DVDs to watch: Islam: What The West Needs To Know Obsession: - TopicsExpress


DVDs to watch: Islam: What The West Needs To Know Obsession: Radical Islams War Against the West These DVDs are not only good for your own education, they are an excellent way to introduce the ideas to your fellow westerners. After youve watched them a couple of times, start loaning them out to friends. Keep them in circulation. Buy several copies if you need to. You can stop the spread of the memes that make the West defenseless only by having a sufficient amount of knowledge. When you hear someone imply that the United States brought the terrorists into existence with their bad foreign policy, how will you answer? One possible way to bring the whole thing into perspective is to give a brief history of jihad. During the last great jihad, Islamic forces conquered Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Serbia, and they were at the Gates of Vienna in Austria in 1683, when their forces were finally defeated. In other words, they were violently attacking and defeating westerners (non-Muslims) before the United States had even been created. This is not to say some of the United States foreign policies have left much to be desired. But the Islamic memeplex has a longer history and has merely used political mistakes as a pretext to engage in warfare, as they have since the beginning. If you dont know any of this, it would be easy to see things as the terrorists want you to see them, and in fact, many westerners have bought the pretexts hook, line, and sinker. Study that material, and start right away. The Islamic memeplex is out to take away freedoms and human rights. After millions of people have fought against tyranny and died to gain the rights and freedoms we enjoy today, here comes a pernicious memepex to take them away. And the Islamic memeplex could realistically succeed with terrifying brilliance. Take action today. With every new understanding you have, and with every new certainty and clarity you gain, you will feel more bold in speaking up, and speaking up is exactly what you must do to fight a war of memes.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 05:24:11 +0000

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