ALBUMS. THATS FASTER THAN YOU SEARCH FOR ALL DATA! TELL YOUR FRIENDS. SUPPORT US! youtube/watch?v=mQZm03ZoF08 Help to share our information-services the SD_ECBS NEWSFEEDS https://facebook/groups/209226609114914 https://facebook/groups/181913338529827 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 Help to share our information-services the SD_ECBS DATABANKS blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348664361835156&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=277530405615219&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.555319457836311.1073741827.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.362375123797413.92453.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.432386526796272.104730.237775506257376&type=3 The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 2-3 nonprofit environmental support facebook/groups/209226609114914 facebook/groups/181913338529827 The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 1 nonprofit environmental support facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=wall facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/192090147520838?sk=wall The SD_ECBS-newsfeed 4 nonprofit environmental support ancestors researchfacebook/pages/OCCUPY-1Anunnaki/179697398779073 facebook/photo.php?fbid=186307808118032&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=180540632028083&set=a.180539938694819.45981.179697398779073&type=1&theater GENERAL SUBJECTS ON EARTHOPTIMIZATION supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348664361835156&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=277530405615219&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.555319457836311.1073741827.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.362375123797413.92453.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.432386526796272.104730.237775506257376&type=3 All our last 10000 postings you will find on TWITTER twitter/MISNICvisit The Secret Government - a fraudulently concealed, unconstitutional, corporate-state entity - has heretofore controlled electropulsion technology by concealing it and other advanced free energy technology, on behalf of international, coercive, corporate-state monopolists. Electropulsive ships are concealed through special effects, and stealth technology (also based on Nikola Teslas inventions)- as they fly and hover in the sky, and by psycho-political means - the dissemination of false alien and extraterrestrial origin propaganda - through UFOlogy groups led by covert government agents. While official government spokesmen deny the existence of flying saucers, covert government agents, posing as skeptics, UFOlogists, and paranormalists, engage the publics attention in a phony debate. The skeptics ridicule the UFOlogists and paranormalists, lumping them together with rational witnesses, as if see a flying saucer is as ridiculous as see a ghost or alien. This phony debate based on false logic fits nicely into the overall cover-up system, designed to conceal advanced human technology, not alien click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SD_ECBS support the SPIRALS IN THE SKY RESEARCH AND DISCLOSURE facebook/media/set/?set=a.425667977468127.103519.237775506257376&type=3 So a part of the CROP-CIRCLE-DISCUSSION for what the TEAM SD_ECBS collected a outstanding LINK-LIBRARY on this information server we have the SPIRALS IN THE SKY AS AN OTHER DISCUSSION-POINT and so make up your mind. Technical it is so outstanding happening only mankind could do with some special technology but we don’t really know what it is… SD_ECBS SUPPORTERS-DESK for THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT on facebook facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1&theater Disclosure Project - Action for Disclosure of the UFO/ET Subject and Extraterrestrial Technologies. youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact SD_ECBS supports the disclosure-project youtube/watch?v=n25eGhc5kL4 The misinforming-campaign breaks the law of the constitution of the United States of America. youtube/watch?v=ptX9aS8rjEs The US-American military researcher Robert Bob Lazar is a member of the first generation disclosure-fighters like Carol Rosin, William Cooper or Phil Schneider all got killed under suspicious incidents. They all fought for the truth and were the insiders of NASA, CIA and the US-Military-Research. “The Greys say we are tubes and DNA-switched 65-times.” Oh thats why we are so complicated and unfinished and Tubes for what? For DNA or souls? Who let us in this unfinished status? youtube/watch?v=IJolFbj8nc4 ........Minute 36:30. Thanks for your LIKE ITS........ Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project started by Greer in 1992 that alleges the existence of a US government cover-up of information relating to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The Disclosure Project has been well-received by UFO enthusiasts, with speeches from Greer and various other witnesses being presented at various UFO-themed conferences. Greer has held press conferences and embarked on a continuing series of lectures and television appearances trying to raise popular support. Mainstream media coverage of the group mostly centered around a 2001 conference at the National Press Club which was described by an attending BBC reporter as the strangest he had ever seen. Dr. Greer convened the conference with more than 100 other contactees offering testimony. Among the contactees were ...about 20 former government workers, many of them military and security officials, who stepped forward...and called for congressional hearings about such sightings. Such arguments were met with by derision by sceptics and spokespeople for the U. S. Air Force who maintain that there is no convincing evidence for the speculation that UFOs are alien spacecraft. First REAL UFO-FLIGHTS RECORDED BY NASA INFRARED SPACE SUTTLE PROTOCOL CAM!!!!! No L-Formation flying satellites at the beginning. youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/watch?v=5OLnT4WkbgY UFO Pentagon Hacker Tells What He Found: governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public... It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting... I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled Non-Terrestrial Officers. It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel.. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers examiner/article/ufo-hacker-wins-battle-against-us-government DON’T LIKE IT! READ IT! Never give up the social network called Facebook! We can make a change if we are interested…. THIS IS UNDER THE LEAD OF THE GODS. EARTH NEED A CHANGE! So you start with a click on this pic for more information service this is the SD_ECBS FREE DATABASE presented on facebook for nonprofit earth-optimizing reasons. STUDY THE COMMENT-FEEDS OF OUR ALBUMS. THATS FASTER THAN YOU SEARCH FOR ALL DATA! TELL YOUR FRIENDS. SUPPORT US! In 1983 we were ordered to create the EARTHCOLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE and the SUPPORTERS-DESK in a time when supporters were supporting their sports LOL. We were ordered to work on MISNIC not really able to understand that all in the early 1980th. Today we know we are the SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Now we know (study the comment –feeds of the posted photo as data-containers on facebook) DON’T LIKE IT. READ IT. THIS MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE! The more friends we have on facebook, the less do we use our facebook for knowledge-profit. We only handle data …. FIRST UNDERSTAND THIS HOLY PLANET MOTHER EARTH AND HOW SHE PROTECTS US THE WONDER TO BE HERE! https://facebook/notes/visitorsenlightenment-open-all-comments-for-full-information-service/the-last-guy-programming-research-posts-on-facebook/625186210869202 To stay in such a paradise protected by magnetism living on a big magnet in a habitable zone just so small like magic...with moon stabilizing us and without him we wouldnt have weather we wouldnt exists.....all made by the spacegods...... youtube/watch?v=ORDUXw3k8eY youtube/watch?v=G0tQnRWCrEI&feature=share TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the really important information into the world of the information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about!! LOL Hi there and this nonprofit environmental support service is new installed. We have over 6 million visitors in our network and on myspace so we just began on Summer 2011 programming facebook with all news for free as an instant informing system for all. THEREFOR WE INVENTED THE SD_ECBS-FACEBOOK DATA-CONTAINERS IN WHICH YOU WILL FIND A SUMMARY OF TOP LINKS CONCERNING THE PHOTO WE JUST POST. SO YOU ARE INFORMED INSTANTLY ABOUT REAL DIFFICULT RESEARCH CLIMAX WHATFOR YOU NEED YEARS OF SEARCHING IN THE INTERNET. The more the internet-community know the better can we protect our wonderful world as paradise in comparison to -270degrees Celsius in space. The history of the past has shown it is a matter of knowledge what is going on in the world for its protection and wow what a wonder to stay on this holy thing magnetic earth protecting us from the evil sunradiation and wow the habitable zone is just as big as earth size and wow the moon is positioned in an perfect orbit without we wont have stabile weather conditions and wow they have found more amino acids on meteorites than we even know on earth a.s.o. Welcome to the world of SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE The famous sign on the Great Britains summer fields of 2001 including the Aricebo-signal-answer. Many cropcircle activities happened in 2001 around Europe but especially England and Italy! SD_ECBS support the CROPCIRCLE-DISCLOSURE and like to inform about the information from outerspace. The cropcircle-phenomena is not new. 1678 pamphlet on the Mowing-Devil Study the links under this photo in the comment –feed of it: 2 CROP-CIRCLE SIGNS REPLIED ON THE ARICEBO-SIGNALS SUMMER 2001 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348669945167931&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater