DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES It might be argued, as the modernists do, - TopicsExpress


DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES It might be argued, as the modernists do, that there is no need for a ladder of angels leading from earth to heaven as Jacob saw in his dream. God could well accomplish his purposes by other means. But Jehovah God simply has not chosen to do so. He also could have created everything himself, even as by himself he brought forth his only-begotten Son, the Word, later to be known as Jesus Christ. But God chose to let his Son serve as the active agent in the creation of all other creatures and things, thereby giving his Son much pleasure as well as receiving joy himself as he noted his Son’s dutiful course. (Prov. 8:22-30) This wise course Jehovah also pursued with the angels. They are not indispensable, but God has seen fit to create them for the purpose of giving them happiness and to serve his purposes in carrying out his will for them. For one thing, angels are shown as ministering to God: “There were a thousand thousands that kept ministering to him.” Repeatedly they are pictured as being in his presence: “Seraphs were standing above him.” “I heard a voice of many angels around the throne.” Often they were sent to bring good news to man, thus serving as evangelists, as when they announced the birth of the Savior. God used angels to communicate his will to such of his servants as Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Peter, Paul and others. And in that their messages became part of God’s written Word, they contributed toward the writing of the Bible.—Dan. 7:10; Isa. 6:2; Rev. 5:11; Luke 2:13. Note also God’s use of angels in the life of Jesus. Angels announced his conception and birth. They ministered to him after his forty-day fast and strengthened him in his final trial. When the mob came to arrest him, twelve legions of angels were at his call had he chosen to ask for them. Angels also announced his resurrection and were present at his ascension into heaven.—Matt. 4:11; Luke 22:43; Matt. 26:53; 28:5-7; Acts 1:10, 11. Angels are further shown as accompanying Jesus Christ when he comes for judgment, separating the wheat from the weeds and the sheep from the goats. Angels joined with Michael in his war on the dragon and his demons at the time of the birth of God’s kingdom in heaven. They will also support Michael in fighting the war of the great day of God the Almighty, Armageddon, even as in times of old they were used by Jehovah God to execute the wicked.—Matt. 13:41; 25:31; Rev. 12:7-10; 16:14, 16; 19:14. And finally, God’s spirit messengers minister to his servants on earth today, which is a most comforting thought: “Are they not all spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation?” “Do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always have access to my Father who is in heaven.” Not necessarily that each one of God’s faithful servants has an angel assigned to him; but that one angel is assigned to a number of God’s servants on earth.—Heb. 1:14; Matt. 18:10. Yes, “the angel of Jehovah is encamping all around those fearing him and he rescues them.” “He will give his own angels a command concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.” True, angels do not appear visibly the way they did to the apostles to deliver them from prison and the way one appeared to Paul when he was shipwrecked. But we may rest assured that, regardless of the odds against us, regardless of how many foes press in upon us, had we spiritual vision we could see surrounding and protecting us armies of God’s spirit messengers, even as they protectingly surrounded the prophet Elisha and his servant when the king of Syria dispatched a heavy military force, including horses and war chariots, to capture Elisha.—Ps. 34:7; 91:11; Acts 5:19; 12:7; 27:23; 2 Ki. 6:13-17. Truly, what God’s Word has to say about his spirit messengers, the angels, is both enlightening and faith-strengthening. Oh the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are!—Romans 11:33.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:21:14 +0000

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