DREAM OF WORLD EMPIRES DANIEL CHAPTER 2 This chapter demonstrates that Daniel was truly a Prophet of God and this made him famous in the land of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar was given a disturbing dream he forgot and did not understand. The Magicians, Astrologers, the sorcerers and the Chaldeans were given the task of, first revealing the dream and secondly interpret the dream. If the king remembered the dream, they would have given him a wrong interpretation. This was God’s design to bring out Daniel and his colleagues. in spite of the King’s promises the Magicians Astrologers and the Chaldeans had concluded that nobody could reveal such a secret. The real purpose of the dream was to help the king understand two things, first, that there is a God in Heaven who reveals secret that the wise men of any category cannot unveil except directly from God and second, to show the king what was to take place in the latter days. It was when Daniel and his fellows were sought to be killed after the wise men of failed, that he (Daniel) approached Arioch the captain of the King’s guard, and requested for time so as to seek God for the solution. God reveals his deep things to His people, the understanding of the end time is reveal to God’s people. Jesus Christ said Luke 10:21 that these things are hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed unto babes. It is the reason why the so called great men may not have the understanding of the book of Revelation and Daniel. Please read Daniel Chapter 2 verses 32-45 to see the king’s dream and Daniels interpretation Daniel was able to tell the king’s dream and subsequently gave the interpretation. He was able to identify that the structure of the images represents different kingdoms starting from the Kingdom of Babylon. Observe that he did not predict what the other kingdoms were to be. We now have the privilege to know correctly the interpretation of this dream because we know all the kingdoms that arose after the Babylonian kingdom. 1. Babylonian Kingdom represented by the head of Gold, ruled the world from 605B.C. to 538 B.C. 2. Medo-Persian empire represented by the breast and arm of silver ruled from 538 B.C. to 331B.C 3. Greace represented by the belly and thighs of brass ruled from 331 B.C to 168 B.C 4. Roman Emipe is represented by the legs of iron which will split into the 10 toes of a mixture of iron and clay. These 10 toes are kingdoms under the Western Roman Empire that wanted to come back as one but were unable. Rome was divided into 10 kingdoms between A.D 351-and A.D 476. Alemanni (Germany) Franks (France) Burgundians (Switzerland) Suevi (Portugal) Anglo-Saxons (England) Visigoths (Spain) Lombards (Italy). Others are Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths. Verses 45 and 46 talks about the intervention of God, when Christ returns to earth to bring everlasting peace. This dream to King Nebuchadnezzar is a summary of the Prophesies of Daniel and John.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 04:37:59 +0000

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