DRAFT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CANDIDATES Lanz Priestley Farming in - TopicsExpress


DRAFT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR CANDIDATES Lanz Priestley Farming in Australia - What EVERYONE needs to know Compiling at short notice a questionaire to be circulated to all Queensland Election candidates - please add your questions correctly framed to this document - piratepad.nl/aeZlfR78Z4 the questionaire blurb is here-- Dear Election Candidate: This questionaire is being circulated to all candidates to respond to in the leadup to the 2015 Queensland Election. Of course you may choose not to answer however this may reflect poorly in your electorate as the results of this survey will be widely circulated throughout Queensland in the final week of the campaign. For this reason I urge all candidates and sitting members seeking re-election to complete the survey and return it as quickly as possible. Should you choose not to answer any or all questions the default answer no response will be provided for you. This project is open sourced and not affiliated with any political party or organisation.Its results will be made available to all who ask. The production team wish you a successful campaign. AS THIS IS BEING PRODUCED BY AN OPEN SOURCED COMMUNITY PLEASE PUT QUESTIONS ON DOCUMENT NOT IN COMMENTS OF GROUP as people making the questionaire may never see it. please share widely esp in QueenslandWhat questions would you like to ask all Queensland Election Candidates? please add them here. We are compiling a database document which will be circulated to all Queensland election 2015 candidates. It will allow voters to have one place to go to find out what their candidates policies are. HELP US OUT BY CHECKING THAT THE QUESTION IS NOT ALREADY ON THE LIST- IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER FORM OF THE SAME QUESTION PLEASE POST UNDER THE ORIGINAL Will you honor ALL your election and subsequent pledges promises and commitments? Will you if necessary cross the floor against your party if your party policy is(or becomes) in breach of your electoral commitments? Do you commit to resigning from Parliament and facing prosecution if you are found to have breached your electoral promises? , tell the truth and maintain a transparent government and will you swear under oath to this and be prepared to face appropriate charges if not.l Will you tell the TRUTH and be TRANSPARENT on EVERYTHING in parliament if you are elected. And will you SWEAR on Oath to do this and face charges accordingly if Not? Will you commit to Truth and public transparency regarding all aspects of your role as an elected member? Will you support clean renewable energy in Qld in lieu of dirty coal and dangerous gas fracking? And will you SWEAR on Oath to do this and face charges accordingly if Not? Would you put ALL important questions to a referendum BEFORE committing Queenslanders? eg Any new mining that involves land ining, damage to water or water table. Will you support Building a casino and Cruise Terminal at the Spit Gold Coast Will you support Building a Cableway in the Hinterland of Gold Coast Will you support Privatisation of health industry? Will you support Closing public Schools? Will you support selling public schools? Do you support expanded public funding of public education? Do you support expanded public funding of private education? Make ALL political donations over say $1,000 reportable. Declare how much of the public money is spent on Party Politics - eg Campaigning for this election? Knocking down the old hospital in Southport? AND/OR Spending billions on building accom for athletes for Commonwealth Games and wrecking our showgrounds? Any major spending - say over $50,000 ANy wages/salaries for politicians BEFORE THE decision is made? And will you SWEAR on Oath to do this and face charges accordingly if Not? Will you support Qld being a part of a national curriculum rather than Qld own standard? - Further will you support Qld joining a National Tertiary Entry scoring system Australia wide-rather than Queensland changing the current system for QLd and starting a new separate one? We need to have the same education curriculum and grading Australia wide and Tertiary entry should be national so students can apply and attend any state universaity that offers the best relevant courses. Will you tell the TRUTH and be TRANSPARENT on EVERYTHING in parliament if you are elected. Will you support clean renesable energy in Qld in lieu of dirty coal and dangerous gas fracking? Would you put ALL important questions to a referendum BEFORE committing Queenslanders? eg Any new mining that involves land ining, damage to water or water table. Building a casino and Cruise Terminal At the SPit Gold Coast Building a Cableway in the Hinterland of GOld Coast Privatisation of health industry? Closing and/or Selling public Schools? Make ALL political donations over say $1,000 reportable. Declare how much of the pblic money is spent on Party Politics - eg Campaigning for this election? Knocking down the old hospital in Southport? AND/OR Spending billions on building accom for athletes for Commonwealth Games and wrecking our showgrounds? Any major spending - say over $50,000,000 ANy wages/salaries for politicians BEFORE THE decision is made? Would you STOP foreign ownership of land in Queensland upon your being elected to parliament? Will you make healthcare afforodable for people with Health Care Cards and Pensioner cards - by repealing the co-payment to Doctors, blood tests etc.? Would you begin investigations into the multinational companies who currently operate under franchises paying taxes in Australia for profits earned in Australia? Would you continue the Medicare Local and build it from what it is already rather than start up another separate entity? Would you hold a Royal Commission into the BANKS and their bullying and foreclosures on farms and other loans? WOuld you hold a Royal COmmission into the fuel prices? It has been promised before but nothing ever happens. Make service stations advertise their fuel prices on internet daily so customers have the same opportunity to purchase fuel at best pries... Would you be STOP the mining of coal in Qld NOW until we have a referendum or research it more. WOuld you make the wage rises across the board a $ amount in Queensland including public servants - NOT % increase as this causes the gaps we have now.... Would you STOP CSG mines in Qld NOW until we hold a referendum or do more research into the dangers of same. Would you guarantee to consult with the land owners BEFORE access is granted by