DREAM AND ITS EFFECT: Dreams That We Dream Are Of Three Types 1. - TopicsExpress


DREAM AND ITS EFFECT: Dreams That We Dream Are Of Three Types 1. Strange dreams. 2. Premonition dreams. 3. Dreams those reflect real life. 1. Strange dreams : As is apparent from the name, these dreams are strange in nature and produce strange feelings in the dreamer. The sequences that are played in such kind of dreams have no connection with reality such as one can see in a dream, a person with four heads, sixteen hands or with huge mountain-like body. One might even see elephants flying in his dream. Such sequences have no connection with reality but still people experience them. Sequences can be even stranger than one might expect. 2. Premonition dreams: This category of dream can have two types- dreams that augur well, and dreams that augur ill. These are the most important kinds of dreams, which have long-lasting effect on our daily life. Sequences seen in these dreams like visiting temples and places of pilgrimage, sighting holy people and having their blessings and many such things, which are pleasant to us. Contrary to such sequences, one might see a woman clad in red or black sari taking someone towards the south. This type of sequences always augurs ill. Similarly, sighting of shooting stars and breaking shoes also indicate some mishap. 3. Dreams that show real thing : This type of dream also does not have much importance and materialise only rarely. These dreams however fulfil our incomplete desires. Such as for example, one might be desirous of becoming a king, so in his dream, he becomes a king. Similarly, a pretty girl might want to marry an extremely handsome man. So in her dreams, she sees herself becoming a queen. Effect of such dreams lasts as long as we are dreaming. Once the sleep is disturbed, these dreams and their effects also vanish altogether. TIMING OF THE DREAMS During the whole night’s sleep, a normal human being has five cycles of dreams. An insane person can have even more up to fifteen cycles of dreams. Even a normal person has a complete cargo of dreams if he is mentally disturbed or having physical ailment. There are five distinct timings of the dreams. These are - 1. First quarter of the night that lasts one and a half to two hours. 2. Second quarter of the night that also lasts about two hours. 3. Third quarter of the night that has duration of two hours. 4. Fourth quarter of the night. It overlaps with dawn. 5. Early morning. Experts and analysts of dreams believe that the dreams, which one has during the first quarter of the night, take one year to show their effect. Dreams of the second quarter manifest their effects within 8 to 10 months. Dreams of the third quarter materialise within 3 to 5 months whereas dreams, which one has during the fourth quarter or Brahma Muhurta, show their effects instantaneously or within a month. Dreams of early morning period are virtually ineffective for they are an outcome from state of half sleep. Auspicious dreams: Sighting of cow, elephant, cadaver, girls, silver utensils and ornaments, learned Brahmin, king, mourning in the home are considered as auspicious signs. Moon, a tree in full bloom, beautiful garden, idols of deity or great people, temple of Lord Shiva, oxen, chariot or other vehicle, lotus, white cloth, astrologer, cotton, dancing troupe and book in the dream is definitely an auspicious sign. Similarly, performing actions like touring through the places of pilgrimage, conquering enemies, riding a horse, bathing in sacred rivers and meeting ascetics in the dream also show auspicious sign. Apart from these sighting of divine objects, eating rice and curd, drinking sherbet and delivering lectures are also auspicious sign. Inauspicious dreams: Dreams in which one sights a shrivelled tree, ghost, giants, dried well, or pond, buffalo, owl, burning pyre, solar eclipse, accident etc. are definitely inauspicious. Similarly, wearing black or red clothes, getting insulted, swallowing snake, eating meat, roaming with empty vessel, sticking of mud on the body, getting stuck in the mud and riding camel, buffalo, or ass are inauspicious signs. Apart from these, sequences like theft of precious metal and gems, abduction of wife, theft of shoes, sighting of shooting stars, drinking oil or ghee, sighting bandwagon and marriage procession as well as sighting honey bees in the courtyard, getting touched by a physician or a handicapped person etc. are extremely inauspicious signs that our dreams might show us. INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS Dream world is indeed marvellous. No one can fathom it. Million kinds of sequences appear in the dream but still these seem to be unending. Some of these sequences do have definite indication but most of them are meaningless. It is not possible to interpret all the sequences that more than six billion people of the world see in their dreams nor it is possible to count all these sequences. Broadly, the dream sequences can be divided into certain heads. Each of them has their own indication. All other sequences have more or less similar indications provided that they bear resemblance with these major sequences listed below - 1. Sighting of great people. 2. Sighting of temples and places of pilgrimage. 3. Sighting of holy objects and auspicious events. 4. Sighting of unholy objects and inauspicious events. 5. Sighting of violent animals. 6. Sighting of holy animals. 7. Sighting of strange looking people. 8. Sighting of strange events. 9. Sighting of losing and finding something. 10. Sighting of people dead long ago. These are major types of sequences one usually sees in his dreams. All the other types of sequences revolve around these major types and hence have more or less similar effects. While going through the current discussion, you will come to learn a great deal of things about the omens related to the dreams. If you have a dream that augurs well, we advise you not to sleep again after having that dream in order to have its complete effect. Likewise, if you have an inauspicious dream, fall asleep again to minimise.... astrobhriguvision/dreams.php
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 05:19:14 +0000

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