DOWN BUT NOT OUT! St. John chapter 11 – One named - TopicsExpress


DOWN BUT NOT OUT! St. John chapter 11 – One named Lazarus dies. Jesus waits two days before he takes the journey to Bethany. When Jesus arrives Lazarus is dead for four days. People were talkin! Unsavory family members may have been waitin in the wings like vultures. People often are not kind when somebody bites the dust. Figuratively speaking. You know what I’m sayin. You’re having a ruff go of things in your life. Everybody else seems to know why, they know what you did wrong or what you should have done right! Casting their point of view like a javelin at a target. You know what they say about opinions? They are like something else: Everybody has one! They counted you out and what they didn’t know is that God called you safe a long time ago! Lazarus was down for the count and out of the race. But not for long. Folks really ought to watch who they set their mouth too, or who they consign to being lost and gone and done for! Sometimes those whom we have counted out, God has had a glorious plan prepared for them all along! Watch who you’re messin with one day Jesus may pass by AND THEY SHALL RISE AGAIN! Many years ago I was left for dead behind a dumpster, at that point in my life that’s probably what most people expected. There were some who had written me off; but Jesus passed by that night and a homeless friend name Joey “B” pulled me out – all funky and nasty from dumpster filth; He dragged my body several blocks. Told my mom what he found. The EMT’s had nothin! Ready to pull the sheet over my face and Mom prayed “THE PRAYER OF FAITH”. Jesus passed by and he who was in the process of being declared dead ROSE AGAIN. I was literally at HELLS GATES – down for the count and just like Jesus called into the grave of Lazarus – He called into the graveyard of my heart –and said COME FORTH! I came to life in front of all those standing around under that street light with the COPS and EMT’s present. My swollen blue face turned to normal coloration. I know there were people back in the day that counted my homeless friend Joey out too. He may have been down but he wasn’t out. It’s amazing its thirty something years later I still don’t know who left me for dead. It’s also amazing that the one who was counted out was the one who saved my life. He wasn’t so far out that he did not hear the voice of compassion calling. In this life Joey had nothing – I believe God had mercy on Joey. Straight Up- God used Joey, the least among us is the greatest. By the way Jesus Christ taught that. May God help us to see that in many ways we are all the least of these. I have a feeling there may be some very shocked individuals on the other side of this life. DOWN BUT NOT OUT. JESUS WAITED FOR ALL HOPE TO BE GONE ON PURPOSE. If you know somebody that seems as though all hope is gone – hold a minute, THEY MAY RISE AGAIN – DOWN BUT NOT OUT! DON’T BE QUICK TO COUNT FOLKS OUT –JESUS MAY BE ON HIS WAY! I haven’t had an easy time on something’s – I lived Frank Sinatra song – “I been up and down and over and out – but I know one thing – each time I find myself flat on my face – somehow The Lord gives me grace and I get back in the race – That’s Life! That’s what all the people say ridin high in April shot down in May! But I know I gotta change the tune – Back on top in June! Being from New Jersey it’s an unwritten law “you gotta like Frank”. But here something BETTER – HEAR THE WORDS OF THE APOSTLE PAUL - 2Corinthians 4:8 we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 2Corinthians 4:9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; 2Corinthians 4:14 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us. DOWN BUT NOT OUT. Pray to the Almighty God and He WILL hear and answer you!!! 2 Corinthians 4:17 for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 04:05:11 +0000

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