DR RIEK MACHAR: “I fought Bashir, Dr John Garang, and now Kiir - TopicsExpress


DR RIEK MACHAR: “I fought Bashir, Dr John Garang, and now Kiir for they are not democrats” He Dr. Riek; fought the mentioned above folks for they are not democrats he said: 1) But, is he Dr. Riek a democratic leader? 2) Has any of the claimed wars has been won, as a triumphant revolt? With well thought-out with explicit goals and objectives? 3) Does a normal human being celebrate defeat, since all those claimed wars had been lost? 4) Does the magnitude of destruction and anguish; inflicted on the Nuer people in particular and South Sudan at large that could be estimated to be 300,000 lives, since 1991-current (24 years), praiseworthy the claim? 5) A Separate army? Analysis: by Gen Biel Torkech Rambang, 2nd of Jan. 2015 Many people used to argue and are still adamant that the man is always innocent and victim. However; that should not be the case anymore as we speak, for he is celebrating it as if it is a plan. Consequently; he should be a subject for accusation of inciting, instigating and provoking the violence. Knowingly or unknowingly Dr. Riek Machar is the obstacle to democratic transformation in South Sudan, he always destroyed any democratic progress by backing a dying dictator each time, he gesture dictator late Dr. John Garang in 2002 when Dr. Garang struck in mud of democratic (people empowerment), he has done so (4) times, the details will follow later in article. Then let us initiate our passage by asking this question of: A) What is a war? A war is said to be “A state or period of fighting between countries or groups, a situation in which people or groups compete or fight each other, an organized effort by a government or other large organization to stop or defeat something that is viewed as dangerous or bad” And the war could be characterized as “Intentional Violence, or Peaceful defiant” with underlined goals and objectives, by large bodies of folks organized and trained for that purpose. Wars are being fought in the name of religion, social injustices, self-defense, to acquire territory or resources, and to further political aims on aggressor states leadership. Question: Were all under below losses in hundreds of thousands lives; plus total destruction of properties and social order, inflicted on the Nuer people in particular, and South Sudan at large; repeatedly, for the last (24) years; since 1991-2015, praiseworthy this claimed as a significant achievement? Was it sane for Dr. Riek to be proud of such a horrible tragic and carnage? “Even a kid who ignites a fire that destroyed the whole village cannot be proud of that” he should feel shame because of all loses and defeats he suffered each time. B) Is He Dr. Riek a democratic leader as he claimed? Knowingly or unknowingly Dr. Riek is an obstacle number (1) against democratic transformation in South Sudan, by destroying the Nuer man power within the SPLM he has done that (4) times, an act that qualified him to be the main obstacle on the way to democratic South Sudan as follow: 1) In 1991, after re-unification of Anya-nya-2 and the SPLM a unity that took about five (5) years to realize, that effort was led by the Late Gen William Nyuon Bany, myself, Gen James Hoth Mai, Uncle DK Mathew, Late David Dak Gai Bie and Dr. Garang himself, who had listened to Gen Hoth at the end, by accepting to arm the Yuany Battalion, despite all the serious advises from his Dinka aides, to Dr. John not to do so, except through certain conditions that would had jeopardized the process, had he Gen James Hoth did not volunteer himself to lead the Battalion if Dr. John would trusted him, and that was the turning point to the success, we have conscripted the Yuany Battalion from indigenous to convince A-2 that through military means they will never win, which was the case after (2) years. Then Dr. Riek was busy fighting the late Gen Paulino Matip in Western Upper Nile; he did not contribute even a single hour in it. Tactically; the Nuer were scattered and fitted against one another, by Dr. Garang, who shot his 1st bullet against the separatists, to weaken them within the SPLM so that the Nuer will not question anything in state affair and for him to steal their historical credit, by defaming as Nyagats or Govt. Militia. A situation that forced us to think critically of how to come out of such a trap. And without balance of power within the SPLM there was no room for democratic voice. After we managed to convince the A-2 that for them to regain their stolen credit, they need to be strong and that strength will never come unless the Nuer people join ranks and files under any platform, and the only platform was then SPLM platform (legalization of the SPLM number (1), since Dr. Garang was waging none efficient effective War against then Sudan. And then after coming together we could to be able to influence things around Dr. Garang, or otherwise he would risk being challenged. And with a growing Nuer power within the SPLM, Dr. Riek awaked from his sleeping and jumped in out of blue, where he had scattered such a man power again, then in relation to the democracy, it lost the ground by making the Nuer weaker again. 