DS People Development Week session on Networking with Rozano, - TopicsExpress


DS People Development Week session on Networking with Rozano, Rafidah Jumal & Vicky Lee Why Networking? 1. Social networking. Everyone does that. Via Facebook etc. 2. Operational networking, usually during work. 3. Strategic networking. Looking beyond operational networking. More for personal development. Principles: 1. Be genuine and earnest. Not just limited to work. Rozanos story of networking within the Harley Davidson riding group in Houston. 2. Do not easily get tired. Sustain the energy, be reminded of the greater goal. Think of enriching the relationship rather than only seeking to extract. Give. Give more than you take. 3. Network with just about anyone who is with the company from staff to cleaners and guards. From all these wide range of people, you will obtain a good perspective of the entire organisation. This will help problem resolution. 4. Find interaction opportunities. Even for non-golfers, can still be part of the discussion e.g at the halfway hut, or the 19th hole at the club house. 5. Dont be too hung up on the objectives of a particular network being established. Know that there are other means as well, e.g. in rising through the ranks. Gotta perform on the job as well. 6. Invest time in growing and sustaining the networking relationship. However, choose where/which network to spend that time. 7. It is a journey, having ups and downs. It is a means to help you seek future success. How to get started? For newbies: 1. Follow the principles. Dont be over cautious on what can or cannot be said or asked. 2. Asking open questions always help. 3. Humility helps to strengthen the inital contact. Requests for clarity and being open on own ignorance helps. 4. Be aware of stakeholders of a job. Identify who can help and get connected. Rozanos story of a senior mgr in the Harley group who had long hair whose actual hobby was wood carving after the inital chat. Later on the guy could not stop talking about wood carving. Learning point: appearances may be deceiving. Being open helps others to also open up. Virtual networking: 1. Nothing beats face to face interaction. If there is a chance spend for that 30min session. 2. Use a style that works during virtual telecons. Shoot the breeze (talk non-work stuff) before starting the actual work discussion. Might need to adjust opening line depending on the person. Example in Malaysia you can ask sudah makan? While in London you ask about the weather. The best networking are those formed on the basis of nothing related to work. How to remember? Memories last longer when it is associated with emotion. Also when you are genuinely interested in the person. Vice versa, think of how you want to be remembered by people you network with. Connecting with bosses: 1. If there is no chemistry, basic interaction will suffice until the point of establishing trust with each other. Start giving - you get what you give 2. If there is chemistry you can then expand almost immediately. Meeting with bosses 2 levels up: 1. If a scheduled GTKY you can prepare with your own boss. He would want to make sure you do not screw things up. 2. If unscheduled i.e. a chance meeting what helps is a general understanding of things happening in the company which will help as a conversation starter. Career charting and networking: If you see an OR (job opening) that is interesting, get connected with the hiring manager and tell them you would like to know more on the job and indicate interest for opening further down the road. Networking: It starts with you
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 05:31:51 +0000

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