DOWNTOWN ART DISTRICT INTRODUCTION: We propose that the - TopicsExpress


DOWNTOWN ART DISTRICT INTRODUCTION: We propose that the Downtown Art District becomes known nationally for its cultural facilities, architecture, art and landscaping. Individual elements are, in and of themselves, unique, elite and collectively they produce an environment that is unmatched. The Downtown Art District Plan details the strategy to foster and enhance a unique look and feel for the project area. Because existing elements are rustic and historical, the plan’s challenges will be to highlight the individuality of each existing cultural and art attraction; to preserve an atmosphere that encourages future stakeholders to enhance the district’s uniqueness; to maintain an environment that encourages new businesses of equally high quality to locate there; and to ensure that an all-encompassing atmosphere is sustained and preserved so that the entire area is enjoyed by the greatest possible number of individuals, whether residents or visitors. The Plan addresses a mixed-use urbanized area. It responds to a variety of competing demands and requirements between individual ownership entities and the City of Temecula. For this reason, the Plan is a dynamic document that attempts to balance uses, esthetics and function. It recognizes that the great majority of improvements to the Downtown Art District area were accomplished through the vision and foresight of the area’s historic and current owners with little outside influence or oversight. The Downtown Art District must jointly be developed by the existing developers the existing art organization, the city of Temecula, the Temecula Art Commission and the Temecula Art Foundation. The Plan is to be reviewed by the Temecula Planning Commission before it’s Submission to the Temecula City Council for final review and approval. Temecula art district LOCATION: TO BE DETERMINED UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS: The Downtown Art District is significantly different from other cultural centers in the United States in the following important respects: Limited and private ownership: The Downtown Art District is unique in that the entire area, with the exception of some public streets and sidewalks, is controlled by a limited number of private owners. These private entities have substantially invested and continue to invest in the design and maintenance of their properties. Variety of artistic, architectural and cultural assets: The Downtown Art District is already home to recognized architectural achievements as well as cultural institutions. Each individually distinguished element also contributes to the overall character of the entire area. Public and Private Partnership: In September 2013 in conjunction with the World Art Expo Temecula will kick off with the announcement by TAF and TAC and the president of the Downtown Art District take the opportunity to clarify and more formally express its identity as a “City of the Arts,” a phrase incorporated in the city’s tag lines. While the development agreements allow broad discretion in the approach and manner in which the district is to be developed and managed, the owners are required to create and implement a Downtown Art District Plan that will guide potential changes and improvements within the Downtown Art District. The financial responsibility for the implementation of elements submitted in the Downtown Art District Plan includes both private and public entities. GOALS: The Plan respects the cultural standards and design diversity present within the district today, encourages continuing appreciation of the same qualities and calls out ways to increase awareness and use of the area’s cultural resources. The specific goals of the Plan are: • To create a strong sense of place and awareness of a coherent identity for the Downtown Art District that will recognize existing cultural and corporate resources in the area and successfully integrate new resources as they are developed. • To assist pedestrians and vehicle operators in reaching their destinations quickly and easily, and, once they are in the area, make information available that highlights additional points of attraction throughout the district. • To inform local, regional and national communities about the Downtown Art District • To support occasional programs and installations in the Downtown Art District that will recognize the importance of culture and the arts in daily life. • To encourage appropriate interplay between policies that apply particularly to the Downtown Art District and those policies that evolve in the City of Temecula to serve regional needs. • To improve communication and cooperation among area property owners in monitoring and fostering design and development within the district. These goals involve activities that are in some regards different from those envisioned in the speculative framework for a Downtown Art District Plan. The goals, broad in context and scope, will be achieved by implementing a multi-faceted program with specific attention to the following areas: • Public Improvements • Two Pedestrian streets • Special Events • Funding • Implementation • Schedule Public improvements are key to creating a cohesive Downtown Art District. Because the area was largely developed with separate (though complementary) architectural identities, the best way to achieve cohesiveness is through use of general physical elements that can be used consistently or, in some cases, complementarily throughout the district. These elements may include: Unique Street Signage: Signage in the public right of way will be developed under a Master Plan of Signage that will be proposed by the area property owners subject to City approval. Existing signs that identify City streets will be replaced by new street signs. The Master Plan of Signage shall specify that banners on private property may be displayed only in conjunction with current or pending cultural events in the district, in conjunction with existing permanent structures in the district, or as free-standing display of original works of artistic merit. Off-Property Signage: The off-ramp from the I-15 Freeway offers an opportunity to create a new, highly visible gateway to the district. In accordance with existing policies of the City of Temecula, signage will be proposed to identify the Downtown Art District. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS The new street signs throughout the district will make visitors aware that they have entered the Theater and Arts District and allow them to find their way to various venues. The distinctive new signage would include the Downtown Art District logo and fit with the master color scheme that is already in effect. Varying shades of earth tones, such as dusty rose, dark salmon, burnt umber, sage green, slate blue and moss green, will create an appealing and consistent color scheme throughout the district. Street Banners: Consistent with City policies concerning display period and banner dimensions, banners may on an occasional basis be mounted on existing light standards along the streets in the Downtown Art District. These banners will support the distinct look and feel of the District. Banners could include the district logo and would require approval by the area property owners and the appropriate officials of the City of Temecula. Banners would be used not only to help set the identity of the Downtown Art District, but also to promote upcoming cultural events or permanent features of the District. Banners on private property would be reviewed under the terms of a Master Plan of Signage that would permit the display of super graphic signs or banners in designated locations within the district. These large banners could function as independent displays or complement the smaller banners mounted on light standards. Pedestrian Linkages: The streets that traverse the Downtown Art District offer challenges to the goal of creating a unified and pedestrian-friendly environment. In order to foster cohesion between the District’s subareas and safe pedestrian flow between those subareas, enhanced pedestrian linkages are proposed. Landscaping and Street Rehabilitation Improvements: In order to create an attractive and consistent landscaping element new landscaping will be designed and installed Street Furniture: In keeping with the artistic theme of the district, architecturally distinguished bus shelter will be erected in the Downtown Art district St. Kiosks: An informational kiosk shall be erected to explain to visitors the rich meaning of the Downtown Art district Fund-Raising for Cultural and Community Purposes: Organizations and property owners in the Downtown Art District will from time to time make space available for appropriate fund-raising events to benefit established non-profit organizations such as arts-oriented agencies and other Community-oriented organizations. Area property owners will review and approve applications for such uses of private property in the Downtown Art District. BUDGET AND FUNDING SOURCES: Funding for the Downtown Art District Plan is provided by the entities that entered into development agreements with the City. Each development entity will pay for the improvements associated with its property or adjacent public rights-of-way in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective development agreements. Private Resources Requested to Support the Downtown Art District Plan: From Pechanga $250,000 From wine growers $250,000 From Old Town Properties: $250,000 From corporate donors: $250,000 TOTAL $1,000,000 Public Resources if Available to Support The Downtown Art District Plan:
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 19:00:42 +0000

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