DURING THE 47th GATHERING OF THE TRIBES WE WILL CONTINUE THE THEME OF PROTECTING THE WATERS OF THE WORLD On 15th of March, 2014, thousands of pagans all around the globe will gather together to form a world ritual. The objective? To bless, heal and protect the waters of the world from fracking and other Pollutions – hence the event’s name: “Waters of the World”. During the 47th Gathering of the Tribes we will continue this theme with a protection Ritual for all the Waters of the World. Water is the sacred wellspring of life. Without it, this world would be nothing but an empty rock. We cannot allow Industrial pollution including fracking to destroy that which keeps us alive. The March event can be found on Facebook here: https://facebook/events/501317586644153 For instructions on how to take part in this world ritual, please go here: warriorscall.org/archives/631 This global event is *all* about creating something out of nothing. Dont wait around for someone else to create a ceremony for you: Get out there and get involved. Lifes for living, not for watching! If you plan to hold a Water protection ritual, please get back to the e-mail listed next with a location and some details about your plans, so you can be added to the list. The e-mail address for this event is: [email protected] Mother Earth is being attacked like never before - are you brave enough to heed the Warriors Call and defend her in the sacred shield wall? Join this global wave of magickal activity if you are, and let’s make this latest international pagan event the biggest yet. The primary sponsor for the Waters of the World event is The Warrior’s Call – pagans united against fracking. The Warrior’s Call is a UK based coalition of pagan anti-fracking groups. Fracking is threatening to turn Britain’s sacred springs and wells toxic. Places such as Chalice Well in Glastonbury are under direct threat of being desecrated by this highly destructive drilling technology. It is vitally important that these places of power are *not* allowed to be destroyed. If you wish to protect Britain’s ancient sacred sites, then please donate here: igg.me/at/warriorscall For more information about what fracking is, please go here: warriorscall.org/what-is-fracking For more information about why you should be concerned about fracking, please go here: warriorscall.org/why-the-concern For more information about the Warrior’s Call, please check out the Facebook page: facebook/sacredshieldwall And the website: warriorscall.org
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:43:51 +0000

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