Here comes the fightback!.. CLICK ON THE LINK NOT ON THE FLAGG FOR THE SD_ECBS DATA CONTAINERS BANK AS NONPROFIT INSTANT INFORMATION BANK FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION...... Study the links under this photo in the comment –feed of it: SD_ECBS support the SIGNS FOR HIGHER RANKS DISCLOSURE https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.454287134606211.110348.237775506257376&type=3 TEMPLE OF SETI “Rose of life” Abydos, Egppt facebook/photo.php?fbid=456283251073266&set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3&theater “Flower of Life” by Nassim Haramein, Quantum Physicist. After awakening at 15 years old, Nassim spent his career proving sacred geometry as understood in metaphysic traditions to be accurate understandings regarding the oneness in universal spirituality and that these beautiful ancient artworks are actually codes to activate a sophisticated energy source known in modern math as the Abha Torus Vortex, which generates continual free energy from non-local consciousness. It’s the God particle that CERN is working on trying to simulate. youtube/watch?v=lymI67Y90m8 The first recorded UFO-EYE-WHITNESS HAPPEND IN OLD EPYPT 1480 b.C. and WOW reason why they have these strange pyramids (Planetary grid system)? (Open all links) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=335755983173213&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=3&theater youtube/watch?v=G0tQnRWCrEI&feature=share https://youtube/watch?v=qnXkgxFC30s Latest research found out that we have a network of pyramids all around the world calling the World pyramide-grid-system.,r:6,s:0,i:100&tx=73&ty=42 WOW THIS IS A SD_ECBS DATA-CONTAINER ON FACEBOOK FOR FREE. All information you will find by a click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SUPPORT US OUR WORK AND THE UNITED ARTISTS FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION.Post this all around........The outstanding research on the questions of questions and where do mankind come comparison to the bible and the latest results of the research in 2013... WORLDS FACEBOOK UFO-GROUPS LISTED DISCLOSURE PROJECT SUPPORT The SD_ECBS-Ufo-Research facebook/groups/TheDisclosureProject/permalink/391275897604414 facebook/groups/464681110222720/ facebook/groups/106438902774874/ facebook/groups/UDGgroup/ facebook/groups/433513200038096/ facebook/groups/647241111956736/ facebook/groups/deshaufoarrival/ facebook/groups/199490080182798/ facebook/groups/214147905314129/ facebook/groups/paranormalxx/ facebook/groups/136052776499382/ facebook/groups/94662954913/ facebook/groups/370804516325609/ facebook/groups/etdisclosurewinnipeg/ facebook/groups/180229345356766/ facebook/groups/242871642427462/ facebook/groups/155703021205169/ facebook/groups/UfoMistery/ facebook/groups/405523122803534/ facebook/groups/303572293038980/ facebook/groups/377823035060/ facebook/groups/10006177919/ facebook/groups/36091878261/ facebook/groups/498896940197356/ ESPANIOL facebook/groups/220798514625089/ Argentina facebook/groups/culturaovniargentina/ MAJESTIC 12 facebook/groups/196691423736989/ BIOLOGICAL SPHERES facebook/groups/299572726782746/ MOON facebook/groups/LARS.Lunar.Anomaly.Research.Society/ facebook/groups/449160721871534/ facebook/groups/128235873919229/ facebook/groups/127176187466613/ SD_ECBS information-desk on GOOGLES for free! MARS facebook/groups/marsresearch/ facebook/groups/422946624472198/ site is presented by the SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE THE BEST OF-LINKS ABOUT GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE ARE NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. grounded in 1983 or have you even seen a monkey with sliteyes? youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q Visit our newsfeed on facebook concerning the ALIEN/UFO-Research... facebook/groups/181913338529827 MISSION PERFORMED!/petition/formally-acknowledge-extraterrestrial-presence-engaging-human-race-disclosure/wfYDlmlG Sometimes higher ranks seems to order others to create KICK ASS AGENCIES........... facebook/photo.php?fbid=348121475222778&set=a.266575520044041.71774.237775506257376&type=3&theater click on the pic for full information in the facebook comment-feed. The United Artists for Earthoptimization! Time by time the gods did have kick ass departements like us! The SD_ECBS SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Disclosure Project - Action for Disclosure of the UFO/ET Subject and Extraterrestrial Technologies. youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SD_ECBS support the peace between the United Federation of Planets and all work of the DISCLOSURE PROJECT presented their work at the NY press club in 2001. So join the result of 7 years research and may change your life and your standing concerning these facts. The SD_ECBS created the NEWSFEED for VISITORSENLIGHTENMENT on facebook including the latest of mankinds discoveries shared up in subjects. Go back in the timeline and open all comments