|| DOh. This is my WIP. Its the storyline based on a comic book - TopicsExpress


|| DOh. This is my WIP. Its the storyline based on a comic book that I was writing. The Image is from Part one of the comic book, this is Part two in writing form|| A dark rainy night, Finn MacArthur is sitting next to the graves of her father and mother, crying her eyes out “Why me, why is this now happening to me. I don’t understand” …..”I do” a deep voice from behind replies, scaring Finn, suddenly she changes into THORNE. The voice came from Finns fathers best friend Jones…. Seeing Finn change into the person that has been seen around the city Jones gasps, “I thought something like this would happen” he says pointing at the now fully transformed Finn. Realising what has happened Finn changes back into herself. “YOU KNEW SOMETHING LIKE THIS COULD HAPPEN TO ME AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME?” Finn screams. Jones jumps at the tone in her voice. “Finn, please come home to the manor. We’ll get you dried off and then I shall explain everything….PLEASE?”. Finn realising the desperation in Jones’s voice agrees, but only cause she is getting cold, Jones looks at her “I have a small errand to run, but it shouldn‘t take long“, getting into her sports car, she tell Jones she shall meet him there. On the drive home, Finn suddenly notices she is being followed, she thought it must have been just a car travelling in the same direction so she turned down a different street than she normally would have. The hummer trailing her turns down it too, Finn noticed that the hummer following looked like Jones‘s, but why would he follow her, when he was meeting her at the manor. Finn was starting to get scared, so she tumbled through her handbag on the seat next to her, looking for her mobile phone…Finding it she starts to dial Jones’s number….”Hello?” Jones asks….”Jones, it’s Me, you wouldn’t happened to be following me would you? Finn queries. “Nah luv, Why?” Jones asks “Oh just cause there is a car like yours that has been following me since I left the cemetery” Finn replies looking in the rear vision mirror “where are you? I’ll be there.” Jones asks in a panic “No it’s ok, I’ll try to loose them myself, just might take me a little longer to get back to the Manor” “Finn, please be careful, I’ll see you at home…Bye”, “I’ll see you soon” Finn explains. And with that Finn hangs up the phone, speeds up and takes the next left turn into a vacant warehouse. There she wait to see if the hummer goes past. Nearly an hour later Finn arrives at the gates to the Manor, using her remote she opens the gate, and pulls into the garage. She is surprised to see Jones already there sitting at the garage bench, “where have you been?” Jones asks. “I have been sitting in an abandoned warehouse waiting till my follower had gone” Looking at her watch Finn looks up “wow, has it really been that long since I last called you?” Jones nods, “I did try to call yo-” just as Jones went to say this Finn’s phone goes off…..”I have 7 Missed calls” Finn looks worried, “Why didn’t I hear the phone ring?”, “Didn’t you say you waited it out in a warehouse?” Jones asks…”Yeah the old warehouses near the docks” Finn explains. “Well there you have it, for some strange reason the docks are a cellular black spot, no-one can explain it” Jones laughs. After the two entered the house, Finn excuses herself to go dry off and change into dry clothes. She comes back down the stairs, walks to the living room, and sits in the small but comfy chair near the stone fireplace. “So” she turns to look at Jones…”How can you possible explain what is happening to me?” she asks “I can explain because I was secretly working with your father to uncover the secrets behind the Death Thorne.” Jones replied solemnly “So what did you uncover? Do you secretly have a degree in Botany?” Finn asks snottily. “No I don’t have a degree, but there are other ways I have been helping, I don’t know exactly, what your father’s final results were, because I was too busy setting up the trip, I was hoping you could get the files from his lab.” Jones looks in Finns direction. “I haven’t been anywhere near the organization since his death, it’s just been too hard” Finn stops herself from sobbing. “Finn I can tell you what I know now, but I think it would be better if I could back up my statements with the facts” Jones says harshly, harsh enough for Finn to look his way and yell “Fine, I’ll go there tomorrow, but I wanna know what is happening to me now, with or without the facts.” Jones nods and starts to fill Finn in on what happened in the jungle, three months ago. Jones gets up and starts his usual pacing around the room, “That day in the jungle, when the volcano started erupting, I knew what would happen, I