2) 1995-1999 After Khartoum Peace agreement, he was sitting in front of his computer 24/7 playing games, where we were forced again to crack our minds to bring the Nuer together once more. Lucky enough we were helped by Rev. Bill Lowery, where I had brought on board the Late Dr. Michael Wal Duany, Dr. Julia Duany, Uncle Gabriel Yoal Dok, Gen Peter Bol Koang, the late Gen Ochan Top Rut, Gen Thomas Duoth Guet and Gen James Kok Ruea with the help from USA state department, we had managed to bring the Nuer together at Waat Declaration. He Dr. Riek jumped in out of blue, and then after destroying this democratic move, he went and sat at front his computer in NBI again. 3) 1999-2002, where a pressures were mounting on Dr. Garang from all directions started with Loki-Dinka-Nuer chiefs conference, organized by Rev. Bill Lowery, followed by Wun-liet Dinka-Nuer reconciliation conference and Washington DC conference to re-unite the movement without any precondition, where Dr. John was very desperate to get out of the pressure, Dr. Riek I had seen that opportunity and ran to Dr. Garang, where destroyed this democratic move, where both men shown up in Washington DC, to disarm the process and convince USA govt. that the South has come together, when he Dr. Riek knew very well that he left behind all the Nuer. Where no one knows what would have happened to the Nuer if Dr. Garang would have survived the plane crash in 2005. 4) In 2005-2013; after the death of Garang, the Nuer made it back to the SPLM piece by piece, where they were trying to find themselves and work together for democratic South Sudan again he Dr. Riek jumped in out of blue, where he had scattered the democratic forces and now he is gesturing dying dictator killer Salva Kiir by blocking any chance of democratic South Sudan. C) Has any of the claimed wars had been won, as a triumphant revolt? In the real world of common sense, it is unquestionable that the late Dr. John Garang De Mabior, Who had mobilized, trained, equipped, controlled and directed the combatants, remained in possession of South Sudan’s historical credit. Apparently; he Dr. John had fought Al-Bashire, and not any among us, even though; we were all part of the war, including those who had done it at initial stage, and to mention on the top the Anya-nya-2. Yet, the bulk of the work fell on Dr. John Garang. As this should have been the case. If he Dr. Riek could have managed to unseat the current abusive President Salva Kiir, Even though; other had attempted e.g. Gen George Athur, Gen Divid Yau Yau, Gen. Bapiny Monytuil and Gen. Johnson Olony and others. In contrast; Dr. Riek should had fought Al-Bashire, subsequent to 1991 SPLM split, but he didn’t; instead, he ended up in Al-Bashire fence in. Furthermore, he did not even fight Dr Garang as he claimed; instead, he vulnerably and shamelessly went back to Dr. John Garang, begging him for forgiveness, since he left behind over 98% of his scattered followers, whom he had scattered because of his weak and chaotic character. Simply; he does not respect any government’s system. That is why, his office budget as a Vice president used to be over spent 300 times, as earlier as March each year. I have an evident to proof that “obtained”, when I was working as a director of finance for SPLA affairs from Nov. 2007 to July 2009. Because compromising and undermining the governance (this is what he does, to be a nice guy” hallucination and phantasm”) is a felony, since it is a breach of the democratic resolution endorsed by humanity as whole that we must organize, to consolidate and control our efforts, for our own betterment bottomed on agreed upon, well defined democratic norms, as demanded by human intricate and complex nature. Question: How do you control other when you cannot set an example? Because there was no point of budgeting if it cannot be respected. Consequently; that placed him on the top of corrupted South Sudanese officials. Although, Killer Kiir is very corrupted and abusive as such, yet, needs someone who is more credible than Kiir to correct the situation. But not the worst of worst in every aspect of life, and then adding a salt into injury; he is number (2) in brigandage (gang) at the same time. In the world of common sense, such a character should have nullified all the claims of by correcting a system; since he have failed to manage his faction, he is always