DR GRACE MUGABE: THE CASE OF UNITY AND TEAMWORK On this installment I will assert why there is Unity and Teamwork coming from the rise of Dr Grace Marufu Mugabe in ZANU PF Political Matrix as well as the importance of both Unity and Teamwork. Again please CRITIC, ADD and DISCUSS the evidence I will give in this offering. There is need for us as a YOUTH to speak of what we want and less of what we dislike. This is so because if we speak more of what we dislike we attract that which we hate. This is the same with speaking much about FACTIONALISM. The more we speak about it the more it tears our party into parts. This is to say, from today I assert my INFLUENCE on all the YOUTH to begin to speak of UNITY in our party. We want UNITY and we are seeing UNITY from the day Dr Grace Mugabe came into mainstream politics. Since she came into the Picture she has shunned factionalism in all its forms. This was seen in her forgiveness of all those who were against her rise. The largest unifying move was in the action of having ZANU PF Harare Provincial Chairman Amos Midzi joining hands with ZANU PF Harare Youth Chairperson Godwin Gomwe is a show of UNITY. Note that she stood in the centre of the two. That was the image of her as the cementing force in the party. UNITY AND TEAMWORK Unity is the key. Whether we’re talking about a political party, work team, school team, health care team, church team, or home based business team, it’s essential that we get everyone on the bus and moving in the right direction with a shared vision, focus, purpose and direction. When a team comes together they are able to succeed together. The bad news is that there are hundreds of negative forces and factors that can sabotage our organization, teamwork, unity and success. The good news is that unified teams show it is possible to overcome them. Unity happens when leaders are committed to and engaged in the process of building a united, winning team. Dr Grace Mugabe has shown our leaderships commitment to UNITY. It requires focus, time, and energy. Unity occurs when team members care more about the vision, purpose and health of the organization than they do their own personal agenda. Changing the mindset is essential. Unity happens when each person on the team can clearly see how their personal vision and effort contributes to the overall vision and success of the team. This involves meaningful conversations. And Unity results when you weed out the negativity that sabotages far too many organizations. #UnitedZanuPFYouthWithTeamwork,
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 00:28:18 +0000

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