DR. BOBS DAILY: THE STORY THAT WONT GO AWAY, BUT AT LEAST ITS NOW ACCURATE I know, I know. Youre all tired of hearing about measles. But I wanted to throw out this story since it came out where I live in the OC Register. Many bloggers, tweeters, and reporters have been misrepresenting my ideas on this, and I was at first leery about communicating with the Register too. But this reporter nailed it. Sure, this story doesnt cover ALL my thoughts on the matter, and it doesnt discuss all the possible pros and cons of the vaccine, but its the first story that Ive seen that at least presents part of both sides and accurately reports my statements and ideas on the matter. So, I wont expand on it. Enjoy! And send her some love on the Registers page on the story. On a related note, Cheryl is planning to hit Disneyland on Friday with Joshua, since he doesnt have school and we have two free passes. So, she asks me, Do you think its now safe to go? Ya, she did ask me that. I was like, Youre one of THOSE people? But then she looked at me squarely and said, Dont just give me your quick answer like you always do when I ask you a medical question about a family member. Stop and think seriously - do you think any of the employees there could be part of the next wave and possibly spread it? Shes the best mom, and wife, and shes so right - I usually blow off medical questions about my own kids and dont consider them seriously. I deserved that. So, I stopped and thought. Yes, that could happen. But you should go anyway. Respect the disease, but dont fear it, right? They are SO going. And the place is probably still deserted. Or is it? Does anybody know? Anyone been there in the last week? Dr. Bob
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:34:22 +0000

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