DURING PRAYER AND WORSHIP THE THRONE OF ALMIGHTY GOD APPEARED BEFORE MEI SAW GREAT COMPANYS OF ANGELS REPORTING, DESCENDING AND ASCENDING UNTO HIM WHO SITS ON THE THRONE FOREVER AMEN: SPOKEN UNDER THE ANOINTING OF THE RUACH HA KODESH/ HOLYSPIRIT! 9:25pm.3/6/14. ABBA YAHUVEH SPAKE THIS UNTO ME MY FAITHFUL MESSENGER WRITE THIS DOWN LISTEN WELL TO THE WORDS WHICH I SPEAK UNTO THEE SHARE THIS MESSAGE UNTO MY CHILDREN/BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH MY CHILDREN HAS IAM SEATED ON MY THRONE IN THE HEAVENLIES IAM SENDING YOU THIS LETTER OF LOVE AND COMPASSION... MY CHILDREN Just as MY SON YAHUSHUA/JESUS CHRIST rose from the dead on the 3rd day, so will He reveal Himself on the third day, after 3days of darkness that is coming soon apon the earth, at His Second Coming which is in the final stage of preparation. I desire you MY Children be aware of these 3 days of darkness which I YAHUVEH THE ETERNAL FATHER ALMIGHTY HAS CONFIRMED with THINE HOLY PROPHETS AND HANDMAIDIENS All through out all over the world, so that you do not fear not for it is the DAYS OF REDEMPTION THAT DRAWETH NIGH UNTO YOU!!! I YAHUVEH YOUR CREATOR ASK YOU THIS QESTION! IS YOUR LAMPS EMTY WITHOUT OIL OR IS IT FULL WITH OIL??? Your Lamps will provide the only light permitted by ME, to allow those who love ME to see and to await, with great Joy and Gladness, THE ARRIVAL OF MY BELOVETH SON YAHUSHUA IS SOON COMINGI HAVE SET A DATE UNKNOWN TO MANKIND BUT I SAY THIS UNTO YOU BELOVED CHILDREN OF MINES IT IS VERY SOON THERE ARE ALOT OF SIGNS IAM SENDING TO earth..THOSE WITH EYES TO SEE LET THEM SEE... Be not afraid of MY Love for you or the Power that I wield, as it is for your own good that I permit all events to take place in the days leading up to the Great Day which is approuching. IT IS TIME I RECIEVE MY CHILDREN UNTO ME.ALL IS PREPARED FOR YOUR RETURN TO YOUR RIGHTFULL HOME HEAVEN I YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH AWAITS TO HOLD YOU IN MY LOVING ARMS AND EMBRACE YOU WITH MY LOVE AND COMPASSION. I permit MY enemies to roam the Earthin these endtimes I permit the destroyers to deceive man, for this is how I will test the faith and Hearts of those who called themselves MINESwho have been Blessed with the Truth. But know this Children Those who betray the Word of God will be cast out into the wildernessThose who strike out and try to punish MY sacred ELECTS, who Loves MY SON YAHUSHUA, will be punished harshly for coming against MY CHOSEN VESSELS WHICH I HAVE ODAINEDMY PRECIOUS JEWELS AND GEMS WHO SPEAKS TRUTH AND DO NOT COMPROMISE WITH THE servants of satan. I will permit the weak and those who are easily led to be deceived, so that they will understand and believe – when MY Prophecies, given to MY MESSENGERS, come to pass Thou shalt Know That IS I YAHUVEH ALMIGHTY HAVE SPOKEN THUS THAT THEY WILL COME TO REPENTANCE and seek ME out with all their Hearts... Children, I AM preparing you right now to receive MY BELOVETH SON YAHUSHUA, so that MY WILL is done and you will live, within MY HOLY Realm, as you were born and Ordained to. The world you live in is tarnished and wicked, because of the evil one and his influences. The Earth is plagued by sin, at this time more than ever before in history 10 times worse than in Sodom and Gormora times, and sin will now escalate, which each one of you, with true faith, will bear witness to!! You will need to be reminded of the Truth each day from today for without it, you will wander and become lost... Very few of you will reject the new one world church order and so MY Intervention will be Swifted and Quickly it will be Done. I will pull you towards ME every step of the way and keep you uplifted YOU ARE MINES I LOVE YOU AND I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU AS IT IS WRITTEN , and I will rescue your souls by whatever means I choose, rather than lose you to MY enemies... I desire that you look kindly upon those who fight against MY SON YAHUSHUAPRAY PRAY PRAY WITHOUT CEASEING IAM WITH YOU ALWAYS CALL APON ME AND I WILL ANSWERYOU. MY SON YAHUSHUA/ JESUS CHRIST Mission is to prepare the world for His Second ComingWHICH IS VERY IMMINENT NOW!!!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 04:04:25 +0000

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