DSOUZA TAKES DOWN THREE MSNBC PROGS WHO THINK OBAMA AND HILARY ARE VERY CENTRIST Burke (2014) Best-selling author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza took on three leftists on Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Ed Show” with guest host Michael Eric Dyson. As he does in the book and film by the same name, America: Imagine the World Without Her, D’Souza destroys the progressive/communist/liberal/democrat/socialist narrative that the United States is a force for evil in the world. Hilariously, leftist MSNBC panelists Zerlina Maxwell and Eric Boehlert weakly attempted to argue that somehow Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were “very centrist” politicians. Of course, they had no evidence whatsoever to back-up their ridiculous contention. D’Souza, on the other hand, backed up his articulate argument with facts and reason, pointing out both Clinton and Obama have a long history in radical America-hating Marxist Saul Alinsky’s ideology, an assertion the panel didn’t even attempt to refute. The blame-America-first MSNBC panel also debate slavery and conquest with D’Souza, claiming that America’s version of slavery was much worse than slavery that has existed throughout the rest of the world since the beginning of mankind. “Slavery was a universal institution,” D’Souza responded. “But only one nation, America, fought a war to end it,” he continued, referring to the estimated 500,000 to 600,000 who died fighting the war that ended slavery, the Civil War. When asked by Dyson, who D’Souza also interviews in America, how he responded to the “theft and pillage narrative of America’s history,” D’Souza answered: “Well, first of all, you have to remember, the ethic of conquest, the idea that you get land by grabbing it from someone else has been occurring since the dawn of mankind,” giving several specific examples of several native American tribes who often conquered land from other tribes, long before America’s founding.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:41:23 +0000

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