wants other to do what he can’t do himself. Again, he is already have failed and accepted to go back to Killer Kiir, begging him for forgiveness. Is it what he called a war? Yes in his own world of delusion as defined below: “firm, fixed false beliefs; irrational; a person clings to delusion despite objective evidence to contrary.” In fact, the whole thing should not have been for the sake of war or fighting, other than to further political aims on aggressor states leadership, as that was the case with South Sudan independent. Therefore; any professional soldier is taught to avoid contact with an enemy in the first place, if losses of lives, materials, and the battle are eminent. D) Is it sane for Dr. Riek to celebrate a defeats? Defeats that have destroyed the Nuer people? We have no gouts to swallow such lunatic and mindless statements for even the future of our children is jeopardy, over more than 200,000 lives that the Nuer has been lost on his childish and evil ego. However; if it is a plan, which I doubt, I believe it was out of sheer ignorant. Otherwise, he should be accused of deliberately; “inciting, instigating, and provoking a situation to transform the carnage into a tool for his self-gratification, as being a victim brought him a reward,” (A lizard tail tactic). And not only but he deserved an accusation of being a sadist and malice, who enjoys suffering of others. Question, what would have happened to the Nuer if Dr. John Garang could have survived the plane crash? So, he cannot call it a war, even the scale of destruction estimated to be (300,000) lives since 1991. It is very outraging and intolerable to hear such un-sane statements, for those who know how things were avoidable, but he do not know and doesn’t care to know, because he is very shameless he is still very proud for putting our people into this miserable and hopeless life. Is it not more than a curse? Causing a death of more than 300,000 lives of South Sudanese, on something that could not be achieved? Simply; a blessed person comes to leadership without a single life being lost, but a cursed and evil one, could bring all the destruction we have had and we still experiencing it. Therefore; it deserves total condemnation in strongest term possible; similarly, it does not matter which one is the subject whether a sheer ignorant, a curse which is sadism, he needs be stopped as soon as possible at all cost. Because this total destruction and amount of disgrace, lost of lives and properties by the Nuer people, who have fell victim of his foolish actions it is beyond a superfluous anguish. Hence; the Nuer people must come out of this disgracing and miserable life they have found themselves in at all cost; otherwise, they have lost not to be called human being no more. E) A separate Army? How do you supply it with armaments, salary and food? If copying the former CPA, then there is no comparison because Dr. Garang owned uncontested territory called South Sudan, and was having a budget of his own, which is not the case now where the govt. will seal off the two borders of Sudan and Ethiopia and will restrict movement of individuals and the will deny them supplies. What will Dr. Riek do? That is the end of Nuer. I dissolved the ten states of South Sudan –Fagak; Dr. Riek Machar. What a joke? For him this is “a distorted emphasis” trying to divert people’s focus out of real issues of their survival. And then what is a relationship between what had happened and such a mucky and illusion? By the way; this is not the first time for Dr. Riek to write a long list of non-senses without implementation; “starting with Garang must go 1991, political charter of 1995, Khartoum Peace Agreement 1997, UDSF 2000, Merger with Garang 2002, and Salva Kiir must be removed in 2015 or before 2015 end of quote, 1n 2013. We are already a federated nation; just something is wrong with ours like any other dysfunction system, like any other fake federated nations on the above list meanwhile the true federation is the best including USA Canada, Belgium Australia, Austria, Germany and Switzerland and etc… while the fake one could range from South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia. Are we being robbed because we have fewer states? I do not think so, it doesn’t a matter of how many states we have, even if we have 100 states, nothing will change the fakeness of our federalism in the center, unless we know it and face it empowerment of current. So making it 21 corrupted states will make it worse, since it will means too consuming for no good reason, where there will be no single developmental project, that will take off for public services why burdensome too many jobless, Honorable and too many useless His Excellencies, will spend times in useless meetings those evil