mining companies? Would ou look at providing pensioners etc free taxi to hospital on the GOld Coast for example as car parking is very expensive. Will you promise to NO more GST or any GST on fresh foods. Please feel free to raise GST on put TAxes on luxury cars, boats etc. Will you hold an enquiry into the duopoly of Coles and Woolworths and the manner they treat farmers - bullying, setting prices, getting them to share advertising etc. Make the companies transparent and HONEST about their buying prices and associated costs. They should have to report to the ACCC with certified documents from farmers (50%+) that the figures are true. WOuld you promise not to app;y any more cuts to ABC or SBS? WIll you hold an enquiry into HALAL certification and STOP it so as not to add costs to us as consumers? Will you be willing to side with the majority in an area if people petition for a building not to be built or building changed useage, against a wealthy organisation? eg If a mosque is peritioned against in a particular area by a certain percentage of residents in that area then you will support the majority against the organisation? Would you STOP foreign ownership of land in Queensland upon your being elected to parliament? Would you begin investigations into the multinational companies who currently operate under franchises paying taxes in Australia for profits earned in Australia? Would you hold a Royal Commission into the BANKS and their bullying and foreclosures on farms and other loans? To bridge the gap between the RBA rate and the amounts charged by retails banks. The deposit/withdrawal time frame - ie when money is transferred from one account to another the times can take 3 days - YET the money transfer time is 2am every day - Banks hold the money for overnight money market and the customer deserves it. In 2000 money used to be transferred from Aus to UK in les than a minute - but not now - 14 years later.... Banks need to be regulated. and Rules/laws set by govt and monitored well. Would you be STOP the mining of coal in Qld NOW until we have a referendum or research it more. Would you STOP CSG mines in Qld NOW until we hold a referendum or do more research into the dangers of same. Would you guarantee to consult with the land owners BEFORE access is granted by mining companies? Will you promise to NO more GST or any GST on fresh foods. Please feel free to raise GST on put TAxes on luxury cars, boats etc. Will you hold an enquiry into the duopoly of Coles and Woolworths and the manner they treat farmers - bullying, setting prices, getting them to share advertising etc. Make the companies transparent and HONEST about their buying prices and associated costs. They should have to report to the ACCC with certified documents from farmers (50%+) that the figures are true. WIll you hold an enquiry into HALAL certification and STOP it so as not to add costs to us as consumers? Will you be willing to side with the majority in an area if people petition for a building not to be built or building changed useage, against a wealthy organisation? eg If a mosque is peritioned against in a particular area by a certain percentage of residents in that area then you will support the majority against the organisation? And will you SWEAR on Oath to do this and face charges accordingly if Not? Would you support a list of pedophiles for Qld if not available in other states - THis might push pedophiles out of our state. Would you support legal maijuana oil for special cases approved by medical staff? Would you support increasing funds into resarch for health and medicines and cures? Would you promise to name and shame anyone in your parliament for committing any wrongs and disclose same and follow through to prosecution. Will you hold a serious discussion/meeting to look at declaring the farming out west of our state as a state of emergency so as to get the army out there to help them repair fences, feed stock etc.,,,Also work on ways to prevent suicide in farming communities - currently one suicide every four days. Would you support raising funds to assist farmers dealing with the drought conidtions by buying stock food and emergency food, water and necessities URGENTLY Would you guarantee to train volunteers and cover them for H & S and Insurance as necessary so as to maintain volunteers in Queensland versus the proposed putting everyone on the payroll. Would you support building the volunteer base in Queensland as our residents age and h - and by giving people ave time on their hands. Would you research the methods of electronic voting for elections in Queensland - making us the Technology State - Most people have access to internet and do banking, medical claims, taxation, lodge BAS and very confidential transactions online so why not voting. If this was done it would be cheap, easy and quick to hold referndums and by giving people the option to vote in referendums YOU will have a true democratic government - One to be proud of - First to lead the way... Would you use common sense and consult with your constituents REGULARLY regarding their wishes and report back to your constituents asap. This could be part of the voting and referndum system. Would you review the earlier proposed water pipe linefrom the north to central Queensland and dams and possible desalination plants according to needs to open up the centre for agriculture. would you review methods of taxing on imports coming into Queensland increasing same to gather income into the coffers Would you support Food labelling of all foods produced i Queensland. Would you review the amount of food coming into Queensland through New Zealand after being processed in Asia? Labelling and checking H & S tandards? Would you review and STOP 457 Visa holders working in Queensland in lieu of Australians. If foreign workers are employed PROOF must be given by Centrelink in the area and employer that Australian workers were not available... Also review backpackers working in lieu of Australians. Would you STOP any boats, ships, ferries operating along the Queensland Coast until a study can prove to the Australian people that no damage will occur on our G B Reef - after referendum - WE would give Ok or not. Will you support climate change? Would you support a mining tax for Qld? Would you support a Carbon Tax and Carbon credit? WOuld you subsidise water tanks and solar panels? Would you support wind turbines and tidal power? Are you now, or have you ever been, Joh apologists? Will you repeal the VLAD laws?
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 06:19:22 +0000

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