for full information service... facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the real information of worlds information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about! Help to share our information-services, newsfeeds and databanks for free. This is nonprofit environmental support and needed to be shared to all people wordwide. The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk GENERAL SUBJECTS ON EARTHOPTIMIZATION supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348664361835156&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=277530405615219&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater The EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE grounded in 1984 in the lead of the Gods. We are the DESK THE SUPPORTERS DESK of the ECBS. facebook/photo.php?fbid=275643755803884&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105435157716&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A HI TO CREATIONISM click on the picture please for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization The BEN DE BRUYCKER HYPOTHESIS 1: Everything in Evolution was developed by its needs. So why is the human brain so overextended and bored with its functions that even Mr. Einstein used only 14-17% of his brain-capacity even with the Cabala brain enlargement techniques. So to me it is the indication number 1 that we are made by ancestors written down in the bible and so we work on this research in the Internet... Imagine some generations before we only collected fruits and so simple stuff apart from protecting ourselfs in the danger of a animal attack. Today we fly helicopters or jets and drive cars with a tremendous speed, while talking with on mobile phones and switched the cd-player while driving the car............. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A WARM WELCOME TO CREATIONISM!!! click on the picture please for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization We pay tax for it and NASA is ordered to tell us the results of the latest research as written down in the space act. SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for visitorsenlightenment the existence of Spacegods SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for visitorsenlightenment the existence of Spacegods youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact https://youtube/watch?v=pNUu18zGPKw youtube/watch?v=n25eGhc5kL4 https://youtube/watch?v=ptX9aS8rjEs youtube/user/SDisclosure?feature=watch https://youtube/watch?v=n25eGhc5kL4 daeniken returnofthespacegods.wordpress misnic facebook/home.php?sk=group_181913338529827&ap=1 supporters-desk returnofthespacegods.wordpress/2008/03/18/it-all-started-with-erich-von-daniken%E2%80%A6 moonrising-themovie/home.html spacestationmoon.blogspot/2011/02/lunar-lights-on-hollow-moon.html abovetopsecret/forum/thread433024/pg1 youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/user/csetiweb/videos?view=0&flow=grid facebook/groups/181913338529827 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater youtube/user/csetiweb/videos?view=0&flow=grid youtube/watch? youtube/playlist?list=PLF145F457E1952CFC youtube/watch?v=ApTtoqrDblg&ytsession=tHWAgS94podj7Kg1oItcf9YZEIelvbXp57UY-31cqGO2nlZXLiVjMpp7BO3IWw_lv6ybHrl2KOKZKV-bbGhSIv8_apfHS06PeTVZBlbsOVfWWHZGuLgqCNesrrDbaDrDKAE2oboTyjOztnJFNB2V1taJbwmtan1scVq-WMkeMh89BtNXwV-Y9HGPKwKwmwEkd6xXuIpzYRROhMHufTwRqm9kHc69pjqcxisdEd7w82efp6jhZizWpP59QzPTNHNzcRWJzpwPK-oXlzogC8rrt_n8614fk1P8V9BEXax2_ULZ8BWIfMqgfMLzHsxpQU-nYSEFvkRRFs0X93rvjbH5fZgYUsfXOxUdwrvUBUAdXKrL1I8IAz8tsOUpoL1vCwYNdH46uJGfIZIRGIGCix02_Pm35CLFpZg0CjD-a78JrwYXn8xw1eHeClhDE2uF-TnwSIos2zkClnX3WA5MWUbZ4lyYyhEbesHqqzdptXGTT1wY-ky0eNCcfwZp3_0bw2GNrBqQ5ZGIpdM huffingtonpost/2013/07/20/physicist-eric-davis-mufon-symposium_n_3620126.html youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zy1Vu551SN0 collective-evolution/2012/11/02/national-security-agency-nsa-releases-ufo-files/ SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for an impact from the outside in scientific research moonrising-themovie/home.html,_astrology_and_ufology#Serpo spacestationmoon.blogspot/2011/02/lunar-lights-on-hollow-moon.html starchildproject/dna2010.htm?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4d80b6c6d83de45a%2C0 librarising/space/darkstar.html skepticreport/sr/?p=232 secretsun.blogspot/2009/02/spacegods-pyramid-of-apollo.html abovetopsecret/forum/thread433024/pg1 aufosg/index.php quakes.globalincidentmap globalincidentmap WAITING FOR THE 700 years old FREE ENERGY REVOLUTION? Here is the film why its not... youtube/watch?v=UdOFAAgTUqo THE SUCCESS OF THE FREE ENERGY WILL BE ONLY A SUCCESS OF THE SOCIAL NETWORKS. EVEN THE TRIVE CONCEPT WITH A OUTSTANDING ADVERTISING PROMOTION SEEMS TO BE LOST! WE NEED SMALL FREE RUNNING MAGNETIC MOTORS IN TOYS FOR CHILDREN AND WATE THE WHOLE WORLD FULL OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF THE GODS.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 09:27:50 +0000

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