elite, who will serve no purpose rather than promoting self interest. And tendency of formation of a Plethora of mini states will arise. See below rough estimate budget for proposed (21) states S.N Unit Member Per State Monthly Cost Calculation Annual Remarks 1 State Assembly 40 MPs X 21States 840 MPS X 15,000 =$12,000,000 $144,000,000 2 State Ministers 10 Ministers X 21 States 210MinisterX $15,000 =$3,150,000 $37,000,000 3 National Assembly 300 MPS 300 MPs X $15,000 =$4,500,000 $54,000,000 4- Federal Ministers & commissioners 75 Ministers 75 Minister X $20,000 = $1,500,000 $18,000,000 5- Upper Nile 5MPs X 21 States 105 MPs X $15,000 =$1,575,000 $18,900,000 6- Governors 21 Governors 21Governor X $25,000 =$525,000 $6,300,000 7- D/Governors 21 D/Governor 21 D/Governors X $10,000 X12 $2,520,000 8- Total 1,572 Members $280,720,000 All those SPLMS higher echelon who have betrayed our people, need to go home, rest and take a deep breath, and learn how to know the people; all lives and properties that have been destroyed by all wars are people properties. And without peace dividend for good (10) years, and sealed it on the top with a senseless war, that is unforgivable mistake. And that should not be considered as a death sentence to the SPLM since it is reversible but as a punishment to the SPLM which can be credited if its representative did a good and similarly the (SPLM) must accept being discredited for gravies performances of its representatives. Look at this consumption: Why spending so much on too few? $300 Million Dollars annually; from the above estimate you will know the kind of leadership we have they do care at all, with above amount annually we could accommodate the 20,000 lingering students with no colleges for the lack of space and school materials. If we have such an amount we cannot waste it on few individual who will not produce anything, except worshipping the elite. The 200,000 SPLA strong personnel should be turned into productive force, instead of being consumer and killing machine of its own citizens, and that amount annually, would make all the different, because the SPLA could be a free laborer building schools and hospitals, and producing food with no additional cost beside its salary it already has. Other than the elite are living in different world, which is different from ours, only wanted to maintain the social status quo, they care only about their own families, and if they are ok everything is o.k. No priorities as each citizen are seeing what is needed. South Sudan elite attitudes is similar to France situation that caused the first world social revolution in 1789 historically known as French Revolution against the France King Louis (16) where the nation wealth was being consumed only by 2% of population (0.5 Clergy and 1.5 Noblest). 21 states is not a priority, as with scary resources we have against unlimited demand, we must set our priorities, although I know Dr. Riek doesn’t care, since his kids are all millionaires, with the hundreds of millions he has stolen from public through corruption, he doesn’t know that orphans, widows, disable and our soldiers has no food for their children, but he cannot think of others. F) See these events in chronological order: 1) In 1991: The Losses sustained by Nuer officers and men from the Dinka ethnic cleansing operations within the SPLA stood at tenth of thousands, (7,000-10,000) lives. 2) The direct losses from SPLA internal faction war stood at tenths of thousands (10,000-15,000) 3) The losses of civilians; and to mention all the civilians of Western Upper Nile who were displaced to the Greater Bahr El-Gazel by Dr. Riek’s (SPLA VS A-2) were all wiped-out in 1991, with all their families (children, women, and elderly) plus all their properties. And their number could exceed 25,000 people. In addition, those had died between Malakal-Fangak, Malakal -Ayod, Malakal- Waat, and Malakal- Nasir 4) On political confusion, the losses within the SPLA Nasir faction internal war; was started by: I. Bentiu against itself, losses stood at tenths of thousands; II. Fangak against itself, the losses are in thousands, III. Lou-Nuer against itself, the losses stood in thousands IV. Jikany Nuer against itself, losses in thousands. And all losses stood at tenths of thousands, (15,000-20,000) 5) Effects of Chaos and weak leadership: where all Nuer four areas were affected, as follows: I. Lou-Nuer vs Jikany Nuer killed about (5,000-7,000) lives II. War of Lou-Nuer vs Gawar Nuer killed about (2,000-3,000) lives III. Bentiu Civilian against each other killed about (1,000-2,000) lives IV. Gajaak clans of (Cieng Wau vs Cieng Nyajani) killed estimated to be (700-1,000) lives. 