DaRell Guess lets imagine together. There are 30 people in - TopicsExpress


DaRell Guess lets imagine together. There are 30 people in three groups and they are set to run a race. The groups are divided by color. There are 15 girls and 15 boys. First group is green. It has 1 boy and 9 girls. Second group is yellow and it has 5 girls and 5 boys. Third group is red and it has 9 boys and 1 girl. They run several races. In every race...the green group wins. Wins by a huge margin. In fact...the green group often finished the race before the red group took a step. The yellow group was also way behind the green group but at least always finished the race. The red group never finished the race...fought with each other in their frustration....tried to throw things at the yellow group because of their frustration and were constantly set back. Officials took a closer look and saw that each group started the race at different places. The green group was well trained, well fed. healthy, and only had to run a few feet to the finish line. The yellow group had been kept in a decent hotel, fed well the weeks before, relatively fit and trained and they had to run ten miles to the finish line. Their track had some obstacles but they were easily traversed and everyone in the group finished well. There were volunteers on the sidelines to offer them water and aid around the obstacles and trainers to warn them and coach them through the entire race. The red group had to sleep outside on the ground for the days that the other groups were running their tracks. They were ill, cold, hungry, and untrained. They injured themselves while warming up, they were so ill equipped. Their track was a thousand miles to the finish line and they were made to carry all of their relatives who had failed this race before. They were barefoot and the track was covered in spikes and broken glass. When the announcers and news channels reported the results of the races . They did not see the did not see the color of the teams. They judged them by gender. Boys are losers, weak,and poor sportsman with their attitude about their defeat, and would make a poor choice for team mates. Boys are inferior. The one boy in the first group was constantly eyed with suspicion. He must have cheated to be such a winner. The boys in the second group, dressed like girls and trained daily because they really believed there was a chance to catch up to the winning group...and they definitely did not want to look anything like the red group. The girls in both groups congratulated them on how great it was that they had managed to look so different from the rest of the boys. They were never going to win a race...but at least they were tolerable. The girls in their group often gathered together and talked about how the boys were holding them back and tried to come up with rules that would separate them..because they honestly believed that they would do as well as the first group...if only they could shed the loser boys. All any had to do was look at the red group to see what a loss they were. That is what happens when we judge crime rates and other things by race instead of economic levels.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:38:20 +0000

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