feared it, even before we took off from home. I told your father that you shouldn’t have been there. Don’t give me that look Finn”. Jones said to Finn for rolling her eyes at him. “I don’t know if your father ever let you read the ancient book we found on the Death Thorn, But since I was his best friend and confidant, he chose to allow me to look into it. I was the one Finn, I tracked the thorn down to that island jungle, and I also talked to the Big chief, who told me the myth behind the plant. The Myth says, that on the day big mountain, Mt. E-Oof explodes the Death Thorne will take its next victim, which unfortunately was you. Finn, the death thorn got it name from all the people that have been killed by it’s poison over the centuries, but it is said that once every 100 years the volcano will explode, trapping a young native in it’s tendrils, this girl if she isn’t killed is known to the tribes men as narthulis. This girl will be transformed into a defender. But depending on the girl’s nature this will determine what side she is on.” Jones looks at Finn, “What does that mean?” Finn asks. “Well, since you are, if I remember this correctly are pure of heart, you have been transformed into Thornificus, The defender of all that is good, But with something that good, the earth has to balance out, so with you being good, another was created….She would be the evil side of you, the one to whom you must defeat if you ever want to be normal again. But you can only defeat her if you go back to the island, and the thornificus tribe perform the ritual to deliver you your full power on the night of the full moon.” Jones finishes what he was saying, sits down. Finn looks at him with tears in her eyes. “Jones I don’t want to go back to that island EVER again” Jones looks at her and replies “Then Finn, you shall die, without the ritual you do not have all the powers of the thorn, you will be unable to defeat, Thistle. “Newsflash: It is still unknown whether or not prominent business man John MacArthur’s only daughter Finn, will be in attendance at tonight’s benefit ball. Miss MacArthur has been in hospital with a suspicious illness for the past month. … And in other news tonight a leather clad menace has killed 7 security guards today in an attempted robbery at MacArthur Industries. More information on these stories in an hour.” “Finn, you have to go to the benefit, it is after all for your father” Jones pleads to Finn “But Jones, You know how unstable I am at the moment. What if I change in front of everyone?” Finn yelps. “They will all think I’m the one who killed those security guards!” Jones looks at Finn “Well there” he explains “I guess the only thing we can do for now is to go to MacArthur Industries and view the security footage for ourselves, see what this person was after” They both leave the manor. When they arrive at MacArthur Industries they are greeted by the police who were still investigating, “YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE” yells the policeman. “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” Finn yells back in frustration. The Officer looking baffled and shy replies “No”. Jones looks at the officer, “For god sake Man, She is Finn MacArthur, Owner of this place” At the sound of this the policeman stepped aside and Finn continued to the door where she was met by the police chief. “Dreadful news about your father Miss MacArthur” he said as he placed a large chubby hand on her shoulder. “thank you Sir.” “Miss you can’t be here at the moment, I have to ask you to leave” the chief explained “chief” Jones stepped forward. “the robbers didn’t go near John’s office did they?” “No, Mr Jones, they broke into the office near the lab” the chief in his all knowing voice replied. “well Miss MacArthur, here wants to go to her fathers office, on the other end of the complex, as you know Finn, is taking over the business, and she has to get some information, and sort out her fathers belongings” Jones replied mocking the chief’s all knowing tone. Standing at the door to her fathers office, Finn doesn’t know whether or not to enter, all her life she was never allowed in this room without her father, he always said she was too young to see any of his work. And now she was about to go through everything, learn all her fathers secrets. “Go on then” Jones said nodding towards the door. “I…..I….I don’t know if I can Jones” Finn says with tears welling in her eyes. “C’mon Finn, we need to find out what is happening to you, and this is the only way, I can’t do it all on my own, I’m just the help, I know nothing about this biology stuff” Jones coaxes. “Botany, Jones, Daddy was a Botanist, not a biologist. It was Mother who was the Biologist. I would think you would know the difference after all these years” Finn