6) Currently; he has lost hope and wanted to go back to Killer Kiir without solving anything, were the Nuer people will ended up in hands of the ruthless Dinka forever, However, even the magnitude of destruction that happened to Nuer losing more than Twenty thousands in three days and more than 100,000 Nuer have caged up themselves voluntarily seeking protection under UNIMIS. Is it a war that someone could talk of? And to remind everyone that reason behind the friction of 2004, between the late Dr. John and the current president Kiir, was caused by Dinka-Nuer reconciliation, since the whole thing was an open secret to current Gen Kiir supported by his then governor of Bahr Al Gazel Nhial Deng Nhial. Both men disobeyed Dr. John, who had refused to issue a security clearance to Nuer chiefs and their people if they enter the SPLM territory. However; Kiir and then Governor had issued their own safety certificate to the Nuer people, against the wills of their leader. And that made all the different in reconciliation. The coming together of Dr. Riek and Dr. Garang, and their unexpected appearing in Washington DC, move that was meant to disarm the reformist project by falsifying before the USA state department the backer of the process that the people of South Sudan have come together, and no reason to continue with the process that would had not been possible, without Dr. Riek lonely rejoining Dr. Garang. That is the main cause behind the killing of our people today, on contrast Dr. Riek would had been the champion of the change if he could had read the equation correctly, by letting down then Dictator Dr. Garang. Unfortunately, both men were aware that they have aborted a genuine reunification that had help their people, while masquerading as liberators when lying to the God the creator of those poor people of South Sudan, whose lives have been played with by those evil and lunatic Doctors. There was no unity and Dr. Riek was betraying the Nuer people, since he was alone leaving behind more than 98% of his follower, to secure the pardon by desperate Dr. Garang who was in need of such plot to relief him of pressure, that he put on himself by choice. For the first time in the Nuer history, for them to see what had happed in last Dec. 15, 2013 that should be considered more devastated than the three recorded Nuer catastrophic events, started by of Kwug Gaw emigrations, known in Nuer (Che Jore Cie Kwog), Tang Kuany emigration (Ney Tang Kuang-Depany) and (Naang Door) Jule Bol where a big number of Nuer died of certain epidemic (chicken pork) but Dr. Riek destruction exceeded all combined. Therefore, we must not afford a single to be lost because of his lunatic and sadism. Again he knew that the Nuer were especially in the forced together by being targeted in the SPLA he cannot change as shame as he was by coming back a lone leaving behind half of SPLM. Desperate Dr. Garang who had struck mounted pressures internally, regionally and internationally, today too much pressure was mounting against SPLM now for blocking other voices and turning the whole thing to be SPLM own affairs where the common interest which is stealing corruption no democratic process will ever come alive for the last 20 years if Riek could be allowed to repeat the same process of 2002. There is more than sufficient evident the SPLM will block any genuine reform fearing persecutions would a change of guards will take place for the last 10 years he was there now they are projecting for another ten years yet to begin and because of magnitude of destruction and enmity we cannot legalize the SPLM for fifth times. Curriculum Vitae Name: Biel Torkech Rambang, born Jan.1, 1959 in Akobo County Jonglie State, South Sudan. Marital Status: Married to Mrs. Nyabedijuok Payiti Ayiik, from Shilluk Kingdom of Upper Nile, South Sudan. I have 4 children (2) girls and (2) boys Kimo, Manuela, Torkech and Bang respectively. Career Summary, Education and Qualifications 2013-current: transferred to Minnesota University in Minneapolis, faculty of design, majoring (Architecture) Civil engineering 2010-2012 Brooklyn Center (ITT) Institute/Tech student majoring computer programming 2006-2010 Promoted to the rank of Brig. Gen followed by assignment as a director of administration, SPLA Affairs South Sudan and then transferred to the SPLA GHQS in charge of the Operation Room, an assignment that I had had after scoring the highest marks as SPLA No. one General, in strategic planning and leadership training; where all 150 Gens attended that training. Until went back to USA to pursue my education in Minneapolis/ITT Tech. I worked under all three South Sudanese leaders for (24) years (8) years under each leader and know their strength and weakness, plus 6 years as an independent political activist.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 10:34:09 +0000

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