DR. BOBS DAILY: MEASLES MAKES A STOP AT DISNEYLAND NPR and two other news agencies reported today that nine cases of measles have been linked to visiting Disneyland or California Adventure between December 15 and 20. Seven of the cases are California residents, and two are from Utah. The nine cases all reportedly visited the theme park between these dates. It is thought that a contagious person must have been at the park at that time. Heres the good news - measles has a 21 day incubation period at the longest, so that means that everyone who is going to get sick from that exposure will become sick by the next two days at the latest. So, we all only have two days to panic, board up our houses, wear masks, shun visitors, and peer suspiciously at everyone we see. The bad news - although I make light of peoples tendency to panic unnecessarily, measles is no laughing matter for those who are exposed to one of these nine cases. Although most cases pass harmlessly in the long run, it is a miserable week. Severe complications are very rare, thankfully. But moderate complications, like pneumonia, can occur. It can also be more severe for infants and for pregnant moms and for immunocompromised people. Our hearts go out to any of these high-risk people who are exposed. But most complications are manageable. So, it is a worry for exposed people, I know. But for the public at large, we should just go about life as usual. For anyone exposed to those nine, you are being managed by your doctor and the health department. As with all previous measles outbreaks, theres no reason to panic. Here is some info to know: If vaccinated with one dose of MMR, you have a 95% chance of being immune. If two doses of MMR, 99% chance. But this isnt perfect. As you will read in the link, one of the cases was fully vaccinated. Average incubation period for your child to begin feeling sick is 10 to 12 days, but can be as early as 7 days and as late as 21 days. Symptoms to watch for are: Fever Sore throat Runny nose Cough Red eyes So you wont know its measles at first. 2 to 5 days after these symptoms, the rash appears. The best way to view the rash is on CDC.gov and search for Measles under M in the Diseases section. It is red spots that start on the face around the hairline, then move down onto the body then arms and legs. High dose Vitamin A may help prevent measles, and may help treat it if your child catches it. The World Health Organization has published dosing guidelines you can find online. The dose is once daily for two days. Bottom line is that its a tough time for those involved, but we dont need to panic. Dr. Bob
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 17:44:21 +0000

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