DOUBLE RATIONALITY: CONTRADICTORY SOCIAL CONTENT OF THE CAPITALIST PRODUCTION_RELATIONS_____( 2 ) ============================================ In fact under capitalism, * THE DEVELOP OF CAPITALISTS , POTENTIALITIES is shaped by their need to deal with the labours as the source of the maximum feasible quantity of unpaid labour. On the other hand , *THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LABOURERS, POTENTIALITIES is shaped by their need to resist and abolish their alienation, not only from their products ( which they must alienate to the owners of the means of production) but also from themselves ( because they are not free to fully develope their potentialities ). Thus we have both * A CLASS,S OBJECTIVE NEED to exploit another class , together with * OBJECTIVE NEED THE LATTER CLASS has to resist and abolish that exploitation; both the need to thawrt human development and need to expand it maximum. * THE FORMER CLASS needs an egoistic and exploitative behaviour, * THE LATTER altruistic and solidaristic behaviour. * FOR THE FORMER one,s well_being must be bsed upon the other,s misery, * FOR THE LATTER one,s well_being must be both the condition for and the result of the other,s well _ being. * THE SATISFACTION OF THE FORMER need is functional for the reproduction of the capitalist system ; * THE SATISFACTION OF THE LATTER is functional for the supersession of that system. ( to be continued ) __________________ Back to primary source : BEHIND THE CRISIS: MARX,S DIALECTICS OF VALUE AND KNOWLEDGE Written by: GUGLIELMO CARCHEDI
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:15:12 +0000

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