DOPE EMAIL I RECIEVED FROM A FAN TODAY, BRANDON CHESTERMAN FELT LIKE SHARING IT WITH YALL Ron, I hope you get this email because I want you to know the impact your music has on my life (and millions of other fans). About a year ago, I emailed you and compared you to Jim Morrison/The Doors. The same way Morrison took a genre of music and completely flipped it on its side, I believe you have done the same with hip-hop. Anyways, at that point in time I was at a very bad place in my life - mentally. I was allowing myself to feel depressed and angry - it bothered me. In the last year I have quit 2 jobs from feeling overwhelmed and helpless, and put myself in the position of feeling stuck. I have been a huge fan for many years, not one day has gone by in the last 8 years that I havent obsessively listened to your music, and it was your beats, your lyrics and interviews that pulled me back out of the gutter. In order to get back on track, I recently picked up Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins, and in that book he stresses how important it is to have a role model - the first name to pop into my head was Necro. People dont give you the credit you deserve for your hustle. When I think of what you have achieved, I hold you in the same regard as I do Arnold Schwarzenegger. You both refused to lose and pushed it to the limit. There may be legends in hip hop, but none can compare to you. YOU ARE THE MOST QUOTABLE RHYMER THAT HAS EVER LIVED. Every Necro track is a banger. Every track - no BS. Your production and beats cant be touched. Who before you would ever have though of sampling Goblin, Morricone or Fabio Frizzi? Nobody. Your music is Argento, Fulci, and Dmato with gore effects by Savini. Killings All Around really hits home with me, and I listen to it constantly. (BTW, is there a little score sample from Cannibal Holocaust in the beat?). Working 8 hours a day for someone else is insane, youre like a slave the only difference is your giving yourself permission. That line alone has pushed me to become self made, like you are. One of my aspirations is to interview you - I want to know your genius, I cant stand how everyone asks you the same questions over and over again. I wish there was a Ron Braunstein autobiography that I could carry around with me. I know youre an extremely busy guy, so I apologize for the length of this email. I just wanted you to know how important what you do is to a lot of people. I know Im not the only person that feels this way. I dont understand how there are so many people who cant digest your music and see it for what it TRULY is. I guess the references and realness runs too deep for most, and its really a shame because too many people are overlooking you. When I listen to your music, I am constantly reminded of the struggles you have endured to get to where you are. Nothing in life comes easy, and youre living, breathing proof. Your music is a journey through the human psyche, some people choose to convince themselves that you are too violent, too vulgar - but EVERY human being on this planet experiences the emotions you invoke, whether they choose to admit it or not. Thank you for doing what you do, I would not be the person that I am today if it wasnt for Necro. Your achievements and hustle have inspired me to become motivated, dedicated and focused.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 05:27:11 +0000

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