said with a smile. “so it is still there!” Jones whispered into Finn’s ear, turning to look into Jones’s eyes, Finn says “what’s still there?” Starting to laugh Jones says “Your Smile” before walking into John’s office. Sitting on the floor, with no shoes on, amongst a pile of papers, Finn yawns. “I don’t think we’re ever going to find what we are looking for, are you sure it was all in this office?”, “I’m positive, John told me it was, he said he had to tell me where it all was just in case the trip to Selke went wrong” Jones knew he shouldn’t have continued with what he was saying but it was too late. He had said it, He turned his back on Finn. Finn looking up noticed the sudden move of Jones, she felt sorry for him, here he was telling her that everything will be alright, and she had never even thought that he was grieving too, after all her father was his best friend, even though there was a considerable age difference between them. At that moment, Finn remembered back to a time when she was home for the summer from boarding school, she missed home and her mother and father so much, it was the first year her father had let Jones do the flying for the company, Jones wasn’t a fully qualified pilot yet, but only a few years away from being one. Finn went down into the grounds of the manor especially to see Jones, they were friends, that was until she saw him standing near his plane shirtless, that was when she developed her crush. She followed him around like a puppy for the rest of the summer learning everything she could about planes so they would have something to talk about, then everything changed, her mother had died in the car accident, her father was always working, and so she was made stay at boarding school full time, she wasn’t allowed to come home, the only time she spent at the manor for the next 5 years was Christmas, and that was normally spent with the chief Pierre, and the maid Victoria, Her father and Jones were always off on one of their little quest together. She sat there amazed at the fact that her and Jones were still as close as they were after everything that had tried to keep them apart. When Finn was in her second last year of school, she got a letter from her father, which was not an uncommon thing, her wrote her whenever he could. But this letter would bring sad news, for her father had informed her that Jones married Victoria, their maid. Finn was crushed. She didn’t even go home that year for Christmas, she opted to go to a friends house, she spent every year till school finished at friend houses, he father let her go, he believed she had to work something out of her system, he didn’t realise that what she had to work out just happened to be the person he was now spending most of his time with. By the time Finn graduated High school and started University, Victoria had left Jones for someone else, but Finn had moved on, she was grown up and over her crush. She was more focused on graduating with good grades. Because then she would be able to do what she wanted to do all her life….Go working with her father. “Finn…..Finn….FINN” Jones was yelling at her. Finn turned to look at him with a grumpy look on her face “What?”. Tapping his watch Jones laughed “Doesn’t it take you females a few hours to get ready to go anywhere?” Finn looked at him “It doesn’t take that long, Jones”. “Well however long it takes, your going to be late for the benefit ball if you don’t get back to the manor and get ready soon” Jones walked over to the filing cabinet and opened the next draw, pulling out a folder. “you not going to the ball?” Finn asked as she put her shoes back on. “I’m just the help, I don’t get to go to balls, anyway…even If I was asked I don’t have anything to wear” Jones looked away as he said this. He didn’t want Finn to think he was poor. “Jones, it’s a benefit ball for daddy, I know he would want you there, anyways you don’t need an invitation cause we can go together, and you still have the tux from the last benefit” Jones looked at her “weren’t you going to ask Tidy Ted?”, “Teddy already has a date, his going with…..” Finn finished what she was saying and tried to rush out the door. “Wait just a minute” Jones “who is he going with?” Finn looked at him, “Apparently I’m not his type, he’s taking the mayor’s son” Jones looked at her and laughed. “Well then little miss, I guess we should give up our search, and go get ready”, “Honestly Jones, I am no longer a Little Miss” Finn said in his face all as - a matter of fact - like as she walked past. Watching Finn walk down the hall, he whispered to himself “And don’t I know it”, Jones said with a sheepish smile on his face.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:01:12 +0000

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