DR. OKUBOR WILL PERFORM CREDITABLY WELL, IF GIVEN GREATER POSITION--- BARR. UWAKINA. The Chief of Staff {COS} to Delta State Government House, Asaba, Dr. Festus Goziem Okubor has been described as a man of extreme loyalty and trust to carry on with Uduaghans 3 point Agenda. The description was made recently by the Political Aide to the Governor of Delta State in the office of the Chief of Staff, Barrister Cletus Uwakina at Boji, Boji, Owa in Ika North Easth Local Government Area of the state, while fielding questions from press men. Barr. Uwakina said that Dr. Okubor who has been tested and entrusted with governmental positions of responsibility, has seen government operate at the closest quarters. The Governors P.A. pointed out that Dr. Okubor was the Director of protocol to Governor James Iboris Government as well as Chief of Staff to Governor Uduaghans present government, which he said are twin positions of extreme loyalty, stressing that he {Dr. Okubor} would not be strange to the palance of governance, if given opportunity for greater responsibility. The lawyer opined that in view of the the track records of Dr. Okubors antecedence in the government of the state, right from when he was a Local government council Chairman, as three times commissioner to the present government, he has not been indicted and for these obvious reasons, he {Dr. Okubor} stands in a better position than any other contender. On the possibility of Dr. Okubors emergence as the PDP Governorship candidate, Barr. Uwakina said that power belongs to God. He stated futher that the scenario is calm, that everyone is watching and that at the appropriate time the right candidate will emerge. On the influx of aspirants from Delta North axis, Uwakina noted that people are bound to have ambition, adding that the plurality of aspirants does not in any way affect the unity of Delta North Senitorial District. It is only when people still work in disarray after a winner has emerge from the PDP primaries that one would say there is disunity, he added. Uwakina said that PDP victory is one thing upper most in the mind of everybody, just as he said that as soon as a candidate emerges, every other aspirant would queue behind him. On Dr. Okubors loyalty to the party, Barr. Uwakina said loyalty is what everyone needs. If you want to be relevant in a political system, all you need do is to be loyal. Dr. Okubor has never been involve in any anti-party activity. Im quite sure that all the leaders would want to identify with him, and the delegates will also like to vote for somebody who is loyal to the party and that is Dr. Festus Okubor
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 12:38:49 +0000

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